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National Uttarakhand Education Awards Organized by – CMAI & Uttarakhand Technical University Department of MNRE Govt. Of India. Uttarakhand Technical University.

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Presentation on theme: "National Uttarakhand Education Awards Organized by – CMAI & Uttarakhand Technical University Department of MNRE Govt. Of India. Uttarakhand Technical University."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Uttarakhand Education Awards Organized by – CMAI & Uttarakhand Technical University Department of MNRE Govt. Of India. Uttarakhand Technical University January 28 th,2013 Auditorium – Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun

2 ABOUT CMAI ASSOCIATION OF INDIA CMAI Association of India is a apex premier and foremost non-profit trade promotion organization based in India with more then 54 MOU partners and 48,500 members representatives spread across globe. CMAI is prominent trade association promoting growth in communications, manufacturing trade sector through Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy, Research, Exhibitions, Trade shows, Conferences and Seminars, Technology events, Buyer sellers meets, B2B meetings, promotion and fostering business and strategic relationships. CMAI is the only trade organization bringing in focuses harmony in between manufacturing across all sectors including ICT, Communications, Multimedia and Environmental Management policies. CMAI assists in promotion of technology innovations, manufacturing and communications sector and for policies concerning environmental, pollution and health. CMAI, as a professional registered association, has become extremely pro-active, forward looking and effective catalyst between the Government, industry and the consumers at large. CMAI has been successful in influencing the Government in shaping India's economic, trade, fiscal and social policies which will be of benefit to the country as a whole and the trade and industry in particular. CMAI caters services to various constituents comprising multinational companies, top corporate, medium and small scale units representing and striving hard to create a conducive environment for the businesses to compete globally. It assists manufacturers to maximize competitiveness on the domestic and international markets. Uttarakhand Technical University

3 SZEIA SMCA Uttarakhand Technical University

4 Prof. D.S. Chauhan was born in 1949 at Dholpur. His education took place in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamilnadu and New Delhi. He did his post doctoral work at Goddard space Flight Centre, Greenbelf Maryland. USA (1988- 91). He did his B.Sc Engg.(1972) in electrical engineering at I.T. B.H.U., M.E. (1978) at R.E.C. Tiruchirapalli ( Madras University ) and PH.D. (1986) at IIT/Delhi. His brilliant career brought him to teaching profession at Banaras Hindu University where he was Lecturer, Reader and then has been Professor till today. He has been director KNIT sultanpur in 1999-2000 and founder vice Chancellor of U.P.Tech. University (2000- 2003-2006). Later on, he has served as Vice-Chancellor of Lovely Profession University (2006-07) and Jaypee University of Information Technology (2007-2009) Currently he has been serving as Vice- Chancellor of Uttarakhand Technical University for (2009-12) Tenure. Uttarakhand Technical University

5 Mr. N K Goyal Mr. N K Goyal, President, is the force behind the worldwide strong establishment of CMAI. NKG live walking Popularly known as ‘ NKG ’ in the trade circles, he carries a glowing 41 years of experience and is considered a “ live walking encyclopedia encyclopedia ” in the Technology Arena.  A Post-Graduate in Science, with rich experience in Telecom/IT, He has presented papers on topics of public concern e.g. Mobile Handsets, Wireless Communication, Infocom Research & Development, Telecom & IT, Manufacturing, Radiation etc. on International and National stages. NKG is actively involved in policy formulations and development of industrial policies, especially related to Telecom, Mobile and IT Sectors. Uttarakhand Technical University

6 Supported by Dainik Bhaskar Group & ABP News 8 th MAY 2013, SIRI FORT AUDITORIUM NEW DELHI Knowledge Partner DOT Govt. Of India. Ministry of MNRE Government of India DIT Govt. Of India.

7 ORGANIZES EVERY YEAR NATIONAL TELECOM AWARDS Department of Information Technology Government of India Department of Telecconications Government of India Ministry of MNRE Government of India Supported by Dainik Bhaskar Group 11 TH MAY 2012, SIRI FORT AUDITORIUM NEW DELHI Media Partner Knowledge Partner

8 EDUCATION Awards Presented At 6 th National Telecom Awards on 8 th May 2012

9 Excellence in Technical Education Roorkee Institute of Technology

10 Pioneering ICT Leader in Education Prof Dr Shiban Kishen Kak, Vice Chancellor, Mahamaya Technical University NOIDA

11 Emerging Institute for ICT Gyan Ganga Group of Institutions, Bhopal

12 Visionary ICT Leader in Education Prof Durg Singh Chauhan, Vice Chancellor, Uttarakhand Technical University

13 VIPS present at Dias 6 th National Telecom Awards 2012

14 15 African Ambassadors at 6 th National Telecom Awards 2012

15 National Uttarakhand Education Awards Organized by – CMAI & Uttarakhand Technical University Uttarakhand Technical University

16 The Objective In Uttarakhand there are several private colleges and institutions which have come up across the State offering a number of courses in various streams like engineering, medical, business management and many more. This rapid pace of growth has brought to the fore compelling issue of effective management of the educational programs so as to better prepare our youngsters for the fast evolving competitive environment. There are institutes who are focusing their energies on overall quality of education and making their students more employable so that they can make meaningful contribution towards making India a true superpower in the coming years. CMAI and UTU will recognize the achievement of some of the institutions who have contributed significantly towards the growth of the education sector in India in the recent times for their betterment of Work in future. Uttarakhand Technical University

17  Best Engineering Institute  Best Infrastructure Institute  Best Placement Institute  Best Result Award  Best Industry Interface Award  Lifetime Achievement Award  Best upcoming Engineer Award  Best Technical Institute  Best Innovation Institute Award Uttarakhand Technical University

18 Best Management Awards Emerging Institute of IT Best Education in Management Diploma courses Best Education in Engineering Diploma Courses Best Institute in Hotel Management Best Institute in Vocational Diploma Courses Best Institute in Skill Development Programmes Excellence in Teaching Initially English to students Award Jury may create more categories depending upon feedback received. Uttarakhand Technical University

19 Uttarakhand Technical University 1.Nomination can be made by self or others. 2.You can submit information as detailed or as short as you deem fit for consideration by Jurist. 3.The nomination would be considered based on information supplied and available from other market sources. 4.Please also indicate name of officer who will receive the award, if awarded. 5.Nominations from one company can be made for multiple categories. One Company can be considered for multiple awards in different categories. 6.Decision of Award Jury shall be final in binding. 7. For any query please email to or, 8. The decisions will be conveyed by email to the person whose name appears in nomination.

20 Uttarakhand Technical University Category* Institute Name* Profile(100 Words)* Address * Contact Person * Designation * Contd…

21 Phone/Mobile Number* Email * Approvals Amount of Investment Additional page welcome Description and Justification for eligibility * Uttarakhand Technical University

22 1- Please file your nominations by / hard copy / To Sauravi by date 15 Jan 2013 Hard Copy may please be sent it to P-90B, Basement NDSE Part –II, New Delhi – 110049 Ph. No- 011- 26266411 /412 /211 2- A copy may be sent to 3- For any clarifications / additional information please contact – a)Mr Varun Srivastava – 0 99103 40299 b)Mr Ashish Trivedi – 0 9958 00 4990 c)Mr Navtesh Kumar – 0 9711 869 771 d)Shri NK Goyal – 0 98111 29879 Uttarakhand Technical University

23 The Awards Jury bill be headed by eminent persons such as Ex- Chairman competition Law, Ex- Secretary Law, Ex- Chief Secretary Himachal Pradesh, Ex – Chairman Fera Tribunal, Preseident IETE, Nominee from Ministry of HRD, IT and Telecom etc. Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun Venue - Uttarakhand Technical University

24 10.00 AM – 11.00 AM -Registration and Networking Tea 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM - Students Debate on “is Alternate energy important for education & industry”. Is “Electronic System And Design Manufacturing important for Indian economy”. 12.30 PM – 1.30 PM -Welcome by Shri NK Goyal, President CMAI Welcome address by Shri DS Chauhan,VC UTU Industry Presentation Brief on NUE Awards Awards Presentation Award to the winners of Debate Vote of Thanks 1.30 PM onwards -Lunch Uttarakhand Technical University

25 NUEA offers numerous branding opportunities on- ground as well as on-air:  Presenting Sponsor - Rs. 20 Lac  Co- Presenting Sponsor - Rs. 15 Lac  Platinum Sponsor - Rs. 5 Lac  Gold Sponsor - Rs. 4 Lac  Associate Sponsor- Rs 3 Lac  Lunch Sponsor - Rs. 1.50 Lac  Bag Sponsor - Rs. 1 Lac  Badge and Lanyard Sponsor - Rs. 1 Lac  Notepad and Pen sponsor - Rs. 1 Lac  Registration Desk Sponsor - Rs. 1 Lac  Tea Sponsor - Rs. 1 Lac Uttarakhand Technical University

26  Benefits with Promotion:  Direct Nominee for 7 th NTA World Communication Awards 2013 in May  Logo presence on 2 rounds of email blast to database of 5 Lacs  Brand Mention on 2 SMS Push to database of 1 Lac  Logo presence on all Web / Social Media promotions  Logo presence on invites  Logo and publicity in hoardings to be arranged by institutes.  Institute CEO interview with photo in websites.  Logo in all Advertisements.  Logo presence on Event Standees, Bags, Brochures Pens, Notebooks etc. Contd……. Uttarakhand Technical University

27 On Ground Benefits  Ten VIP Reserved Seats at the event  Unlimited Delegates registration for the event  Your own Press, Media, Photographer permitted  Acknowledgement of sponsorship during opening remarks  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute/University description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop as Presenting Sponsor  Distribution of Institute/University Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Presenting Bouquet, Memento to VIPs at the Dias  Present Gift to 2 VIPs at the Dias  Ten Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs, if planned  Run Corporate Film during lunch.  Provision to display up to Six Standees (brought by the sponsor) Uttarakhand Technical University

28  Benefits with Promotion:  Direct Nominee for 7 th NTA World Communication Awards 2013 in May  Logo presence on 1 rounds of email blast to database of 5 lac  Brand mention on 1 SMS push to database of 1 Lacs  Logo presence on all Web / Social Media promotions  Logo presence on invites  Company CEO interview with photo on all websites  Logo in all Advertisements.  Logo presence on Event Standees, Bags, Brochures Pens, Notebooks etc. Contd….. Uttarakhand Technical University

29 On Ground Benefits  Five VIP Reserved Seats at the event  25 Delegates registration for the event  Your own Press, Media, Photographer permitted  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute/University description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop as Co-Presenting Sponsor  Distribution of Institute/University Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Presenting Bouquet, Memento to VIPs at the Dias  Present Gift to 1 VIPs at the Dias  Five Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs, if planned  Run Corporate Film during lunch.  Provision to display up to Four Standees (brought by the sponsor) Uttarakhand Technical University

30  Three VIP Reserved Seats at the event  Up to 15 Delegates registration for the event  Your own Press, Media, Photographer permitted  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute/University description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute/University Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Opportunity for presenting Bouquet, Memento to VIPs at the Dias  Three Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs.  Provision to display up to Three Standees (brought by the sponsor) Uttarakhand Technical University

31  Two VIP Reserved Seats at the event  Up to 12 Delegates registration for the event  Your own Press, Media, Photographer permitted  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Two Invitation to the Exclusive Lunch for restricted VVIPs.  Provision to display up to Two Standees (brought by the sponsor) Uttarakhand Technical University

32  Two VIP Reserved Seats at the event  Up to 12 Delegates registration for the event  Your own Press, Media, Photographer permitted  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  One Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs.  Provision to display of One Standee (brought by the sponsor) Uttarakhand Technical University

33  Two VIP Reserved Seats at the event  Acknowledgement of sponsorship during opening remarks at Lunch  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Mini Flex Backdrop (10x15) at the Lunch Event ( Brought by Sponsor)  Ten Invitations to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs  Provision to display Two Standees at the Lunch Area (brought by the sponsor ) Exclusive Lunch is restricted to 50 VVIP delegates and entry is strictly by Invitation and not open to public in general. This is an incredible event sponsorship that will get you noticed by lunch invitees. Huge spread of lunch and an exclusive networking opportunity. There will also be lunch for all delegates in a separate area where branding will be given to lunch sponsorer Uttarakhand Technical University

34  Benefits :  Two VIP Reserved Seats at the event  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Institute Logo on Delegate Bag  Two Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs.  Provision to display One Standees at the lunch Area (brought by the sponsor) Put your Institute’s name in the hands of every event attendee with this sponsorship – a conference Bag with your institute logo opportunity. Uttarakhand Technical University

35  Benefits :  Two VIP Reserved Seats at the event  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Institute Logo in Lanyard  Two Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs.  Provision to display One Standees at the lunch Area (brought by the sponsor) Put your institute's name in the hands of every event attendee with this sponsorship – a Lanyard with your Institute logo Uttarakhand Technical University

36  Benefits :  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Institute Logo on Event Note Book and pen  One Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs. Put your institute's name in the hands of every event attendee with this sponsorship – a notepad with your institute logo and phone number and a pen Uttarakhand Technical University

37  Benefits :  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Corporate Logo at the Registration Counter  One Invitation to the Exclusive lunch for restricted VVIPs. Over 700 invitees are expected to register at this event on site and an exclusive registration area with your institute logo would enhance your institute presence. Uttarakhand Technical University

38  Benefits :  Logo placement on event website with hyperlink  Institute description on Event website under logo  Logo placement in event Backdrop Side Panel  Distribution of Institute Brochure at the Event  Opportunity to distribute goodies  Flex Panel (5x7) at the Tea Area  One Invitation to the Exclusive Lunch for restricted VVIPs. Take a break with attendees as they enjoy complimentary coffee or tea in the tea area by sponsoring the networking tea break. Your sponsorship will be recognized by a verbal announcement and on signage in the networking- break area. Uttarakhand Technical University

39 Supported by-

40 N K Goyal, President CMAI Association of India : +919811129879,

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