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AWC H EALTH AND WELLBEING HUB October 9 th 2012. A GENDA 9:45 Welcome and introduction 9:50 HPP Mapping update : Emma Bayliss 10:00 Update from the Clinical.

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Presentation on theme: "AWC H EALTH AND WELLBEING HUB October 9 th 2012. A GENDA 9:45 Welcome and introduction 9:50 HPP Mapping update : Emma Bayliss 10:00 Update from the Clinical."— Presentation transcript:


2 A GENDA 9:45 Welcome and introduction 9:50 HPP Mapping update : Emma Bayliss 10:00 Update from the Clinical Commissioning Group: Pam Essler 10:15 Update from the Transform Integration and Delivery Board: Key areas the hub may be able to contribute to: Vicki Beere 10:25 Local good practice presentation: Integrated working: Dee Pollitt from Skipton Volunteer Bureau Tea and Coffee

3 U PDATE FROM T RANSFORM AND DELIVERY BOARD Vicki Beere: Attending as chair of the AWC Health and well being HUB The overall aim of the programme is to transform Airedale NHSF Trust adult services by redesigning patient pathways, in conjunction with other partner organisations and patient representative groups. The redesign will focus on integrating pathways, the delivery of services closer to home, and involving patients in decision making in ways which reflect ‘Nothing about me, without me’. These alternative pathways will be co-created with partner organisations in ways which maintain the health and wellbeing of the local population. This will be achieved through four work streams: Specialist Assessment and Treatment Reablement and Intermediate Care Long Term Conditions End of Life work The scope of the project is all Airedale NHSF Trust adult services, including emergency and elective admissions, out patients, A&E, intermediate care and community based services.

4 T RANSFORM AND D ELIVERY BOARD. K EY CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS THE HUB CAN INFLUENCE : Development of shared care pathways for the redesign of ambulatory care conditions which can reduce the need for hospital admission Increasing the capacity and scope of intermediate care whilst integrating teams with other agencies, improving co-ordination of services and maximising independence to reduce the risk of admission and the need for long term care. Redesign of services for people with long term conditions which reduces the need to travel to Airedale Hospital and the number of admissions whilst promoting independence and self care

5 T RANSFORM AND DELIVERY BOARD Suggest we discuss in more detail at next HUB. Key areas we can influence in: Self care Integrated care team implementation Communication Mapping


7 A GENDA 11:00 Public Health: Update including an update on the health inequalities plan Julia Burrows 11:15 Round table discussions on the reducing health inequality outcomes from the plan on a page: Reduce alcohol related admissions Reduce smoking prevalence Reduce no of accidents in children and YP Reduce CVD Mortality Reduce infant mortality Reduce childhood obesity What is already being done about these issues and by whom? What should the targets be? What can/should we change to achieve the targets? One person on each table to collate feedback and pass to chair.

8 D ATE AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING Suggested agenda items: Date: January 29 th 2013 Time: 9:30 Location: Progress, 12A Russell Street, Keighley Chair: Vicki Beere

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