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Reform for Charities and Not-for-profits Linda Lavarch Chair, NFP Reform Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Reform for Charities and Not-for-profits Linda Lavarch Chair, NFP Reform Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reform for Charities and Not-for-profits Linda Lavarch Chair, NFP Reform Council

2 Employment per sector 2006/7 and 2009/10 Average annual growth 2006/7 and 2009/10 Sources: ABS, Australia Industry 2004/5, 2005/6, 2006/7, 2007/8, 2008/9, 2009/10 ABS, Australian National Accounts, Non-profit Institutions Satellite Account 1999/2000, 2006/7 * NFP 2009/10 estimated on average annual growth rate from 1999/2000 to 2006/7 2006/7 2009/10 2006/7 2009/10 estimate Million -1.2% 7.2% 5%+ 2.9% -1.7% 0.7% The economic influence of NFPs Why is the NFP sector important?

3 National Compact : working together Streamlining funding arrangements Improve the way Government and the NFP Sector work together Australian Charities and Not-for- profits Commission Regulatory reform Streamline and simplify regulation Workforce planning Social Investment Promote the long- term sustainability of the NFP sector Three key foci of the reform agenda

4 Improve the way Government and the NFP Sector works together National Compact Framework for meaningful and innovative ways of working together Compact Advocates Over 800 NFP organisations Streamlining funding arrangements Standardised documents for procurement Model grant agreement templates, guidance and training for low risk grants Standard Chart of Accounts

5 Streamline and Simplify Regulation ACNC 1 October 2012 ‘report once, use often’ general reporting framework Charity Passport Regulatory Reform Reduce regulatory duplication through COAG NFP fundraising Statutory definition of charity

6 Promote the long-term sustainability for the NFP sector Social Investment/Volunteering National Volunteering Strategy Improving the integrity of public ancillary funds Social Enterprise Development and Investment Fund Workforce Issues Improved WH&S legislation Reform Council’s Future NFP Workforce working group

7 ACNC Functions Registration - One Stop Shop Information - Portal - Charity Passport (Report once/use often) Compliance Education

8 ACNC – Regulatory approach Regulatory approach: Light-touch, risk-based, evidence-based approach Provide information, guidance and education Use graduated powers, provide opportunity for self- correction Regulatory Principles: proportionality, transparency, fairness, timeliness, and consistency.

9 ACNC – Key dates Soon -Commencement of the ACNC -Education and advice materials available -Registration of new and existing charities from ATO -Continuing negotiations with State and Territory Government agencies From 1 July 2013 -ACNC Information Portal enabled -Statutory definition of charity -National approach to fundraising regulation Beyond 2013 -Charity Passport -Online lodgement of annual information statements

10 National approach to fundraising

11 Statutory definition of charity

12 Volunteering National Volunteering Strategy ― Nov, 2011 Sets a vision for the sector over next 10 years 6 focus areas ― respond to trends, harness technology, reduce red tape, strengthen advocacy, management and training, recognise & value volunteers 4 short term projects ― Youth video competition; GoVolunteer online data sharing system; high school volunteering; and MPs national volunteer awards campaign Work Health & Safety Harmonised work health and safety laws commenced 1 Jan 2012 All states except Vic have already adopted or committed to adopt

13 Tax Matters Better Targeting Tax Measure ‘In Australia” Special Measure NFP Tax Concession Working Group Discussion paper

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