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Giving Your Life to Others Marriage & Consecrated Life: Similarities.

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Presentation on theme: "Giving Your Life to Others Marriage & Consecrated Life: Similarities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giving Your Life to Others Marriage & Consecrated Life: Similarities

2 Opening article - Read & Discuss What are you willing to give your life for?

3 Marriage & Consecrated Life Both: Help us in our call to holiness; to be the Best- Version-of-Ourselves Require a “Dying to Self” in service of others

4 Marriage & Consecrated Life Both: Require loving God first and foremost Marriage does this by giving the love you have with God to your family

5 Marriage & Consecrated Life ● Consecrated life does this by giving the love you have with God to the Church

6 How do you know what you’re called to? ● God speaks to the deepest desires of our hearts and calls us to one of these vocations ● Youtube: Wright’s LawWright’s Law Marriage & Consecrated Life

7 Questions: 1.We often think of the priesthood or religious life as a life of total sacrifice. In the video, you see that the man is married. How is his life a total sacrifice of himself for others? 2.Do you think it’s better to give or receive? Explain.

8 Questions: 3. When you assess the way you live your life, what are you contributing your time, efforts, and energy towards? 4. Is your answer to #3 making you happy? Is it making you a better person?

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