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1. 2 Webinar will last approximately one hour; All phones of attendees are muted; Please type your questions in the go to meeting question box. We will.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Webinar will last approximately one hour; All phones of attendees are muted; Please type your questions in the go to meeting question box. We will."— Presentation transcript:

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2 2 Webinar will last approximately one hour; All phones of attendees are muted; Please type your questions in the go to meeting question box. We will answer questions at the end of this webinar. Core Housing Team

3 P U R P O S E The goal of the Core Housing Team is to bring together a local community team that works with existing resources and landlords to rapidly re-housing people living in homelessness. Foremost, the Core Housing Team understands the crises homelessness presents to people and the urgency of re-housing. 3

4  Each team member understands his/her role and strategizes with other team members to efficiently use mainstream resources to re-housing people.  On a bi-annual basis the Core Housing Team reviews current homeless data and reviews the housing status of those that they have assisted.  The team acts as catalysis to improve systems to ensure rapid re-housing is achieved and that the household service needs are met. (MSHDA Housing Agents: This meeting is the second of two annual meetings that you are required to attended to fulfill the requirements of your contract with MSHDA.) 4 Core Housing Team

5 New for January 2014 A new Memorandum of Understanding between the HARA and MSHDA. It will allow rural communities that have no active sheltering organizations as part of their CoC to recognize doubled-up (couch surfing) as homelessness; The MSHDA Homeless Specialist has to approve this request. 5

6 Core Housing Team Security Codes are received from the MSHDA Homeless Assistance Specialists. They cannot be shared. All passcode holders must prepare and sign a statement stating that he/she has viewed the training made available on MSHDA’s website at (Click on Homeless and Special Housing Needs, click on MSHDA HCV Lead Agency Webinar.) 6

7 Core Housing Team The following three forms will be randomly requested from applicants on the homeless waiting list on a quarterly basis. The first two are on; click on Homeless & Special Housing Needs, click on 1.Verification of Homelessness (ESG Form 2) 2.Verification of Residency (See Upfront Documentation Quick Glance on web-site.) 3. HP-HCV Release of Information (on HMIS) 7

8 Core Housing Team Internal Controls were to be updated with ESG Exhibit 1. HARA – check with your MSHDA Specialist to see that this occurred. MSHDA Controls – On-site monitoring of the HARA HCV waiting list. MSHDA staff – confirms homelessness at the time of application on HMIS. 8

9 2014 Core Housing Team Meetings What will your 2014 Core Housing meetings look like for 2014? They are required – how do you make them a good use of time – work together to create a structure? Are outreach workers on the team? Could the Core Housing Team work to house folks in tents, under bridges? Who will set the meetings up? Do you have each other's e-mail and phone numbers? How/who will let the state know that you have met and where gaps may exist that the state could assist with? 9

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