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“Improving outcomes through high quality integrated support and development services for young people in Bristol” 2010 - 14 Tuesday 23 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "“Improving outcomes through high quality integrated support and development services for young people in Bristol” 2010 - 14 Tuesday 23 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Improving outcomes through high quality integrated support and development services for young people in Bristol” 2010 - 14 Tuesday 23 March 2010

2 Introduction Welcome Housekeeping Agenda and Objectives

3 Housekeeping Fire alarm “Car park” Domestics questions

4 Objectives To provide the opportunity for participants to discuss the emerging Bristol Youth Links Strategy To generate ideas to make the strategy a success To be involved in creating the action plan to implement the strategy To network with colleagues To celebrate progress so far

5 Outline for the day TimeSessionLead 0900 – 0930Registration and refreshments 0930 – 1000Welcome, introductions and agendaPace 1000 – 1015Key note speechCBolt 1015 – 1030Sharing the emerging strategyRR 1030 – 1100Opportunities / challengesPace 1100 – 1130Refreshments 1130 – 1230Implementing the themesPace 1230 – 1245Action planningPace 1245 – 1300Closing commentsCBolt 1300 – 1305Feedback 1305Close/Lunch

6 Speed dating / Introductions “To network with colleagues” / “To celebrate progress so far On post-its capture “what has been your proudest achievement during 2009/10 in relation to improving outcomes for young people?” When you are ready – find colleagues you don’t yet know, introduce yourself and share your proudest achievement See how many people you can share your achievement within 10 minutes!

7 Craig Bolt Service Director Education Strategy and Targeted Support

8 Access creative, positive activities for personal development and learning. Make positive contributions, understand and influence decision making, and access volunteering opportunities. Young people themselves help to influence the work of agencies working with vulnerable teenagers. Access information to make informed decisions for today and their future.

9 “The Youth Offer in Bristol – a tool kit for life” 2008 The draft specification for positive activities 2009 The options for targeted youth support 2009 The evaluation of the common assessment framework

10 Enjoy happy, healthy and safe teenage years that prepare them well for adult life. Are energised and believe in their own potential. Have high expectations, actively participate in their own learning and personal development, achieve and prosper. Make a positive contribution to their communities and the wider life of the city, with this contribution recognised and valued. The Vision: By 2014 Bristol will be a place where all young people:

11 3.1Improve outcomes for teenagers through integrated youth support 3.2Reduce offending and re-offending 3.3Improve recreational facilities for children and young people in more disadvantaged areas of the city 3.4Raise aspirations and engagement in learning, by providing diverse range of places to go and things to do for young people, extending access to opportunities to develop wider interests and aptitudes 3.7Engage service users in decision making, including the design and delivery of services to meet their needs 5.5Reduce substance misuse (including alcohol) and increase treatment rates 5.6Reduce teenage pregnancies 6.6Improve the transition to adulthood for children in care Improved outcomes: Children and Young People’s Plan:

12 Scope and Services covered by this strategy The Youth Service Connexions The Youth Offending Team and Crime Prevention services The Teenage Pregnancy Services Substance Misuse Services for young people Voluntary and community youth sector providers Specialist counselling and mental health providers

13 Informed by what young people say they want and need Needs analysis and performance data

14 Areas of focus: Theme One: Strengthen the influence of young people and their families Theme Two: Strengthen arrangements to identify, assess and meet the needs of vulnerable young people early in the context of their everyday lives Theme Three: Make services more accessible, attractive, known and relevant to all young people, ensuring equality of access to vulnerable young people Theme Four: Secure a diverse, skilled, motivated and integrated workforce Theme Five: Integrating quality and performance systems

15 OpportunitiesChallenges Response to the strategy….. Post-its / brown paper

16 OpportunitiesChallenges Put into emerging themes 2 votes each Clear tables

17 Outline for the day TimeSessionLead 0900 – 0930Registration and refreshments 0930 – 1000Welcome, introductions and agendaPace 1000 – 1015Key note speechCBolt 1015 – 1030Sharing the emerging strategyRR 1030 – 1100Opportunities / challengesPace 1100 – 1130Refreshments 1130 – 1230Implementing the themesPace 1230 – 1245Action planningPace 1245 – 1300Closing commentsCBolt 1300 – 1305Feedback 1305Close/Lunch

18 Ready to restart at 11.30 am

19 The following themes are those identified in the strategy 1.Strengthen the influence of young people and their families 2.Strengthen arrangements to identify, assess and meet needs of vulnerable young people early in the context of their everyday lives 3.Make services more accessible, attractive, known and relevant to all young people, ensuring equality of access to vulnerable young people 4.Secure a diverse, skilled, motivated and integrated workforce 5.Integrating quality and performance systems

20 How can we make the strategy a success by addressing the 5 themes? Theme 4 Theme 3 Theme 5 Theme 4 Theme 1 Theme 5 Theme 2 Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3

21 Move to a table about the theme on which you would like to focus that next hour of your time

22 Step 1 – Characteristics of Success What characteristics would we see in our work if your chosen theme was operating successfully?

23 Step 2 – Blockers and Enablers What would help and what would hinder us achieving this success? What are the aims?

24 Step 3 – How well are we doing in meeting these aims? What’s working? What needs to be tweaked? What gaps are there?

25 Step 4 – What else should we do?? What might be some solutions? –Short term? (2 months) –Medium term? (6 months) –Longer term? (12 months)

26 Theme Characteristics of success what characteristics would we see in our work if this theme was operating successfully Blockers and Enablers What would help and what would hinder us achieving this success? Aims What’s happening? What is working? What needs to be tweaked? What gaps are there? What solutions have we got? What might be some solutions? Short term (2 months) Medium term (9 months) Long term (18 months)

27 Outline for the day TimeSessionLead 0900 – 0930Registration and refreshments 0930 – 1000Welcome, introductions and agendaPace 1000 – 1015Key note speechCBolt 1015 – 1030Sharing the emerging strategyRR 1030 – 1100Opportunities / challengesPace 1100 – 1130Refreshments 1130 – 1230Implementing the themesPace 1230 – 1245Action planningPace 1245 – 1300Closing commentsCBolt 1300 – 1305Feedback 1305Close/Lunch

28 Planning some next steps 1. What change can you make to secure the successful implementation of the strategy? 2. What change can your service / area make to secure the successful implementation of the strategy? 3. What change can the PSA14 Board / Children’s Trust make to secure the successful implementation of the strategy 4. What needs to happen now? On post-it Share on table, take away Capture on the Flip charts

29 Outline for the day TimeSessionLead 0900 – 0930Registration and refreshments 0930 – 1000Welcome, introductions and agendaPace 1000 – 1015Key note speechCBolt 1015 – 1030Sharing the emerging strategyRR 1030 – 1100Opportunities / challengesPace 1100 – 1130Refreshments 1130 – 1230Implementing the themesPace 1230 – 1245Action planningPace 1245 – 1300Closing commentsCBolt 1300 – 1305Feedback 1305Close/Lunch

30 Event Feedback – on flip charts/on the tables What went well? Even better if…

31 “Improving outcomes through high quality integrated support and development services for young people in Bristol” 2010 - 14 Tuesday 23 March 2010

32 Bristol Youth Links Strategy To secure high quality integrated support and development services for young people in Bristol a toolkit for life. 2010-18 23 rd March 2010

33 Planning some next steps 1. What change can you make to secure the successful implementation of the strategy? 2. What change can your service / area make to secure the successful implementation of the strategy 3. What change can the PSA14 Board / Children’s Trust make to secure the successful implementation of the strategy 4. What needs to happen now?

34 Move to a table on the theme that you would like to focus on stepcomponentnotes 1Characteristics of success If we’re doing this theme well, what will we see? Frame the question to ensure focusing on the right thing, e.g. what characteristics would we see in our work if this theme was operating successfully 2Blockers and Enablers What would help and what would hinder us achieving this success? Don’t ‘sit on the fence’. Blockers and enablers are often two sides of the same coin, so try to describe what each side would look like e.g. a blocker to high self- esteem might be using critical language, whilst an enabler might be seeking opportunity to describe what they’ve done well. Don’t just say ‘language can be a blocker or an enabler’. 3Positive Aims So what are we trying to produce? Create aims that spring directly from both the blockers and the enablers. 4Solutions Matrix Take a good hard look at what we’re doing against these aims. Is it really doing it for everyone it needs to? What needs to be tweaked? What gaps are there? What might be some solutions? The challenge is not are we doing them but are we doing them effectively? Are we reaching only a proportion of those we need to reach? Start with what’s happening, don’t add layers until you know if what you’re doing is being effective. If may be just as good to stop doing something as start. This may free up additional resources for something more effective. Solutions may be: Short term (2 months) Medium term (9 months) Long term (18 months)

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