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1 Water and Waste Regulatory Office Auditing/Inspection of the Data Reported to WWRO _____________________________________________ Qamil Musa Head of Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Water and Waste Regulatory Office Auditing/Inspection of the Data Reported to WWRO _____________________________________________ Qamil Musa Head of Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Water and Waste Regulatory Office Auditing/Inspection of the Data Reported to WWRO _____________________________________________ Qamil Musa Head of Performance Section June 2008




5 5 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS (I) DATA MAINTENANCE AND REPORTING SYSTEM Remarks mainly fall to weak functioning of system information modules in two of software packages that are available in water companies (Pro-net and Piano); as well as toRemarks mainly fall to weak functioning of system information modules in two of software packages that are available in water companies (Pro-net and Piano); as well as to Lack of other applications which are supposed to be a part of Management Information SystemLack of other applications which are supposed to be a part of Management Information System

6 6 FINANCIAL DATA Lack in presenting historical data from Billing ModuleLack in presenting historical data from Billing Module Items in Financial Statements not presented according to KASItems in Financial Statements not presented according to KAS GENERAL CONCLUSIONS (II)

7 7 OPERATING DATA Lack in proper data maintenance: Lack in proper data maintenance:  Water Production  Average Water Disconnections (h)  Water disconnections (no.)  Wastewater services GENERAL CONCLUSIONS (III)

8 8 CUSTOMER SERVICE DATA No Customer Relation ModuleNo Customer Relation Module No responsible person which is supposed to work with MRKNo responsible person which is supposed to work with MRK Lack in data maintenanceLack in data maintenance o Service Connections o Vulnerable Customers GENERAL CONCLUSIONS (IV)

9 9 INTERNAL PROCEDURES It was stated that companies (except “Radoniqi”) do not have a written form of some of necessary procedures for effective management of important issues regarding regulatory process as: GENERAL CONCLUSIONS (V)

10 10 Procedures for dealing with customer complaints Procedures for dealing with customer complaints Procedures regarding notices to customers for water disconnections Procedures regarding notices to customers for water disconnections Procedures for dealing with applications for connection in water and wastewater network Procedures for dealing with applications for connection in water and wastewater network Procedure (program of activities) for preventing maintenance of water and wastewater system. Procedure (program of activities) for preventing maintenance of water and wastewater system. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS (VI)

11 11 RWC ‘Prishtina’ SH.A. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), regardless of some small deviations, are in generally accurate. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), regardless of some small deviations, are in generally accurate. Similarly, regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of data reported with those put available during auditing regime. Similarly, regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of data reported with those put available during auditing regime. Whilst, data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046) regarding customer service has shown to be inaccurate. Whilst, data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046) regarding customer service has shown to be inaccurate.

12 12 RWC “Hidroregjioni Jugor” SH.A. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), regardless of some small deviations, are in generally accurate. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), regardless of some small deviations, are in generally accurate. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of reported data D 001; whilst the data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate since there has not been any evidence regarding those data. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of reported data D 001; whilst the data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate since there has not been any evidence regarding those data. Furthermore also customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046) are stated to be inaccurate since there is no evidence kept regarding those data. Furthermore also customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046) are stated to be inaccurate since there is no evidence kept regarding those data.

13 13 RWC “Hidrodrini” SH.A. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), are partly accurate. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), are partly accurate. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of reported data D 001; whilst the data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate since there has not been any evidence regarding those data. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of reported data D 001; whilst the data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate since there has not been any evidence regarding those data. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), data 002 – D 007 are stated to be accurate; but the data D 021 – D 046 has been considered as inaccurate since there is no evidence for them. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), data 002 – D 007 are stated to be accurate; but the data D 021 – D 046 has been considered as inaccurate since there is no evidence for them.

14 14 RWC “Ujësjellësi Regjional” SH.A. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), regardless of some small deviations, are in generally accurate. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), regardless of some small deviations, are in generally accurate. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of data reported with those made available during auditing regime. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated a full compatibility of data reported with those made available during auditing regime. Also data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046) regarding customer service has shown to be accurate but with some small deviations. Also data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046) regarding customer service has shown to be accurate but with some small deviations.

15 15 RWC “Radoniqi” SH.A. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019) are almost accurate; differences in reported data toward those audited are result of accounting in the end of fiscal year. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019) are almost accurate; differences in reported data toward those audited are result of accounting in the end of fiscal year. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated inaccuracy in reporting. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated inaccuracy in reporting. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), were considered as partly accurate. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), were considered as partly accurate.

16 16 RWC “Bifurkacioni” SH.A. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), are partly accurate. Auditing team estimates that financial data reported (D 007 – D 019), are partly accurate. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated full compatibility of data D 001; whilst data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate although there is no evidence regarding those data. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated full compatibility of data D 001; whilst data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate although there is no evidence regarding those data. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), data D 002 – D 007 were stated as accurate; and data D 021 – D 046 were considered inaccurate since there has not been any evidence regarding those data. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), data D 002 – D 007 were stated as accurate; and data D 021 – D 046 were considered inaccurate since there has not been any evidence regarding those data.

17 17 RWC “Hidromorava” SH.A. Auditing team estimates that most offinancial data reported (D 007 – D 019), are inaccurate. Auditing team estimates that most offinancial data reported (D 007 – D 019), are inaccurate. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated full compatibility of data D 001; whilst data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate although there is no evidence regarding those data. Regarding accuracy of operating data (D 001; D0047 – D052), auditing team has stated full compatibility of data D 001; whilst data D 047 – D 052 are inaccurate although there is no evidence regarding those data. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), data 002 – D 007 are stated to be accurate; but the data D 021 – D 046 has been considered as inaccurate since extraction of these data from Customer Relation Module was not possible. Whilst regarding customer service data (D 002 – D 007; D 021 – D 046), data 002 – D 007 are stated to be accurate; but the data D 021 – D 046 has been considered as inaccurate since extraction of these data from Customer Relation Module was not possible.

18 18 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS (I) DATA MAINTENACE AND REPORTING SYSTEM Information system module “Pro-net” and “Piano shall be further developed.Information system module “Pro-net” and “Piano shall be further developed. Customer Service Module DevelopmentCustomer Service Module Development Development of Geographic Information System (GID) with the data for water and wastewater is recommended.Development of Geographic Information System (GID) with the data for water and wastewater is recommended. Development of applications for data maintenance, also necessary for management.Development of applications for data maintenance, also necessary for management.

19 19 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS (II) DATA REPORTING SYSTEM Installation of any more advanced software system for maintenance of water production dataInstallation of any more advanced software system for maintenance of water production data

20 20 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS (III) REGARDING TECHNICAL DATA Installation of water meters which unable reporting of estimated amount of water producedInstallation of water meters which unable reporting of estimated amount of water produced Areas which are subject to water reductions shall be clearly defined and number of customers in these areas shall be determined.Areas which are subject to water reductions shall be clearly defined and number of customers in these areas shall be determined. There must be evidence kept for all water service disconnections.There must be evidence kept for all water service disconnections.

21 21 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS (IV) REGARDING CUSTOMER SERVICE Drafting and implementation of Internal Procedures Drafting and implementation of Internal Procedures Organizing centers for responses toward customers requests Organizing centers for responses toward customers requests Ensuring the call operator for 24/7 and keeping the evidence of customer complaints Ensuring the call operator for 24/7 and keeping the evidence of customer complaints Keeping the evidence of customer complaints according to complaint nature and submission of complaints to the relevant sectors for a solution – in accordance with minimal service standards for processing and resolving of technical and commercial complaints Keeping the evidence of customer complaints according to complaint nature and submission of complaints to the relevant sectors for a solution – in accordance with minimal service standards for processing and resolving of technical and commercial complaints Notification and registration of vulnerable customers Notification and registration of vulnerable customers

22 22 FURTHER STEPS Improvement of report 2007 with findings Improvement of report 2007 with findings Visits in RWCs in order to verify reported data Visits in RWCs in order to verify reported data Inspections ‘ad-hoc’ Inspections ‘ad-hoc’

23 23 Thank you for your attention! Any question or comment?

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