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1 Front Slide

2 Roles and Responsibilities under HASWA 1974
List THREE duties of an EMPLOYEE under the Health and Safety At Work Act Under the Act, it is the 'duty of every employee' whilst at work, to take all reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and other persons who may be effected by his acts and omissions. Employees are required to: 1. 2. 3. Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 1b Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Duties of the Employee - Own and others roles and responsibilities under the HASWA

3 Roles and Responsibilities under HASWA 1974
List THREE duties of an EMPLOYEE under the Health and Safety At Work Act Under the Act, it is the 'duty of every employee' whilst at work, to take all reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and other persons who may be effected by his acts and omissions. Employees are required to: 1. Co-operate with the employer to enable the duties placed on him (the employer) to be performed. Have regard of any duty or requirement imposed upon his employer or any other person under any of the statutory provisions. 2. 3. Not interfere with or misuse any thing provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare in the pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions. Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 1b Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Duties of the Employee - Own and others roles and responsibilities under the HASWA

4 Roles and Responsibilities under HASWA 1974
List THREE duties of an EMPLOYER under the Health and Safety At Work Act Under the Act, it is the 'duty of every employee' whilst at work, to take all reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and other persons who may be effected by his acts and omissions. Employees are required to: 1. 2. 3. Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 1b Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1 - Duties of the Employer - Own and others roles and responsibilities under the HASWA

5 Working in an Engineering Workplace
Whilst you are in the workshop, you are required to ensure that all materials and equipment are handled and stored correctly. This means that you are expected to use your knowledge and understanding of the HASWA 1974 as a guideline to ensure all workers are working in a safe and approved manner. Demonstrate this using a photograph on this page and annotating what safety considerations you have made. Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 1d Grading Criteria: P1 Key Skills: Assignment: 1: Working in an Engineering Workplace

6 Personal Protective Equipment PPE
What is PPE? What do the Regulations Require? List 4 other requirements that are required by the Regulations 1 2 3 4 Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2a Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: C2.1a Assignment: 2 - Personal Protective Equipment at Work. What is PPE?

7 Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2b Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: C2.1a Assignment: 2 - Personal Protective Equipment at Work - Personal Protection

8 Personal Protective Equipment PPE
Identify GOOD PPE practice in the workshop Identify POOR PPE practice in the workshop Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2c Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: C2.1a Assignment: 2 - Personal Protective Equipment at Work - Good / Poor Practice with PPE

9 Personal Protective Equipment PPE
Hazard and Types of PPE Hazard Options Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2d Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: C2.1a Assignment: 2 - Personal Protective Equipment at Work - Hazards and Types of PPE

10 T Personal Protective Equipment PPE Swarf when drilling Goggles
Hazard and Types of PPE Hazard PPE / Safety Options Swarf when drilling Goggles Working with dirty materials Overalls Working with heavy equipment Wear safety boots/shoes Long hair when using machinery Safety hairnet/baseball hat Working with sharp objects Wear gloves Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2d Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: C2.1a Assignment: 2 - Personal Protective Equipment at Work - Hazards and Types of PPE T

11 Personal Protective Equipment PPE
List at least 10 accidents which may occur from wearing the wrong or no PPE Accident Reason Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2e Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: C2.1a Assignment: 2 - Personal Protective Equipment at Work - Accidents from wrong PPE

12 Hazardous Substances List SEVEN main groups of hazardous substances in a chart on this sheet Listed substances: Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2f Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Hazardous Substances - 7 main groups of Hazardous Substances

13 T Hazardous Substances EXTREMELY- HIGHLY- VERY -
List SEVEN main groups of hazardous substances in a chart on this sheet Listed substances: Explosive Oxidising Extremely Flammable Highly Flammable Harmful Toxic Very Toxic Irritant Dangerous for the Environment EXTREMELY- HIGHLY- VERY - Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2f Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Hazardous Substances - 7 main groups of Hazardous Substances T

Hazardous Substances List SEVEN main groups of hazardous substances in a chart on this sheet Listed substances: Explosive Oxidising Extremely Flammable Highly Flammable Harmful Toxic Very Toxic Irritant Dangerous for the Environment EXPLOSIVE OXIDISING EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE HIGHLY FLAMMABLE HARMFUL TOXIC VERY TOXIC DANGEROUS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT IRRITANT Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2f Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Hazardous Substances - 7 main groups of Hazardous Substances T

15 Lifting and Handling techniques/Housekeeping and tidiness
Safe working practices need to be adopted for manual operations such as Lifting, stacking and loading. Personnel need to be trained to perform these tasks so that the correct techniques are adopted and the correct PPE is used at all times. List the main considerations when lifting a heavy load from the floor and illustrate this with a simple sketch (matchstick person). 2. What suitable PPE should you wear when lifting and handling heavy loads? HOUSEKEEPING AND TIDINESS A sign of a good worker is a clean and tidy working area. List the THREE main things you should consider to ensure a safe, clean and tidy work area. (Note: You will be looking at this in more detail in a later task.) Correct Technique Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2g Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment: 2 - Lifting / Handling / Housekeeping

16 Selecting Correct PPE in the Workshop
Whilst you are in the workshop, you are required to select and use appropriate personal protective equipment when undertaking a given Engineering Activity. During your sessions in the workshop, you will be able to take photos demonstrating correct working procedues Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 2h Grading Criteria: P2 Key Skills: Assignment 2: Selecting Correct PPE in the Workshop

17 Risks and Hazards Area Process Material Risk
A risk is the exposure to the chance of injury or loss. For example: A fire-exit being obstructed may prevent people from leaving a dangerous area The hazard in this situation would be the chair that is obstructing the fire-exit. When making the ‘Bevel Gauge’ that you have been shown, what would the potential risks be from using the tools, materials, processes and equipment? What would the danger of not fulfilling the procedures be in an unsafe working environment? Use the chart below to list examples of risks that may occur. Area Process Material Risk Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3a Grading Criteria: P3 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Risks and Hazards - Identify potential risks using tools, processes and equipment

18 Risks and Hazards Area Process Material Hazard
Why is it important to identify Risks and Hazards in an Engineering Workplace? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3a Grading Criteria: P3 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Risks and Hazards - Identify potential risks using tools, processes and equipment

19 T Risks and Hazards Area Process Material Risk
A risk is the exposure to the chance of injury or loss. For example: A fire-exit being obstructed may prevent people from leaving a dangerous area The hazard in this situation would be the chair that is obstructing the fire-exit. When making the ‘Bevel Gauge’ that you have been shown, what would the potential risks be from using the tools, materials, processes and equipment or carrying out the task? Use the chart below to complete a risk assessment for the operation of opening the windows in the workshop Area Process Material Risk Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3a Grading Criteria: M2 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Risks and Hazards - Identify potential risks using tools, processes and equipment T

20 A loose or disconnected handle could fall off whilst drilling
Risks and Hazards Area Process Material Hazard Pillar Drill Drilling Hole Drill bit could break whilst drilling, causing an eye injury of goggles are not worn Milling M/C Hacksaw Cutting Material The blade could break whilst cutting if it is not secure in the frame properly Hand File Smoothing Material A loose or disconnected handle could fall off whilst drilling Working Environment Working at a lathe N/A An obstruction to the emergency stop could be; someone else’s foot; a piece of material that has fallen; a piece of rubbish. Following Procedure Clearing the workshop Why is it important to identify Risks and Hazards in an Engineering Workplace? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3a Grading Criteria: P3 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Risks and Hazards - Identify potential risks using tools, processes and equipment T

21 Name of person carrying out Risk Assessment: Time: Location:
Type of Hazard Example Details of Risk Additional control measures needed Low Med High Description of risk and existing control measures and who at risk Impaired emergency access Obstructed fire exit Electric Shock Damaged cables Impaired access to emergency stops Obstructed or out of reach Slips, Trips and Falls Wet floor, working at height Fire/Explosion Flammable vapours Impact, Entanglement Moving parts of machinery Injury from lifting Moving heavy items, bad posture Cuts and Puncture wounds Sharp objects Heat/Burns Brazing, Heat Loud Noise Machinery, cutting Impaired Vision Poor lighting Personal Safety Working alone Training and Behaviour Lack of training – Anti Social Behaviour Swarf from Machining Damage to eyes/hands Other Hazard Name of person carrying out Risk Assessment: Time: Location: Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3b Grading Criteria: M1 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Risks and Hazards - Carry out a risk assessment of a workshop area

22 Health and Safety Policy Document
You are to prepare of safety policy document for the workshop area around the lathes, pillar drills and milling machines. The policy document should be in the form of a ‘POSTER’ that will be displayed in the workshop. You should include references to relevant legislation (for example, the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). Your Health and Safety policy should take into account the fact that the main users of the area will pupils and your policy should be worded so that it can be easily understood. You should arrange your health and safety policy under the following headings: A general statement explaining what the policy is about and who needs to know about it. Procedure for accident and incident reporting (what needs to be reported and who should it be reported to. Manual handling and lifting. Hazardous equipment and processes. Electrical safety. Fire and emergency evacuation. Personal Protective Equipment. (PPE) Safety Training (What instruction will be required before using the machines) Risk assessment and safety inspection. Health and Safety responsibilities – Names and roles of those responsible for H&S such as school office, first aid person and who to report hazards to regarding the workshop. Emergency telephone numbers. Produce the Policy on A4 paper with a clear heading – ‘HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR THE DT ENGINEERING CLUB’ Don’t forget that this is for years 7, 8 and 9 pupils! Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3c(i) Grading Criteria: D1 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Safety Policy Document

23 Health and Safety Policy Document
Where can you find the legislation for the following that you have created policies for? List the websites and names of the documents and people hat you would refer to. Procedure for accident and incident reporting (what needs to be reported and who should it be reported to). Manual handling and lifting. Hazardous equipment and processes. Electrical safety. Fire and emergency evacuation. Personal Protective Equipment. (PPE) Safety Training (What instruction will be required before using the machines) Risk assessment and safety inspection. Health and Safety responsibilities – Names and roles of those responsible for H&S such as school office, first aid person and who to report hazards to regarding the workshop. Emergency telephone numbers. Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3c(ii) Grading Criteria: D1 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Safety Policy Document

24 T Health and Safety Policy Document Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
You must use this sheet to refer to relevant information on the following legislations to complete task 3c. Procedure for accident and incident reporting (what needs to be reported and who should it be reported to). Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 HMSO The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Manual handling and lifting. Manual handling. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Hazardous equipment and processes. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 Electrical safety. HMSO Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994 Fire and emergency evacuation. Fire Precautions Regulations 1997 Personal Protective Equipment. (PPE) The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 Safety Training (What instruction will be required before using the machines) Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Risk assessment and safety inspection. Health and Safety responsibilities – Names and roles of those responsible for H&S such as school office, first aid person and who to report hazards to regarding the workshop. Emergency telephone numbers. Staff list in JRCS Handbook 2008 Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 3c(ii) Grading Criteria: D1 Key Skills: Assignment: 3 - Safety Policy Document T

25 Evaluating an incident in the workshop
Following the recent incident in the workshop when the workshop technician, fell off of the bench while trying to open a window, it was clear that everyone had a different reaction to the incident and different ideas about the course of action to take. following a group discussion ,describe and explain the emergency procedures that you consider should have been Followed and use this information to create a policy document for such an incident. Make notes here Describe details of the incident in the workshop that has been shown to you. Explain the emergency procedures that you have discussed Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 4a Grading Criteria: P4 Key Skills: Assignment: 4 - Evaluating an incident in the workshop

26 Explain the incident with photos and annotation
Proposal for change of D&T Department emergency procedures (TWO PARTS) Now described and consider the emergency procedures that should have been followed following the recent window incident in the workshop , you must EXPLAIN what went wrong after the event and WHY. Did anything positive happen? (e.g. speed of response, or found out their was a lack of emergency contact information). Concentrate on AFTER THE EVENT What happened: (At least FIVE points to be discussed) Technician fell from window / work benching after attempting to open window in order to ventilate room Explain the incident with photos and annotation Reporting procedure. What should it be ? Workshop dusty due to use of router on mdf : no extraction = dusty area Went into room alone – how long was he there ? how long was the person alone Design of window area an issue / location of benching / room re-design Response to accident – what should happen How serious was the accident Is there a need for a risk assessment with regard to opening windows ? Need for more signs ? Person absent from work Inform someone that you are going into a workshop 2. You must now prepare a MEMO to the Head of the D&T department with proposals for improvements to the emergency procedures in the event of an accident. You must JUSTFY your proposals in an and it to Mr Gilligan and then amend the policy. Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 4b Grading Criteria: M2 Key Skills: Assignment: 4 - Proposals for Emergency Procedures Continue on separate sheet if necessary

27 Proposal for change of D&T Department emergency procedures – continuation sheet
Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 4b Grading Criteria: M2 Key Skills: Assignment: 4 - Proposals for Emergency Procedures - continuation sheet

28 Preparing for a work activity
Before practical work can start, the work area must be prepared and tools and equipment checked. All your tools and equipment must be checked for damage and safety. Use the ‘check list, posted in the workshop (copy on right) and get the technician or teacher to observe you carrying out the check. Take photos to show what you are doing. Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 5a Grading Criteria: P5 Key Skills: Assignment: 5 - Preparing for a work activity

29 Storage of Work and Drawings in the Workshop
Putting unfinished work and your working drawings in your cupboard may result in damage damage . Make a PROPOSAL for an area where your work, drawings and folders could be kept safely and securely. How could they all be easily identified and accessed. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL why your proposal would work better than keeping it in your tool box. I recommend… Continue on separate sheet if necessary Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 5b Grading Criteria: P5 Key Skills: Assignment: 5 – Storage of Work and Drawings in the Workshop

30 Storage of Work and Drawings in the Workshop – continuation sheet
Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 5b Grading Criteria: P5 Key Skills: Assignment: 5 – Storage of Work and Drawings in the Workshop

31 Working Relationships
Working with the workshop technician and your peers is important for the effective running of the work environment. You must ask the your teacher, peers and technician to sign a witness statement recognising the qualities you must have to ensure a good working relationship in the workshop. YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR WITNESS SHEET SIGNED TO ACHIEVE THIS GRADE CRITERIA. Before you approach the technician, ensure that you are confident that you have met the following qualities for a good working relationship: You can: work with others in school (peers, teachers and unknown). work with others in outside school (staff, visits) work as part of a team make recommendations towards safety in the department deal with problems in the workshop (equipment unavailable – what you can do while waiting) talk constructively about matters in the workshop Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 6a Grading Criteria: P6 Key Skills: Assignment: 6 - Working Relationships

32 Improving on a work activity
Once practical work has begun, it is essential that policies are followed. For example, to ensure the work activity in the workshop is safe, in a working environment and the activity is fully understood. Using the headings below, list all of the things that have gone wrong whilst you have been making the Tool Makers Clamp and describe here how you could have improved in these areas whilst on working on this activity. Identify problems with a work activity How I can improve on this activity Workshop Safety Housekeeping Use of Tools Understanding of Drawings Working Relationships Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 6b Grading Criteria: M3 Key Skills: Assignment: 6 – Improving on a work activity

33 Working Relationships
What am I like? – You must make an honest EVALUATION of your working relationship with your peers, teacher and workshop technician and write down your NEGATIVE and POSITIVE personal qualities that affect this working relationship. You must be as honest and self CRITICAL as you can. Its about YOU not the others, so ensure that you focus on YOUR qualities not theirs! Now ASSESS your strengths and identify areas of your personal qualities that could be improved to ensure his continued support. Continue on separate sheet if necessary Name: Candidate No: Unit 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering Task: 6c Grading Criteria: D2 Key Skills: Assignment: 6 - Working Relationships

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