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Step into Sport Volunteer Passport. What is it? It is an online system which gives young people the opportunity to log and record their volunteering.

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Presentation on theme: "Step into Sport Volunteer Passport. What is it? It is an online system which gives young people the opportunity to log and record their volunteering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step into Sport Volunteer Passport

2 What is it?

3 It is an online system which gives young people the opportunity to log and record their volunteering hours and experiences

4 Who is it for?

5 Young people aged 14 to 19 In education

6 Why use it?

7 Helps you to record and evidence your volunteering activities Gives you recognition for the volunteering you do Encourages you to reflect and review your volunteering experience Provides insurance cover for you whilst you are volunteering

8 How can you access it?



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