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Highways Agency Kathy Wilson-Ellis Strategic Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Highways Agency Kathy Wilson-Ellis Strategic Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highways Agency Kathy Wilson-Ellis Strategic Safety

2 Data

3 Command and Control Incident Data Only includes when HA Traffic Officer Service have awareness or involvement Patrolled network coverage Stats 19 Validated 2013 Unvalidated 2014 Q1 + Q2 Analysed Reports Raw data SRN coverage NTIS Traffic flow and congestion Captures events where expected traffic flow has been effected for 15 minutes or more Technology Cameras Automatic detection Emergency Telephones Matrix signs Midas loops

4 Command and Control Response time to incidents Clearance time of incidents Inform patrol strategies Improve incident timelines Incident problem locations Emerging incident trends Support safety activity (avoidable incidents) Respond to media/public and parliamentary queries Baseline and performance measurement interventions/schemes Compliance Repeat incident involvement

5 Command and Control How many incident logs recorded? How many breakdowns recorded ? How many illegal use of hard shoulder ? How many oncoming vehicles ? How many pedal cyclists on motorway? How many breakdowns due to tyre issues ? How many breakdowns due to running out of fuel ? How many breakdowns due to wrong fuel ? How many debris/obstruction incidents? How many pedestrian incidents? How many potential suicide incidents? 444,000 186,000 7,000 600 534 32,000 In 2014…… 6,000 500 47,000 13,000 800

6 Stats 19 Reported Road Casualties on the SRN 2013 Report

7 Stats 19 Operational State of the Network 2013 Reports

8 Stats 19

9 NTIS National Traffic Operations Centre Information hub of the network Collects data from:- Cameras – ANPR 1,100 ANPR cameras, scrambled vehicle registration numbers. Used to calculate journey times between cameras. Data is updated every 5 minutes Sensors – Midas Loops Calculate traffic flow, length of vehicle and speed. Data updated every 5 minutes. Early detection of issues/congestion Weather equipment – winds/fog Traffic officers Police Local Authorities

10 NTIS Atlas Pro Free web based service (Operational partners) enhanced traffic information. Text based format, contains traffic speeds, live electronic roadside messages and unconfirmed incidents for early warning Traffic England Highways Agency Information Points Highways Agency Information Line National Incident Liaison officer

11 NTIS Monthly Reporting

12 Technology

13 Intelligence Route Based Intelligence Profiles Combining multiple data sets

14 Road Safety Vision

15 KPI 40% KSI reduction by 2020 OBJECTIVE No-one should be harmed whilst travelling on or working on the strategic road network. APPROACH We will continuously improve road safety and invest in our road network to prevent incidents from occurring, whilst reducing their severity. GOAL We will achieve year on year reductions in casualties across our network All Motorised Users and Non-Motorised Users ROAD USER SAFETY ASPIRATION

16 VEHICLES Encourage deployment of improved vehicle safety technologies for both active and passive safety ROAD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Collect data and carry out evidential research to monitor implementation and effectiveness of the vision Safe System Approach – Global System

17 Roads 5* Safety Rating across the network No high speed vehicular and NMU conflict All mistakes are survivable. Vehicles Autonomous Fleet which never breaks down NCAP 5* Rating reduced reliance on protection People 100% compliance across the network for the set standard of road. The Future…..

18 Roads Upgrade network Average Speed Protected Turns Safer verges Signing and lighting Vehicles Autonomous vehicles Road vehicle interaction Collision avoidance Road Worthiness and maintenance People Compliance – red X, lane hogging etc. Motorway specific course Enhanced partnership working Kinetic Energy

19 RIS 2015 – 2020/21 & Beyond Significant Investment Planned - £15billion (£105m dedicated safety fund and £45m for innovation). Safety a key component – fence to fence maintenance, new road investments and designated funding. Road Safety Regional Coordinators – Enhanced partnership working Safety Investment – targeted funding and incremental investment to manage highly variable environment. Recognition that certain measures more deliverable short-term, i.e. compliance, traffic management measures etc. Dualling all single carriageways would reduce their 2013 KSIs by around 50%!

20 Compliance capability model CFOA LGV initiative – CMPG Supported Red X initiative Middle Lane Hogging Litter Hard shoulder misuse Aiming for compliance Enforcement last resort

21 The Future – Example Expressway

22 Any Questions? Kathy Wilson-Ellis Tel: 07795 450631

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