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Principles for guiding student learning effectively according to Professor Terry Crooks.

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1 Principles for guiding student learning effectively according to Professor Terry Crooks

2 Motivation If the kid aint interested it’s a pointless exercise for all concerned You first need to determine whether the student wants to learn If they don’t either stimulate interest in the area or collaborate on more meaningful goals

3 Agreement on Learning Goals Students need to be clear about the criteria of success and how these will be assessed –collaboratively developed if possible

4 Trust Students need to feel confident that their teacher –genuinely cares about them –has their interests at heart This allows students to reveal difficulties they are experiencing And maximises the opportunities to provide appropriate support

5 Fostering a supportive classroom climate Atmosphere of trust & mutual support for all class members Minimise put-downs Maximise encouragement of –talents –ideas –achievement Resulting in an honest & open learning environment and increasing the frequency of learning opportunities

6 Students are more open to feedback if they are able to explain what they have done assess what they have done Few of us enjoy being told what to do Conversation rather than lecturing

7 Seeing the woods as well as the trees Students need to understand the fundamental purposes behind the things they are learning Otherwise, what’s the point?

8 Timing & Payoff Formative versus Summative assessment Informal guidance whilst students are working on the task is more effective than assessment that occurs when a completed product is handed in

9 Insight into the various pitfalls or difficulties the students may face when learning that skill or idea Often a peer who has just overcome the difficulties themselves can be the best teacher

10 Individual focus Tailoring the teaching methods, support and feedback to meet the needs of individual students

11 The effectiveness of guidance can be judged using several different criteria –does it help to make the students more enthusiastic about learning? –does it help them to build upon their strengths? –does it help them to correct common errors & overcome weaknesses? –does it help to make them more open to guidance?

12 –does it make them more perceptive about the strengths & weaknesses of their work? –does it help them to see effort as central to success, rather than factors outside their control? –does it help to build a learning community atmosphere in the class?

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