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Professional – (adjective) * Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: lawyers, doctors, and other professional people. Conforming to.

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2 Professional – (adjective) * Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: lawyers, doctors, and other professional people. Conforming to the standards of a profession : professional behavior. *Reference:, 2010

3 Standard* – (Noun) Universally or widely accepted, agreed upon, or established means of determining what something should be. Major classifications of this term include: (1) Material or substance whose properties are known with a level of accuracy that is sufficient to allow its use as a physical reference in calibrating or measuring the same properties of another material or substance. (2) Concept, norm, or principle established by agreement, authority, or custom, and used generally as an example or model to compare or measure the quality or performance of a practice or procedure. * Reference:

4  Legal Profession – ABA & Bar Associations  Medical Profession – AMA and State Boards  Accounting Profession – General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

5  Professional Certifications available through the UPPCC -- CPPO and CPPB  Professional Development Courses available through NIGP › LEAP Series  Annual FORUM provides educational workshops and networking opportunities  The NIGP Code of Ethics

6 NIGP has recognized that...  We need to gain recognition of Public Procurement as a profession to build on our position as the “foremost authority on public procurement”  We need to be recognized as an International presence in order to gain that recognition  There is great value in providing standardized written guidance to public procurement for practitioners, executive managers, elected officials, the vendor community and the public as a whole

7 History of the Quest for Standard Practices  The idea began right here in Central Florida! › Rhonda Scott’s 2001 letter from the Research Committee to the NIGP Board  Research Committee recommended adoption of ANSI Standard Written Principles in 2007 as part of NIGP’s Strategic Plan  Task Force established in May, 2008 to review the recommendations

8  November, 2008 Taskforce report: › Acknowledged the need for guiding principles & recognized need to elevate the profession through their development › NIGP recognized as the appropriate organization to pursue and lead the effort › Recommended elimination of initiative to achieve ANSI standardization, and to use a layered approach beginning with establishment of Guiding Principles

9  Guiding Principles project dubbed “The Herndon Project” started in December, 2009  Project Team included practitioners chaired by: › Marcheta Gillespie, CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., Deputy Director of Procurement, City of Tucson, AZ › Dr. Cliff McCue, Director, Public Procurement Research Center (PPRC) at Florida Atlantic University  Guiding Principles rolled out in spring, 2010, and comments being sought on-line

10  Procurement Practitioners  Collegial Associations (FAPPO, CAPPO, NAEP, NASPO, NPI, etc.)  Academia  Key Influencer Associations (ABA, GFOA, ICMA, NACO, NLC, US Conference of Mayors)  Legislators  General Public

11  Will become the cornerstone of the foundation of values for our profession  Will provide the overarching consistent vision and direction for how we conduct ourselves › All future standard practices must align › Provide clarity of direction for future initiatives › Provide reference points for actions we take in ALL aspects of our jobs

12  Practitioners will now have a clear basis for professional behavior  Will send a clear signal to our key audiences that Public Procurement is a viable profession  Will articulate to the international community that NIGP is truly the foremost authority in Public Procurement  Will build international support for the establishment of the international leadership role of NIGP for all issues related to best practices and the future of our profession

13  Will establish additional credibility with elected officials and executive management regarding our strategic position in the government organization  Will signal the vendor community that members of the profession will consistently exercise values that will ensure fairness and a level playing field  Will provide comfort to the general public that public procurement practitioners will be wise stewards of their tax dollars

14 ACCOUNTABILITY : Taking ownership and being responsible to stakeholders for our actions. This value is essential to preserve the public trust and protect the public interest. ETHICS : Acting in a manner true to these values. This value is essential to preserve the public’s trust. IMPARTIALITY : Unbiased decision making and actions. This value is essential to ensure fairness for the public good. PROFESSIONALISM : Upholding high standards of job performance and ethical behavior. This value is essential to balance diverse public interests. SERVICE : Obligation to assist stakeholders. This value is essential to support the public good. TRANSPARENCY: Easily accessible and understandable policies and processes. This value is essential to demonstrate responsible use of public funds.

15 Public Procurement as a profession, organizationally and individually shall: › Apply sound business judgment; › Be knowledgeable and abide by all applicable laws and regulations; › Be responsible stewards of public; › Maximize competition to the greatest extent practicable; › Practice due diligence; › Promote effective, economic and efficient acquisition; › Support economic, social, and sustainable communities; and › Use procurement strategies to optimize value to stakeholders.

16 Public Procurement shall: › Act and conduct business with honesty and integrity, avoiding even the appearance of impropriety; › Maintain consistency in all processes and actions; and › Meet the ethical standards of the profession.

17 Public Procurement shall: › Be open, fair, impartial, and non-discriminatory in all processes; › Treat suppliers equitably, without discrimination, and without imposing unnecessary constraints on the competitive market; and › Use sound professional judgment within established legal frameworks to balance competing interests among stakeholders.

18 Public Procurement shall: › Be led by those with education, experience and professional certification in public procurement; › Continually contribute value to the organization; › Continually develop as a profession through education, mentorship, innovation, and partnerships; › Develop, support, and promote the highest professional standards in order to serve the public good; and › Seek continuous improvement through on-going training, education and skill enhancement.

19 Public Procurement shall: › Be a crucial resource and strategic partner within the organization and community; › Develop and maintain relationships with stakeholders; › Develop collaborative partnerships to meet public needs; and › Maintain a customer-service focus while meeting the needs, and protecting the interests, of the organization and the public.

20 Public Procurement shall: › Exercise discretion in the release of confidential information; › Maintain current and complete policies, procedures, and records; › Provide open access to competitive opportunities; and › Provide timely access to procurement policies, procedures, and records

21  The Guiding Principles will become the foundation for future standard practice development  A multi-discipline commission with an anticipated lifespan of 3 years is planned to be formed to develop standard practices based on the Guiding Principles › Hope to include Influencer organizations such as GFOA, ICMA, NACO, League of Cities, ASBO, Council of State Governments, US Council of Mayors › Will disband upon the issuance of the Standard Practices  Anticipate issuance of approximately 30 standards of practice by December, 2013

22  Visit blog at http://nigp- 09ecc722efa2http://nigp- 09ecc722efa2  Become a supporter and a follower!  Analyze and comment…..YOU are the practitioner and we need YOUR input

23  Join the following organizations by providing us with a Vote of Confidence pledging your moral support to the Guiding Principles Project!  Our Supporters to date: › Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) › Association of Government Accountants (AGA) › FAU Public Procurement Research Center (PPRC) › Florida Association of Public Purchasing Officers (FAPPO) › National Association of Counties (NACo) › National Association of Educational Procurement (NAEP) › National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Co. (National IPA) › National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) › National League of Cities › NIGP › NIGP – Capital Area Purchasing Association (CAPA) › NIGP – Central Florida Chapter › NIGP – Copper Chapter › NIGP – Greater Miami Chapter › NIGP – Ontario Public Buyers Association (Donating Organization) › NIGP – Southeast Florida Chapter › NIGP – State of Washington Chapter › NISH – Ability One › U.S. Communities › U.S. Conference of Mayors › Virginia Association of Governmental Purchasing (VAGP)


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