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“Romanby Remembers” Romanby War Memorial & Garden Restoration Project First Public Meeting - 29 th January 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "“Romanby Remembers” Romanby War Memorial & Garden Restoration Project First Public Meeting - 29 th January 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Romanby Remembers” Romanby War Memorial & Garden Restoration Project First Public Meeting - 29 th January 2015

2 Background Our imposing War Memorial was unveiled on March 19 th 1927. The attached land was bequeathed to the Parish in 1930, and has been maintained as a simple grassed open space with a few park benches. Apart from routine maintenance, no additional significant money has ever been invested in the site.

3 “Then & Now” Parish Council business case to HLF’s WWI 100 th Anniversary Commemoration “Then & Now” programme. – Successful bid for £10K towards restoration and refurbishment, announced at the end of 2014. Parish Council business case to NEHS “Commemoration” programme – Successful bid for £500 for garden improvements (short-term)

4 Project Outcomes What we intend this to do.. First and foremost we hope to create a lasting legacy that people enjoy both volunteering their time for, and being part of. The war memorial and gardens will be in much better condition going forwards for future generations to enjoy. The Memorial Garden will be a focal point and open space for the parish that people will be proud to own, use, share and show to others. The learning/information resources we create will better explain the heritage of the Great War and how it affected our parish, to people of all ages, as well as upcoming generations.

5 Project Tasks What we have agreed with HLF to do…… To professionally clean the clock tower war memorial and improve footpath access to it through the war memorial garden. To enhance the war memorial garden to create a tranquil community space with borders, trees, shrubs, seating and wider footpaths. To involve the local community in researching the names of the men from World War One listed on Romanby’s war memorial clock tower, and to use the project research to create online and hard-copy resources for the community To have a launch event on completion and share project progress on a website and through networks and media.

6 2 Main Strands of Work: Memorial Garden Refurbishment – Using new/existing contractors (VfM principles) (2015) and community volunteers (latter stages- 2016) Research and Production of online/hard copy resources and archive “Romanby Remembers” – Using mainly community volunteers to gather existing resource and expand/develop over 12-15 months.

7 Constraints: Financial constraints – tempering great ideas with fiscal reality! “Must Do’s” – HLF remit Contract tendering for work – VfM Limiting of public involvement in the actual hard landscape work – insurance and liability. Sequencing of work Completion date – Sept 2016

8 Project Management Parish Council Lead/Co-ord – Separate “Task & Finish” Group, with Community involvement/support Finance Publicity Communication Landscaping & Gardening Research, web design & archive – Meeting as required during project life Regular communication will be key

9 Project Timeline Now until September 2016 to complete Memorial Garden refurbishment: 2015 – headline sequence Plan and design new memorial garden space (including any creative/public art ideas) – end Mar 15 Professional clean of memorial – end Mar/early Apr 15 – Full clean – Re-pointing of steps – Re-inscription of names – Removal of WWII name plaques, (for subsequent re-application above WWI names, in keeping with design) All Hard Landscaping complete (ideally by Remembrance Sunday 2015) to include: – New paths (wheelchair accessible) – Improved access and access landscaping (including new gates) – New western boundary fence to create separate public footpath – New hard-standing around memorial – New seating – Main landscape features in – Planting of any trees/shrubs etc (horticultural considerations)

10 Project Timeline Now until September 2016 to complete Memorial Garden refurbishment: 2016 – headline sequence Continued refinement of any outstanding hard landscape features All soft landscaping to be completed – to include community planting (Parks/horticulture lead) Incorporation of any historical/reference/archive link material Incorporation of any creative/public art Re-dedication event/ceremony – Summer 2016

11 Project Timeline Now until September 2016 to complete “Romanby Remembers” Work: 2015/6 – headline sequence – Assemble research team able to meet and operate virtually - identify core members by end-Mar 15 (including support from schools and other groups) – able to meet ad-hoc as required, and as project develops. – Begin research of men on memorial (including gathering information already existing), and village life 100 years ago. – Identify and develop/implement resources and how shared, eg: Web site Hard copy resources/learning packs Physical resource in memorial garden

12 So this evening….. We Need Your Help & Design Ideas …And your areas of expertise/interest …and your contact details!!


14 Memorial Garden Design Timelines Ideas gathered tonight Further 10-day public consultation window Draft hard landscape designs compiled by end Feb 15 Next public meeting – Design confirmation and publication – Easter 2015 Work to commence thereafter…….

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