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The TPE’s and You A Guide to Academic Success and Pedagogical Accomplishment.

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Presentation on theme: "The TPE’s and You A Guide to Academic Success and Pedagogical Accomplishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 The TPE’s and You A Guide to Academic Success and Pedagogical Accomplishment

2 What are the TPE’s and who cares? ► First and foremost, the TPE’s are guides to teaching to the standards ► Always start with the standard(s) to be taught ► “What do the TPE’s tell me about how best to teach this standard?”

3 What are the TPE’s and who cares? ► TPE stands for Teacher Performance Expectation ► Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Preparation Programs ► Standards for teacher performance  For academic performance in your Methods classes  For teaching performance in your placement

4 Examples ► 1B: Subject-Specific Pedagogical Skills for Single Subject Teaching Assignments  Translate this phrase into clear, precise English

5 1B for History-Social Science ► Candidates for a Single Subject Teaching Credential in History-Social Science demonstrate the ability to teach the state- adopted academic content standards for students in history-social science (Grades 7- 12).  Translate this sentence

6 1B for H-SS, con’t ► They enable students to learn and use analytic thinking skills in history and social science while attaining the state-adopted academic content standards for their students.  Translate this sentence

7 1B for H-SS, con’t ► They use timelines and maps to reinforce students’ sense of temporal and spatial scale.  Translate this sentence

8 1B for H-SS, con’t ► Candidates teach students how social science concepts and themes provide insights into historical periods and cultures.  Translate this sentence

9 1B for H-SS, con’t ► They help students understand events and periods from multiple perspectives by using simulations, case studies, cultural artifacts, works of art and literature, cooperative projects, and student research activities.  Translate this sentence

10 1B for H-SS, con’t ► Candidates connect essential facts and information to broad themes, concepts and principles, and they relate history-social science content to current or future issues.  Translate this sentence

11 Broad Areas of the TPE’s ► A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible  TPE’s 1, 1A, 1B

12 Broad Areas of the TPE’s ► B: Assessing Student Learning  TPE’s 2 and 3

13 Broad Areas of the TPE’s ► C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning ► TPE’s 4, 5, 6, and 7

14 Broad Areas of the TPE’s ► D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students  TPE’s 8 and 9

15 Broad Areas of the TPE’s ► E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning  TPE’s 10 and 11

16 Broad Areas of the TPE’s ► F: Developing as a Professional Educator  TPE’s 12 and 13

17 Broad Areas of the TPE’s ► A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible ► B: Assessing Student Learning ► C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning ► D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students ► E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning ► F: Developing as a Professional Educator

18 The TPE’s and Methods Classes ► You will have assignments this semester which will ask you to demonstrate your understanding of most of the TPE’s  1B531  3532  5530  7532  8530  9531  11530  12530

19 Or, to look at it the other way ► 5305, 8, 11, and 12 ► 5311B and 9 ► 5323, 7, and 8

20 The TPE’s and Student Teaching ► Your work in your placement will be evaluated in terms of the TPE’s ► Both your Supervisor and your Cooperating Teacher will indicate your level of success with each of the TPE’s on Midterm and Final Evaluation forms  “Not Observed,” “Improvement Needed,” or “Beginning Practice”

21 Your Mission ► First, read and parse all the TPE’s ► Language is dense, packed ► To understand them, you must unpack them ► You will have an assignment to do this for 1B and 9 in EDTP 531 ► You should do it for all the TPE’s

22 Your Mission, con’t ► Second, make it a habit to think of the TPE’s in terms of teaching to the standards ► Do not think of the TPE’s as mere techniques separate from teaching to the standards ► Think of the TPE’s as guides to teaching to the standards to diverse student populations

23 Your Mission, con’t ► Third, start thinking about specific standards in your discipline and how a specific TPE would apply

24 Your Mission, con’t ► Fourth, think about how the TPE’s interrelate ► How does, for example, TPE 3 --- Interpretation and Use of Assessments relate to TPE 9 --- Instructional Planning?

25 Conclusion ► TPE’s written in bureaucratic language ► Despite this, they are excellent guides to teaching to the standards ► And teaching to the standards to diverse student populations ► Learn them ► Love them ► Live them

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