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Published byJasmin Mangin Modified over 10 years ago
ETUCE response to the EU VET policy VET in Lifelong Learning – the role of the teacher trade unions ETUI-ETUCE Seminar, Vilnius 30 March 2011
1. ETUCE Activities 2. ETUCE response on EU VET policy 3. Future ETUCE activities on VET
1. ETUCE Activities
THE ETUCE Established in 1975 Since November 2010: European Region of the Education International Represents 12.8 million teachers in Europe, 135 teacher’s organisations In the EU: 5.5 million teachers of 110 trade unions All levels of education
THE ETUCE 1. 1. Represent the interest of teachers at the EU Institutions and at the Council of Europe supporting teachers to strive for appropriate working conditions 2. Promote high quality education for all in Europe 3. Social Dialogue at EU level with employers
ETUCE SECRETARIAT ETUCE SECRETARIAT European Director Martin Romer Working conditions, Social dialogue: David Poissonneau + 1 intern Health and Safety, ICT, Projects, Equality: Susan Flocken + 1 intern Education policy, Gender issues, Professional Qualification: Agnes Roman + 1 intern Professional Assistants Danielle Verschueren Isabelle Vanden Bemden
TASKS 1 SOCIAL DIALOGUE (1) TASKS 1 SOCIAL DIALOGUE (1) European Sectoral Social Dialogue in the Education Sector According to Article 138-139 in the Treaty Cross-sectoral SD Sectoral SD Process was funded and supported by the European Commission Result: ETUCE is a social partner since June 2010
TASKS 1 SOCIAL DIALOGUE (2) TASKS 1 SOCIAL DIALOGUE (2) European Trade Union Committee for Education - ETUCE European Federation of Education Employers -EFEE CEEP European Centre of Employers and Enterprises Social Dialogue Committee for Education: 1 teacher trade union representative from each country - ETUCE 1 employer’s representative from each country - EFEE EU Commission EPSU European Federation of Public Service Unions
TASKS 1 SOCIAL DIALOGUE (3) TASKS 1 SOCIAL DIALOGUE (3) Agreements with EFEE: - Investment into the future - - Joint guidelines: Lifelong Learning development in the framework of the CO-REG project - - Cross-sectoral Third –party violence 3 working groups: - - Demographic changes - - Higher Education - - Quality
TASKS 2 - MONITORING TASKS 2 - MONITORING Monitoring the new EU education and employment policy - statements to the European Commission, to the Presidency of the Council of European Union - Consult teacher unions on EU initiatives, informing the ETUCE member organisations on EU education policy via the ETUCE newsletter, circular and website, etc. - Promote national follow-up structures with stakeholders for the implementation of EU education policy – ensure continuous dialogue
TASKS 3 – REPRESENTATIONS AT EU INSTITUTIONS TASKS 3 – REPRESENTATIONS AT EU INSTITUTIONS OPEN METHOD OF COORDINATION WORKING GROUPS : WG 1: Modernisation of Higher Education WG 2: Assessment of Key Competences WG 2: Assessment of Key Competences WG 3: Professional development of teachers WG 3: Professional development of teachers WG 4: Mathematics, science and technology WG 4: Mathematics, science and technology WG 5: Languages and employment WG 5: Languages and employment WG 6: Early language learning WG 6: Early language learning European Commission LLP Programme Working Group European Commission Professional Qualification Card Steering Group; Bologna Follow-up Group, etc. Ministerial and EU-level meetings: eg. Bruges Communiqué Promoting the trade unions at conferences, seminars
TASKS 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT (1) TASKS 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT (1) Raise awareness on specific issues amongst our member organisations Improve teachers’/teacher unions’ expertise concerning a certain topic Exchange information and best practices Support teacher unions Support the inclusion of e.g. psychosocial hazards in collective agreements in the education sector
TASKS 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT (2) TASKS 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT (2) Covering all education sectors Topics: - - Lifelong Learning implementation at schools, - - Cyber-harrassment against teachers and students, - - ICT in education - Contribution of education to solve the economic crisis - Work-related stress, violence - Health and safety
2. ETUCE response on EU VET policy
EI - ETUCE VET POLICY EI - ETUCE VET POLICY 2011 ETUCE Resolution 2010 Statements: EU new VET policy and future LLL Programmes 2014-2020 2007 EI Resolution on vocational education and training 2004 EI Resolution on Vocational Education 1998 EI Resolution on Vocational Education and Training 1997 ETUCE Colloquium on Vocational Education and Training 1995 EI Resolution on Youth Training and Entry into Employment 1995 Vocational Education in the EU, ETUCE policy paper
ETUCE POSITION ON EDUCATION UN Convention + UNHR Declaration: education is human rights, therefore the education should be publicly founded and publicly regulated. Investments in education should be strengthened and that cutting the education budgets jeopardises the future of the European society and the recovery of Europe from the recent economic downturn. The most essential task of the education systems is educating for life for all, regardless their social background and development of citizenship from a broad perspective.
CONSEQUENCES OF THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC CRISIS CONSEQUENCES OF THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC CRISIS 23 million people are unemployed in the EU now 23 million people are unemployed in the EU now Difficulties in recruiting high-skilled employees Difficulties in recruiting high-skilled employees In 2009 almost all EU countries reduced their expenditure in education by a significant level In 2009 almost all EU countries reduced their expenditure in education by a significant level Education systems are at risk of degrading teachers’ working conditions, infringement of pupils’ rights, even school closure and a general deterioration of the quality of education. Social exclusion is also at risk. Education systems are at risk of degrading teachers’ working conditions, infringement of pupils’ rights, even school closure and a general deterioration of the quality of education. Social exclusion is also at risk.
EU VET POLICY TREATY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION EU VET POLICY TREATY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION TREATY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION: - Education is a national competence, considering cultural and linguistic diversity in the EU - the EU contributes to the development of quality education: - by encouraging cooperation between Member States - by supporting and supplementing their action, while fully respecting the responsibility of the Member States - by supporting and supplementing their action, while fully respecting the responsibility of the Member States - But VET has a special place in the TREATY: Article 166 on VET: Union shall implement a vocational training policy which shall support and supplement the action of the Member States, while fully respecting the responsibility of the Member States for the content and organisation of vocational training. Article 166 on VET: Union shall implement a vocational training policy which shall support and supplement the action of the Member States, while fully respecting the responsibility of the Member States for the content and organisation of vocational training.
EU EDUCATION POLICY EU2020 (2010-2020) HEADLINE TARGETS EU EDUCATION POLICY EU2020 (2010-2020) HEADLINE TARGETS 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed. 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed. The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree. The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree. 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty The main focus is now on VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING
EU VET POLICY OBJECTIVES EU VET POLICY OBJECTIVES 1. Aiming at the development of funding programmes which are focused on actions to achieve common goals = Lifelong Learning Programme 2. Focus on co-operation with national authorities and European stakeholders on improving policies and exchanging good practice through the Open method of coordination = Policy objectives
EU VET POLICY LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME (2) ETUCE STATEMENT ON THE NEW LLL PROGRAMME 2014-2020 now neither young people nor teachers apart from in higher education can participate in mobility programmes effectively; gaining experience from learning mobility is equally important for primary school, secondary school and VET students as well as for adult learners; VET teacher mobility is essential but qualified teacher replacement should be ensured and financed, also portability of pension and security rights, recognising periods of experience abroad, and the proper support of teachers within mobility by the employers of the sending and hosting countries.
NEW EU VET POLICY 10/2010 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament : The new impetus for the European cooperation in vocational education and training to support the Europe 2020 Strategy 11/2010 Conclusions of the Council on Priorities for enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training for the period 2011-2020. 12/2010 Bruges Communiqué 09/2011 Validation of non-formal and informal learning
ON THE EU VET POLICY (1) ETUCE STATEMENT ON THE EU VET POLICY (1) The ETUCE agrees with the objective in its STATEMENT: The ETUCE agrees with the objective in its STATEMENT: - to increase the status of VET through modernisation by promoting attractiveness both for teachers and students. - to create a “World class VET” - importance of validation of non-formal and informal learning is essential not only for reintegrating the people into the labour market but also into society. - European Commission stresses the role of teachers and trainers in the process of VET modernisation and focuses on how they are recruited, on their professional development and on their status in society.
ON THE EU VET POLICY (2) ETUCE STATEMENT ON THE EU VET POLICY (2) The ETUCE opposes in its STATEMENT that the EU does not support the provision of additional resources in this field to quality study teaching and to training mobility periods of learners and VET professionals the EU does not support the provision of additional resources in this field to quality study teaching and to training mobility periods of learners and VET professionals EU: the role of VET is to fulfill first and foremost the the demands of the labour market and not the individual needs EU: the role of VET is to fulfill first and foremost the the demands of the labour market and not the individual needs entrepreneurship, business and industry orientated VET entrepreneurship, business and industry orientated VET
ON THE EU VET POLICY (3) ETUCE STATEMENT ON THE EU VET POLICY (3) The ETUCE opposes that EU: initial and continuous training have to focus on company-based learning rather than a holistic approach of the profession. Partnerships in form of “skills councils” solely on monitoring and forecasting the needs of the labour market, developing labour-skills oriented profiles, curricula and certification would focus on over technical adaptation of VET to the labour market rather than supporting the individual to get the best education in life. SEE ALSO: ESCO
ON THE BRUGES COMMUNIQUÉ (1) ETUCE POSITION ON THE BRUGES COMMUNIQUÉ (1) Bruges Communiqué: It responds to the critics of the stakeholders on the Communication, so includes holistic, broader social approach of the education It responds to the critics of the stakeholders on the Communication, so includes holistic, broader social approach of the education key competences and democratic citizenship has to be included in the future VET representing key competences and democratic citizenship has to be included in the future VET representing still insists on forecasting skills and competences focusing on “the changing demand of skills and competences on the labour market” still insists on forecasting skills and competences focusing on “the changing demand of skills and competences on the labour market” maintenance of balance between school-based and work-based learning is essential in respect to the diversity of the VET systems maintenance of balance between school-based and work-based learning is essential in respect to the diversity of the VET systems
ON THE BRUGES COMMUNIQUÉ (2) ETUCE POSITION ON THE BRUGES COMMUNIQUÉ (2) Bruges Communiqué: ETUCE welcomes that the Commission plans regular, short-term revision of the existing occupational, educational standards with the involvement of the social partners. ETUCE welcomes that the Commission plans regular, short-term revision of the existing occupational, educational standards with the involvement of the social partners. ETUCE demanded the cooperation models between companies/businesses and education (“common language”, “work based learning”, “labour-market outcome-oriented” initial studies) to remain balanced between the holistic approach and the labour market relevance in school curricula, initial and further teacher education. ETUCE demanded the cooperation models between companies/businesses and education (“common language”, “work based learning”, “labour-market outcome-oriented” initial studies) to remain balanced between the holistic approach and the labour market relevance in school curricula, initial and further teacher education.
ON THE BRUGES COMMUNIQUÉ (3) ETUCE POSITION ON THE BRUGES COMMUNIQUÉ (3) Bruges Communiqué: ETUCE suggested that guidance services could also include counselling related to further studies, personal life development in order to target social inclusion. ETUCE suggested that guidance services could also include counselling related to further studies, personal life development in order to target social inclusion. Considering the process of “changing profiles of VET teachers and trainers” the ETUCE insists on involving the social partners including teachers’, headmasters’ and students’ organisations and trade unions. Considering the process of “changing profiles of VET teachers and trainers” the ETUCE insists on involving the social partners including teachers’, headmasters’ and students’ organisations and trade unions.
ON FINANCING VET ETUCE POSITION ON FINANCING VET Communication on Early Childhood Education: Member States are encouraged invest the most to this sector Communication on Early Childhood Education: Member States are encouraged invest the most to this sector New Flagship Initiative on Youth on the Move and New VET Policy for 2011-2020: New Flagship Initiative on Youth on the Move and New VET Policy for 2011-2020: - - education can become merely a tool for economic growth / an excuse to weaken social security; - increased availability of study loans in Higher Education, EU- level student lending facility is highly emphasized - emphasising the importance of only those key competences that are connected to the labour market, but neglecting arts, culture etc. ETUCE: there is an increasing trend that apart Early Childhood Education the education sector will be commercialized -> More attention, more actions, lobbying against this trend by the ETUCE.
ON FINANCING VET EU POSITION ON FINANCING VET 7 March 2011: answer from the European Commission to ETUCE Statement on the New EU VET policy: Additional resources to VET is “not realistic in the current economic situation in which Member States are forced to make cuts in may crucial areas, including education and training” Jan Truszczynski, Director DG EAC Director DG EAC
3. Future ETUCE activities on VET
ETUCE WORK PROGRAMME 2011- 2012: ACTIVITIES ON VET (1) - Monitoring and follow-up on the EU VET policy, follow up on the Bruges Communiqué - More representation at EC Working Groups - Establishment of a VET Working Group for 2 years - policy development - policy development - project(s) - project(s) - 2 studies on teacher recruitment and financing of VET
ETUCE WORK PROGRAMME 2011- 2012: ACTIVITIES ON VET (2) - Monitor and inform on development of guidelines on validation of non-formal and informal learning - Follow up on the implementation of ECVET - Develop policy on quality assurance - Follow-up on skills forecasting, ESCO groups, Professional Qualification Directive
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