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TOK By: Vivian Massou. They are based on observation and seek to discover laws and theories of human nature. It attempts to answer questions like what.

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Presentation on theme: "TOK By: Vivian Massou. They are based on observation and seek to discover laws and theories of human nature. It attempts to answer questions like what."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOK By: Vivian Massou

2 They are based on observation and seek to discover laws and theories of human nature. It attempts to answer questions like what makes us human and not animals? Why do we act in such matter? And so many other more questions Human Science consist of Pyschology- study of human mental functions and behaviors Economics- study of production, exchange, and consumptions of goods in a human society Anthropology- study of humanity Sociology-study of human social stucture, activities, and interaction. Enables to understand the structure and dynamic of society Political science-study of theories and practices of politics Linguistics- study of language

3 -¨ a guy goes in to see a psychologist. He says,¨ It seems i can´t make any friends. Can you help me, you fat slob?¨ ¨ Human Sciences based their study on observations. They rely on specialized research techniques like surveys, standardized testing,and study of antique structures, and artifacts… Human Science unifies all fields of social science and humanities. ¨It´s objective is to gain insight into the universal principles and processes underlying all fields of human activity and accomplishments such as individually and collective(political, economic, social, and artistic).¨ Human Science is trying to make people conscious that there is a knowledge that humanity already possesses subconsciously.

4 They originated at the end of the XVII and the early XIX. HS comes from thinkers such as Montesquieu, Comte, Charles Marx The French revolution and the Industrial revolution make a point in HS. First to study these areas in HS. Psychology- Wilhelm Wundt Economics- Adam Smith Sociology- Auguste Comte Political Science- Niccolo Machiavelli

5 The artificial of some experiments that can be conducted distort the behavior of participants There are ethical reasons for not conducting experiments that have a negative effect on the people who participate in them. We humans tend to live life on our emotions and reason and it cause a huge limitation on HS. HS is reductionist in which they tried to explained nature in the simplest form Ethic is another problem that Human Science faced because people may believed that it may cause an unpleasant, possible traumatic situation to the study.

6 ¨I asked an economist for her phone number…and she gave me an estimate.¨ ¨An economist, a philosopher, a biologist, and an architect were arguing about what was God's real profession. The philosopher said, "Well, first and foremost, God is a philosopher because he created the principles by which man is to live." "Ridiculous!" said the biologist "Before that, God created man and woman and all living things so clearly he was a biologist." "Wrong," said the architect. "Before that, he created the heavens and the earth. Before the earth, there was only complete confusion and chaos!" "Well," said the economist, "where do you think the chaos came from?"


8 REDUCTIONIST- meaning one try to understand the other HOLISM- it´s the way to make seen of thing by looking at the whole problem VERSTEHEN POSITION-downs in observation, measurement, hypothesis, experiment, and laws.

9 Embryo Cartoon

10 Which of the Ways of Knowing is most important in the Human Sciences and why? Vivian As leoart92 wrote, the human sciences are inaccurate, since reasoning, emotions and language are influenced by perception. Perception is subjective, making the 3 others subjective as well. Nevertheless, reasoning is the most “pure”, because the person knows that he or she can be deceive by his or her senses (ironically, this knowledge was acquired by reasoning). Is through the senses that we can connect to the world, is through reasoning that we analyze, understand and formulate our opinion, taking perception and experience as a basis; and emotions and language are the results or consequences of the reasoning. Emotions also influenced in our reasoning, since emotions can turn a person´s point of view and therefore thoughts can be mislead. I also agree with magy0692 in that through reasoning we can identify and construct valuable arguments and solve them consistently. Is the only way of knowing that offers a solution to everyday problems and registers earlier experiences, developing an intuition.


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