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Brownmead Primary Academy Parent Session Wednesday 1 st October.

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1 Brownmead Primary Academy Parent Session Wednesday 1 st October

2 We are committed to;  Quality education  Maximising pupil progress  Inspirational teaching and learning  Innovative ways of working  Developing and supporting pupils and parents  Making a positive contribution to community improvement and inter- school links

3  On 1 st November Brownmead Junior and Infant School will become: Brownmead Primary Academy

4  Academies are state-funded schools that are not accountable to the Local Authority  The sponsor becomes the accountable body for the school and replaces the Local Authority  Academies have greater autonomy in terms of curriculum and finance  Currently the local authority take approximately 8% of our budget, whilst our sponsor will take 4%

5  The political landscape in terms of running schools has changed  The Department for Education require all schools who fall into ‘Special Measures’ to become a sponsored academy. Brownmead went into special measures in June 2013  The ‘Trojan Horse’ investigation into Birmingham schools delayed the announcement for our conversion.

6  Surplus money from Grant will fund school priorities and maintain provision.  Continue to be subject to Ofsted inspections  Continue to be accountable to the sponsor  School ethos will remain – school will continue to look & feel the same

7  Land and property would be owned by the multi academy trust. This will be in the form of a 125 year lease from the council.  Governors appointed in similar way  Staff pay, terms and conditions remain the same  Continue to work with other schools and wider community

8  WHA have been working with Brownmead since September 2013.  They have supported the leadership and teaching within the school.  Our ethos is very similar.  We have remained in control of the selection of our sponsor, whilst for some schools this has been taken away and they have had a sponsor forced upon them.

9  Losing our family ethos – in fact this will be strengthened by WHA  Changing our admissions policy  That we wont continue to serve the community of Shard End  Sweeping changes to the curriculum  Changing SEN support

10 St James the Great R.C. (VA) Primary and Nursery School Learning with God’s Love What is the difference for Brownmead Primary Academy with regard to its being a state school or an Academy? IssueBeforeAfter Who is responsible for the upkeep of the site and buildings? The Governing Body of Brownmead and the local authority The new Governing Body who are accountable to the Board of Directors of the Multi-Academy Trust Who is responsible for the strategic direction and policies of the school? The Governing Body of Brownmead and the local authority The new Governing Body who are accountable to the Board of Directors of the Multi-Academy Trust Who employs the staff?The Governing Body of BrownmeadMulti-Academy Trust Who is on the Governing Body?Elected Parent Governors Elected Staff Governors Local Authority Governors The Headteacher A Multi-Academy Trust Board The new Academy Governors Trust Governors Elected Parent Governors Elected Staff Governors The Headteacher What kind of school is it?A school funded by the state.An independent (of the local authority) funded by the state. Who determines the curriculum?The Governing Body.The Governing Body Who establishes staff pay and conditions? Teachers Support staff The Governors in accordance with the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) the 'Burgundy Book' and general employment legislation. The Governors in accordance with the National Joint Council for Local Government Service pay and conditions document. The Governors in accordance with the (STPCD) the 'Burgundy Book' and general employment legislation. The Governors in accordance with the National Joint Council for Local Government Service pay and conditions document Who will fund the school?The Government via the Local AuthorityThe Government through WHA Will the school charge fees?No Will the school seek parental contributions? Yes, as it does now for e.g. trips and visits.

11  Improved finances to meet school’s needs  Maintain and improve buildings and resources  Retention and recruitment of best teachers  Targeted support and reasonably sized teaching groups  Improved results

12  There are clear advantages ◦ Finance ◦ Greater self governance ◦ Maintain name, ethos, culture within school  There are risks ◦ Greater responsibility and liability

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