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1 BSIA SEMS Strategy British Security Industry Association Security Equipment Manufacturers’ Section.

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1 1 BSIA SEMS Strategy British Security Industry Association Security Equipment Manufacturers’ Section

2 2 BSIA SEMS VISION To promote the British Electronic Security Equipment Industry whilst developing knowledge within the section to improve global competitiveness.

3 3 Overview: SEMS as part of BSIA will provide members with an infrastructure to support increased global competitiveness whilst developing the industry’s influence in and awareness of the regulatory context in which it operates. Four strategic themes will deliver this: 1.We improve the Service throughout the Value Chain 2.We improve Standards – UK, EN and IEC 3.We influence Regulation - UK, European and International 4.We share Knowledge – Education, Advice and Voice. BSIA SEMS STRATEGY

4 4 We improve the Service throughout the Value Chain We will develop and enhance the value chain in: 1. Service in the supply chain (Availability and Performance) 2. Service in the install (Availability and Support) 3. Service in use (Reliability and Support) BSIA SEMS STRATEGY

5 5 Action: Supply Chain Publicise stated supply chain goals Install Outcomes: BSIA manufacturers are the preferred supplier for availability, reliability, maintainability of products Availability of products in the supply chain when standards change. BSIA manufacturers are the preferred supplier for availability, reliability and the maintainability of products

6 6 Action Service in use Outcomes: BSIA manufacturers are the preferred supplier for availability, reliability, and maintainability of products Standards

7 7 We improve Standards – UK, EN and IEC Standards will be improved by: 1. Clarity of compliance with standards –Agreeing interpretation of standards –Education on standards 2. Influencing standards development –Expert representation on standards working groups –Agreed responses to standards consultations BSIA SEMS STRATEGY

8 8 Action: Standards Compliance Influence Standards Outcomes: SEMS led standards guidance and seminars. In time consultation response. Strong SEMS representation on all targeted standards groups.

9 9 We influence Regulation - UK, European and International Influencing regulation by lobbing and being part of consultations on: 1.Mandatory factors – covering legislative matters specific to the section, examples include: –WEEE –RoHS –REACH 2.Optional matters – general policy and legislation which may benefit section members, examples include: –R&D Tax Credits –FP7 BSIA SEMS STRATEGY

10 10 Action Mandatory factors Optional matters Outcomes: Involved in consultations Understand implication of decisions Ethical supplier of choice for end user Quality Product information available Involved in consultations Understand benefits Offered opportunities Regulation

11 11 We share Knowledge – Education, Advice and Voice Working to positively influence stakeholder groups, broadly these are: 1.Industry Bodies: ACPO, NSI/SSAIB, ACPOS, RiscAuthority, ASC, Skills for Security, Euralarm, Certalarm, EFSG, SSS Section 2UK Government: Ofcom, BIS, DCLG 3.European Commission DG Enterprise DG Competition and markets 4.Public/End Users Media – print, broadcast and web BSIA SEMS STRATEGY

12 12 Action ACPO Liaison Meeting Police Scotland NSI/SSAIB Outcomes: Invite to meetings Understand implication of decisions Involved in the consultations on the relevant NACP & SS 200x Offer inspectors training Industry Bodies

13 13 Action: Lobby OFCOM over SRD requirements & Network requirements BIS DCLG Outcomes: Practical new EN 303131 standard for alarm devices & influence network providers Understand Environmental impacts of government legislation Influence building codes on security issue where possible UK Government

14 14 Action: Lobby EU Commission Understand and define the non-BSIA lobbying (Euralarm) Define a lobby strategy Execute lobbying strategy Outcomes: One stop testing and certification Increase Euralarm focus for lobbying EU European Commission

15 15 Action: Media - Print Outcomes: Regular articles from SEMS members in trade press and enduser magazines Public/End Users

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