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How many ways do children access the internet How many social networking sites that children use can you name?

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2 How many ways do children access the internet

3 How many social networking sites that children use can you name?

4 20m Monsters vs Beetles users 20m80m 57% boys 65% girls vs


6 Some people never learn 79 % People who have accessed free Wi-Fi without securing their device. 68 % Social media users with public profiles who share their birthdate. 6 in 10 Smartphone users who don’t password protect their home screens. 72 % Pupils who have shared their passwords with friends. 99 % Pupils who have regretted it.

7 Some people never learn 64 % People use the same password for every online account. 32 % People who use their 4-digit bank code as a tablet password. 3 in 10 People who use a simple password such as password or 123456. 29 % People who have a password which is: A pet’s name Own name A favourite band

8 Young & online Facts 37 % of parents have an account on Moshi Monsters or Bin Weevils 52 % of under 10s use social gaming sites unsupervised 45 % of under 10s have received an unfriendly message online 87 % of under 17s delete unfriendly messages without talking to an adult 58 % of under 10s have friend online they have never met in the real world

9 Facebook Facts 86 % parents are now friends with their children on Facebook 36 % of parents know their child had a Facebook account whilst under 13 42 % of parents think under 13s should use Facebook to learn responsibility 74 % of parents are concerned about their under 13s use of Facebook 55 % of children give out personal information like their name, share photos and address to strangers on Facebook

10 Gaming Facts 81 % parents allow unsupervised online game play 18 % of parents have an online gaming account and play with their children 64 % of parents admit they have never monitored the friendships their children online, in game play 42 % of children have been approached by a stranger online to meet in the real world 71 % of children give out personal information online whilst in game play

11 How many illegal copies do you own? 1770 on average songs iPod has are illegal 842 95 % 70% of parents show no remorse £1.2bn lost in revenue of all online music downloads are illegal

12 Internet Facts parents admit their children know more about the internet than them 46 % show an interest in the sites that children use Ask of children aged 8 – 15 have an active social networking site profile 80 % Talk through how to set profiles to private and check its been done Show of children have unsupervised access to the internet 35 % Set a class discussion about fake profiles and online friends Ask of children admit to chatting with strangers online 89 % Talk about the dangers of talking personal details online Chat

13 New challenges SnapHack Pro for Snapchat - Screenshot save your photos and videos Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send. They'll view it, laugh, and then the snap disappears from the screen - unless they take a screenshot! Vs

14 Keywords DISCUSS


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