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Oblivious Trees A Concurrent Cryptographic Data Structure William Strickland Christopher Fontaine [10-12-2011]

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Presentation on theme: "Oblivious Trees A Concurrent Cryptographic Data Structure William Strickland Christopher Fontaine [10-12-2011]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oblivious Trees A Concurrent Cryptographic Data Structure William Strickland Christopher Fontaine [10-12-2011]

2 Table of Contents 1.Digital Signatures 2.Incremental Signatures a.Concerns b.Early Work 3.Oblivious Trees a.Obliviousness b.Implementation c.Concurrency d.Goals e.Challenges f.Test Application Domains 4.References 5.Q & A

3 Digital Signatures Useful for detecting or preventing forgery and tampering of digital data. Most useful with asymmetric key schemes. Critical to Software distribution, Email, E-commerce. Many algorithms and schemes exist. Any change to the document invalidates the signature, even authorized changes. Can a new valid signature be generated by only processing the updates of the document?

4 Incremental Signatures Potential performance improvements in applications where signatures a repeatedly computed for often changing documents. Signature generation proportional to updates. Signature size and verification difficulty does not grow with repeated updates. Must maintain security and privacy of non- incremental schemes. Security to tampering and forgery. Privacy of revision history.

5 Incremental Concerns Security more complicated with incremental signatures. Security is of foremost concern. Attacker has new avenues to attack observing result of incremental changes. No longer practical to hide which chunks have changed with a fast algorithm. Privacy becomes an issue. No previous versions to be concerned with in non-incremental. Do no wish to leak information about previous edits with signature. Some incremental signature schemes may be secure while still leaking revision history.

6 Early Work An early incremental signature scheme presented by Bellare, Goldreich and Goldwasser in 1994 utilized 2-3 trees to provide incremental signatures with proven security. Utilized generic non-incremental signature function as building block. This scheme was later found to leak revision history in by the structure of the tree. Previous state information was leaked solely by the structure of the 2-3 tree.

7 Obliviousness An Oblivious data structure is defined as one that reveals no information about what operations have been performed on it. Adding the oblivious property to the 2-3 tree signature scheme would resolve the privacy issues.

8 Oblivious Trees Implementation – 2-3 Tree Basis – Why? Leaf Nodes at the same level – Fast Access to leaves – Good probability of a balanced tree Leaf Nodes are in sorted order – Easy to locate using only size information

9 Oblivious Trees Implementation – Create O(n) – Insert O(log n) – Delete O(log n) Key Issues – Maintain Obliviousness – Maintain Performance

10 Oblivious Trees CREATE – Observation: Structure Reveals History Bottom-up Construction foreach(level i) 1.Traverse nodes from right to left 2.Choose d from {2,3} uniformly at random a.Or set d to number of nodes left 3.Create a new node with d as its degree 4.Stop when number of nodes created = 1

11 Oblivious Trees INSERT 1.INSERT(b, i, CREATE(L)) == CREATE(L') 2.Locate the ith leaf 3.Insert new node b 4.Starting from i's parent 1.foreach(level l) – Moving from left to right, rebuild the tree in the same manner as CREATE, but with new random coin tosses.

12 Oblivious Trees DELETE 1.DELETE(i, CREATE(L)) == CREATE(L') 2.Locate the ith leaf 3.Delete the ith leaf 4.Starting from i's parent 1.foreach(level l) – Moving from left to right, rebuild the tree in the same manner as CREATE, but with new random coin tosses.

13 Oblivious Tree R R L L L L L L L L L L L L

14 Approach to Concurrency Observations Tree structure is randomized. There is no 'correct' tree structure, so long as the result is a 2-3 tree. Outputting the current signature is akin to a snapshot of the tree. Inserts and deletes only randomize the tree structure to the right of the affected index.

15 Goals First known implementation of Oblivious Tree data structure Lock-free implementation of Oblivious Trees Prove lock-free nature of implementation Create representative parallel test application Show improved performance over non- incremental signature schemes in test application

16 Challenges Creating a sequential implementation Refine sequential implementation to be lock- free Exploit randomized structure to enable concurrency Develop test application and test data set Tune hashing function and chunk size

17 Test Application Domains Signed Source Code Repository Incremental Backup Streaming Security Footage Collaborative Photo/Text Editing

18 References 1.Daniele Micciancio. 1997. Oblivious data structures: applications to cryptography. In Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing (STOC '97). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 456-464. DOI=10.1145/258533.258638 2.Mihir Bellare, Oded Goldreich, and Shafi Goldwasser. 1994. Incremental Cryptography: The Case of Hashing and Signing. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Cryptology Conference on Advances in Cryptology (CRYPTO '94), Yvo Desmedt (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 216-233. 3.Qingji Zheng and Shouhuai Xu. 2011. Fair and dynamic proofs of retrievability. In Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Data and application security and privacy (CODASPY '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 237-248. DOI=10.1145/1943513.1943546 4.Mihir Bellare and Daniele Micciancio. 1997. A new paradigm for collision-free hashing: incrementality at reduced cost. In Proceedings of the 16th annual international conference on Theory and application of cryptographic techniques (EUROCRYPT'97), Walter Fumy (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 163- 192.

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