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Iowa State Association of Counties 2013 Fall School of Instruction November 14, 2013 Stu Anderson Iowa Department of Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "Iowa State Association of Counties 2013 Fall School of Instruction November 14, 2013 Stu Anderson Iowa Department of Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iowa State Association of Counties 2013 Fall School of Instruction November 14, 2013 Stu Anderson Iowa Department of Transportation

2  Summary of concepts  Next steps  Comments/questions 2

3  Purpose: Broaden the discussion of transportation funding options. Gather input/comments  Not a funding recommendation  Not part of our legislative proposals 3

4  Everyone pays 6 %  Ensure equity of user fees  Align transportation funding to a growth trajectory as Iowa’s economy strengthens  Provide incentives to improve rural bridge and road conditions  Ensure competitive transportation options for shipping products and moving people 4

5  Dedicate aircraft use tax revenue to State Aviation Fund  Allocate General Fund appropriations Freight Transportation Fund: $5.5 million Transit and Trail Fund: $6.0 million  Increase oversize/overweight vehicle permit fees  Increase Fee for New Registration from 5% to 6% 5

6  Eliminate state per gallon fuel tax and replace with state excise sales tax on fuel  Apply Local Option Sales Tax to fuel sales  Apply state excise sales tax on dyed fuel sales  Focus federal funding on the primary road system  Streamline county treasurer funding for driver’s license and vehicle registration services 6

7  Use tax of six percent currently collected and deposited in General Fund  As a user fee, it is appropriate to consider dedicating this revenue to the State Aviation Fund: ~$3 million per year  Eliminate need for vertical infrastructure appropriations from Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF) 7

8  Freight Transportation Fund: $5.5 million Controlled by Transportation Commission Fund freight related projects Eliminate need for Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant Program appropriation from RIIF Replaces the Multimodal Fund request  Transit and Trail Fund: $6.0 million Controlled by Transportation Commission Fund transit and trail projects Eliminate need for Public Transit Infrastructure and State Recreational Trails appropriations from RIIF 8

9  Increase the fees to cover costs  Approximately $10 million per year to the DOT/Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) 9

10  Fee for New Registration is the 5 percent fee paid when purchasing a vehicle.  Changing to 6 percent would match state sales tax rate.  Generate approximately $60 million per year for the TIME-21 Fund (until cap is reached then goes to RUTF) 10

11  Eliminate the per gallon state fuel tax rate.  Replace with a six percent state excise sales tax charged on wholesale price at the terminal.  Funds are still constitutionally protected  Similar to Virginia model  May not increase revenue early on but would result in increasing revenues over time as fuel prices increase 11

12  Virginia example  Eliminated their 17.5 cpg fuel tax  Added 3.5 percent wholesale tax on gas  Added 6.0 percent wholesale tax on diesel  Adjusted every six months Dec 1 through May 1 average: July 1 to Dec 31 period June 1 through Nov 30 average: Jan 1 to June 30 period Never less than the average price on Feb 20, 2013  Increased statewide sales tax from 5.0 to 5.3 percent with increase to transportation  Vehicle sales tax increased from 3.0 to 4.15 percent 12

13  Charge the LOST on fuel sales (1 percent) and dedicate revenue to roads (constitutionally protected)  Requires all jurisdictions in Iowa to have voted to implement LOST  Funds not allowed to be utilized for existing and new debt service  Generate approximately $80 million annually for local jurisdictions 13

14  Charge a six percent sales tax on dyed diesel fuel  Intended to compensate for use of agricultural equipment on the public roadway system  Funding allocated to a new Modern Agriculture Infrastructure Fund  For local roads and streets impacted by agricultural equipment  Generate approximately $38 million per year. 14

15  Implement a process where state primary road funds are allocated to local jurisdictions in exchange for their federal allocation of funds.  Requires a Code change to permit primary road funds to be spent on local roads.  Result in cost and time savings. 15

16  Eliminate transaction based funding  Increase registration fees retained by county from 4 percent to six percent  Counties that issue driver’s licenses also receive $1.50 per resident in county.  Additional annual funding to County Treasurers: $3.6 million 16

17 Fiscal YearDOTLocalTotal 2015$23 m$107 m$130 m 2016$38 m$126 m$164 m 2017$52 m$146 m$198 m 2018$61 m$156 m$218 m 2019$67 m$165 m$232 m 17

18  Discuss with stakeholders  Gather and summarize input  Share input with Governor and legislators  Legislative consideration of transportation funding options 18

19 Stu Anderson Planning, Programming and Modal Division Iowa Department of Transportation 515-239-1661 19

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