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Internet2 Technology Update Eric Boyd Deputy Technology Officer Internet2 TIP 2008 January 21, 2008 Honolulu, HI.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet2 Technology Update Eric Boyd Deputy Technology Officer Internet2 TIP 2008 January 21, 2008 Honolulu, HI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet2 Technology Update Eric Boyd Deputy Technology Officer Internet2 TIP 2008 January 21, 2008 Honolulu, HI

2 About Internet2 Internet2 is the foremost U.S. advanced networking consortium. Led by the research and education community since 1996, Internet2 promotes the missions of its members by providing both leading- edge network capabilities and unique partnership opportunities that together facilitate the development, deployment and use of revolutionary Internet technologies. By bringing research and academia together with technology leaders from industry, government and the international community, Internet2 promotes collaboration and innovation that has a fundamental impact on the future of the Internet.

3 Internet2 Overview Internet2 is the foremost U.S. advanced networking consortium. Led by the research and education community since 1996, Internet2 promotes the missions of its members by providing both leading- edge network capabilities and unique partnership opportunities that together facilitate the development, deployment and use of revolutionary Internet technologies. By bringing research and academia together with technology leaders from industry, government and the international community, Internet2 promotes collaboration and innovation that has a fundamental impact on the future of the Internet.

4 Interdomain Dynamic Circuits at SC 07

5 DCN Demos at SC 07

6 perfSONAR Monitoring of DCN Demos at SC 07

7 perfSONAR Monitoring at SC 07

8 Phoebus Depot Phoebus initiated Control Plane Connection #7 GEANT2: Phoebus (DCN) Demo IP Connection Phoebus file transfer capability over 1 GigE between the US and HEAnet and the US and PIONIER, where intermediate Phoebus adaptation points leverage DCN capabilities to improve performance over long-haul, low-loss backbone networks. AutoBAHN: GEANT2’s Automated Bandwidth Allocation across Heterogeneous Networks HEAnet: Ireland’s Higher Education Authority Network GRNET: Greek Research and Technology Network PIONIER: Polish Optical Internet SCinet Internet2 DCN GEANT2-TEST AutoBAHN Ireland HEAnet Host Poland PIONIER Greece GRNET NYSERNet Physical Network Host Internet2 (booth) Host Logical Network Host NYSERNet Host HEAnet Host PIONIER Host GRNET Host-to-Host Connection through Phoebus Internet2 booth


10 perfSONAR visualization of DCN Infrastructure

11 DCN GOLEs: Exchange Points for Dynamic Circuits

12 Network CI Components Network Performance Infrastructure / Tools Middleware Control Plane …. Bulk Transport 2-Way Interactive Video Real-Time Communications Applications Applications call on Network Cyberinfrastructure …. Phoebus Network Cyberinfrastructure Measurement Nodes Control Plane Nodes

13 Internet2 Network CI Software Dynamic Circuit Control Infrastructure DRAGON (with ISI, MAX) Oscars (with ESnet) Middleware (Federated trust Infrastructure) Shibboleth Signet Grouper Comanage Performance Monitoring Infrastructure perfSONAR (with ESnet, GEANT2 JRA1, RNP, many others) BWCTL, NDT, OWAMP, Thrulay Distributed System Infrastructure Topology Service (with University of Delaware) Distributed Lookup Service (with University of Delaware, PSNC)

14 Challenges How do we “facilitate the development, deployment and use of revolutionary Internet technologies?” How do we “promote collaboration and innovation that has a fundamental impact on the future of the Internet?”

15 Technology Vision Meeting those challenges requires two general courses of action: Advance the technology Expand the reach of the technology There are many directions possible for both technical challenges Question for the community: how much emphasis on each direction for each challenge?

16 Advancing the Technology

17 Software Enhancements DCN Software Suite v0.2 Released perfSONAR-PS Beta released Ongoing improvements in BWCTL, CoManage, Grouper, NDT, OWAMP, Phoebus, Shibboleth, Signet, etc.

18 Standards Development Dynamic Circuit Control Protocol (IDC) DICE-Control, GLIF Measurement Schema / Protocol OGF NMWG IETF IPPM perfSONAR Consortium Middleware Arena Liberty Alliance OASIS Possible emerging corporate consortium Topology Schema / Protocol OGF NML-WG perfSONAR Consortium DICE-Control

19 Common Services Measurement MOUs and Databases International Regional Dynamic Circuit Exchange Points International Regional Common Components AAA Discovery Topology

20 Deployment Growth DCN Internet2 DCN Network Growing the number of connectors Growing the number of users Growing the number of applications LamdaStation, Phoebus, Terapaths Growing the number of DCNs perfSONAR Internet2 Observatory Growing the number of deployments (LHC) Growing the number of applications

21 Support & Training Support Documentation Ease of Installation Self-Supporting Communities Absent: Team of Network Gurus Training Dynamic Circuit Network Workshops Network Performance Workshops

22 Expanding the Audience

23 Demos Show what’s possible Expand the feature set Build partnerships Recent DCN / perfSONAR Demos: FMM: Internet2 DCN with static circuits; Internet2 Observatory SC: Provision dynamic circuits across multiple heterogeneous DCNs; multiple perfSONAR deployments JT: GOLE: DCN Exchange Point; multiple perfSONAR deployments Future: Multiple GOLEs; perfSONAR integrated into LHC application community

24 Internet2 Network Be an exemplar Internet2 Dynamic Circuit Network Supports provisioning of dynamic circuits across the backbone Working on NOC support Internet2 Observatory Regular monitoring of the backbone Make data available to researchers Be a participant in E2E path Contribute to the movement of large amounts of data Contribute to debugging of E2E problems

25 Campus, Regional, and Partner Networks Expand the reach of the technology Cover more sections of the E2E path Encompass the diversity of local requirements Be an exemplar for the “regular Internet”

26 Virtual Organizations Target specific VOs LHC (Atlas and CMS) Future work with eVLBI, LIGO, etc. Implicitly target a complex, finite set Networks Users

27 Challenges How do we “facilitate the development, deployment and use of revolutionary Internet technologies?” How do we “promote collaboration and innovation that has a fundamental impact on the future of the Internet?”

28 Internet2’s CI Vision Internet2’s CI vision: Be a networking cyber-service provider Be a trust cyber-service provider Be a CI technology developer.

29 Internet2’s CI Position Internet2’s position: Backbone network provider Federated trust infrastructure provider Forum for collaboration by members of the R&E community Gives Internet2 a unique vision and strategy for Cyberinfrastructure.

30 Internet2’s CI Constituencies Collaborators University Members Regional Networks Regional CI Organizations High Performance Computing Centers Federal Partners International Partners CI Integrators

31 Early Thoughts: Internet2’s CI Strategy (1) Requirements Informed by our membership Agenda set by our governance mechanisms Offer, and in some cases develop, services and technology that are key components of a coherent CI software suite. CI-enhanced Networks: IP Network, Dynamic Circuit Network Services: InCommon, USHER New Technologies: DCN software, perfSONAR, Shibboleth Systems Integration: Assemble open source communication tools into a common veneer. Emphasize a systems approach towards CI.

32 Early Thoughts: Internet2’s CI Strategy (2) Take a “toolkit” approach Make sure it still looks like a wall jack to end user Push for best practices for campuses What to do How to do it Community learns as a whole / avoid reinventing the wheel Contribute to the support structure for use of CI Open source CI software Centers of Excellence Training

33 Early Thoughts: Internet2’s CI Strategy (3) Play the role of community CI coordinator, convening community conversations. Partner with other community coordinators (e.g. Teragrid, EDUCAUSE). Play a convening function in order to facilitate the development, use, and dissemination of CI Take a lead in international outreach efforts Facilitate conversations among various federal agencies (e.g. DOE, NSF, NIH), each of which is developing its own CI


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