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Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Wiltshire Museums Copyright Seminar - 25-Nov-2003 Copyright and Online.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Wiltshire Museums Copyright Seminar - 25-Nov-2003 Copyright and Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Wiltshire Museums Copyright Seminar - 25-Nov-2003 Copyright and Online Images Grant Young – TASI Technical Research Officer

2 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. TASI The Technical Advisory Service for Images (TASI) is a JISC-funded service set up to provide advice and guidance to the Further and Higher Education community on the issues of creating, delivering and using digital images together with managing digitisation projects. Ph: 0117 928 7091 Email: WWW:

3 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. TASI  Still digital images (raster, vector, and animated)  All aspects (creating, delivering, and using)  For digitisation projects and learning/teaching  FE/HE and some other ‘GLAMorous’ institutions!

4 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. TASI  Enquiry Service (  Mailing List ( lists/tasi.html)  Workshops (  Consultancy  Information (

5 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Some (not so) small print Whilst all care has been taken, the information presented here does not in any way constitute legal advice and TASI always recommends that you contact a specialist lawyer for professional guidance on issues pertaining to IPR

6 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Copyright and Online Images  Clearing rights Ensuring/securing permission to digitise and make available online  Protecting rights Ensuring that rights and investments in online images are not infringed or abused by others

7 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Clearing Rights – Basics  Consider at beginning of project  Your responsibility  Owning material  owning copyright  Digitisation is a form of copying  Putting online is a form of “publication”, communication or distribution  Unlikely to fall within “fair dealing”  May be several layers of copyright  May be other rights involved

8 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Clearing Rights - Steps  Determine copyright status  Decide on scope of permissions required  Create a contract  Set up a due diligence file  Locate rights-holder(s)  Negotiate the details  Do what you say you’ll do  Make an effort to protect online works from infringement by others

9 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. “To copy or not to copy?”  What if copyright status unclear or owner unknown/untraceable?  Best advice is don’t copy  Others go ahead with a promise to remove and desist  Such practise is risky and TASI recommends seeking legal advice before proceeding

10 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Other rights and issues  Other Intellectual Property Rights (e.g. Design Rights, Patents and Trademarks, Publication Rights, Database Rights, Performing Rights)  Moral Rights  Data Protection issues  Freedom of Information obligations  Who actually owns your online resource?

11 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights - Basics  Consider at beginning of project  First line of defence is educational  Second line of defence is technological  Nothing will provide an absolute guarantee  Up to you to pursue infringements  Balance risks and costs v benefits  Consider the worst case scenario – is it really so bad?

12 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights – Options  Do nothing  Limit deliverables  Add rights statements (©2003, Technical Advisory Service for Images, All rights reserved)  Tag image files  Make it difficult to copy  Watermark content  Restrict access  Seal/encrypt content

13 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights – Options  Limit deliverables  Online delivery imposes own limitations: Size (pixel dimensions) Quality (lossy compression)

14 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights – Options  Tag image files (IPTC/EXIF)

15 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights – Options  Making it difficult to copy (1)

16 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights – Options  Making it difficult to copy (2) Java applets FLASH presentations Using zoom technologies to deliver larger images (slicing or streaming the images)

17 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights – Options  Watermarking visible“invisible”

18 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Protecting Rights – Options  Restricting access  Sealing/encrypting content

19 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Impact of Copyright Directive  Clarification rather than extension  Temporary copying not illegal (e.g. viewing in browser, caching of image)  Tampering with copy protection is illegal (e.g. removing file tags or watermarks, breaking applets, etc.)

20 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Conclusion  Educate yourself and your users  Consider the risks and costs v benefits  Only way to be absolutely sure is not to copy material and not to make it available!

21 Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Want to know more?  Ask a question during panel session  Come along to this afternoon’s discussion  Email TASI’s Enquiry Service  Attend TASI’s DRM workshop

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