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But… Over a third of UK SMEs do not have a website 20% are “deliberately disconnected” from the Internet Only a third of SMEs have a website with the functionality.

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Presentation on theme: "But… Over a third of UK SMEs do not have a website 20% are “deliberately disconnected” from the Internet Only a third of SMEs have a website with the functionality."— Presentation transcript:

1 But… Over a third of UK SMEs do not have a website 20% are “deliberately disconnected” from the Internet Only a third of SMEs have a website with the functionality for customers to purchase products or services online Whilst the most common benefit experienced as a result of doing more online is time saving, 17% felt that they had no time to go online more often

2 Promoting the benefits in Staffordshire – Optimising Business Broadband ERDF funded project working in partnership with Shropshire Council until June 2015  The project aims to demonstrate to businesses the business benefits of using fibre broadband  There are 4 levels of support -Raising awareness, Practical Learning, Face-Face support, Follow-up and specialist training

3 Promoting the benefits in Staffordshire – Women and Broadband Funding available from the GEO No match funding required Funding available Sept 14 – March 15 Staffordshire has bid for funding to work with WiRE, Chamber of Commerce and Simply Staffordshire - £67,000

4 Other demand stimulation activities Website Twitter Newsletters Events Flyers and posters Press releases Other stakeholder networks Broadcast media Digital advocates Digital champions Broadcast media






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