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An Overview of Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures Georgia Assessment Directors’ Association Fall 2013 Meeting Chuck McCampbell.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures Georgia Assessment Directors’ Association Fall 2013 Meeting Chuck McCampbell."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures Georgia Assessment Directors’ Association Fall 2013 Meeting Chuck McCampbell

2 Topics 1.PPEMs: Purpose and Theory of Action 2.Implementation Timeline 3.The measures—Overview and a few details 4.PPEMs and Reporting 5.PPEMs and Program Improvement 6.Resources 7.Next steps

3 Purpose & Theory of Action

4 Hold EPPs accountable to high program standards Apply a consistent set of state-determined effectiveness measures across all teacher and leader preparation programs Improve the effectiveness of teacher and leader preparation programs Inform the citizens of Georgia about preparation program quality Improve teaching and learning in P-12 schools Purpose

5 … teaching and learning in P-12 schools will improve because GaPSC will develop and implement stronger standards for program approval EPPs will – design more effective program curricula – provide better instruction and more meaningful field experiences and clinical practice – create stronger partnerships with school districts – provide appropriate support systems for candidates Theory of Action

6 Educator preparation will be more transparent to Georgia citizens who will make more informed decisions when selecting programs to prepare for careers in education Data reported by EPPs will show candidates are better prepared as they enter the profession Performance of early career teachers and leaders as measured by selected data within TPPEM and LPPEM measures will demonstrate teachers are well-prepared to improve teaching and learning in Georgia classrooms Theory of Action

7 Implementation Timeline

8 Past 2011-12 – PPEM Task Force I revised the PPEM measures submitted in the original Race To The Top grant application 2012-13 – PPEM Task Force II – Planning and Development – Policies, implementation and evaluation plans, timelines, systems, and procedures necessary to pilot and implement

9 Present 2013-14 – Pilot Phase I – PPEM Task Force II continues – Limited pilot using available measures – Data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting procedures – Evaluation of pilot procedures and data – Determinations for Pilot Phase II

10 Future 2014-15 – Pilot Phase II – Sub-set of PPEM Task Force II will continue – Comprehensive pilot: All available data from all program providers – Data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting procedures – Limited edTPA data will be incorporated – Determinations for full implementation

11 Future 2015-16 & beyond – Full Implementation – PPEMs will be fully implemented for all EPPs – All PPEM components will be collected, analyzed, and reported to EPPs, and shared with all stakeholder agencies – PPEM data will be incorporated into the GaPSC approval process – Ongoing evaluation of the measures

12 The Measures

13 Teacher Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (TPPEMs) TEM Scores of Graduates 50% Induction Success Rate 10% Content Knowledge 30% GaPSC Annual Program Performance Data 10% Overview Leader Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (LPPEMs) LEM Scores of Graduates 50% Content Knowledge 20% GaPSC Annual Program Performance Data 30%

14 Relation to Race to the Top Teacher Preparation Program Measures and Leader Preparation Program Measures defined initially as a Race To The Top project Race To The Top funded period: 2013-June 30, 2015 (if the no-cost extension is granted) PPEM Task Force will evaluate the effectiveness of the measures After June 30, 2015 any changes deemed necessary will be made to do what is best for Georgia

15 Annual Reporting

16 Performance Levels Based solely on PPEM data Each program will be rated in one of four performance levels Exemplary Effective At-risk of Low Performing Low Performing Based on program performance levels, an overall performance level rating will be applied to the EPP Performance levels will be updated annually Assistance and interventions will be provided for programs falling below Effective

17 State Approval Status EPP and program performance level ratings will impact approval status Exemplary performers will enjoy streamlined review procedures and approval review reporting requirements Effective performers will also enjoy streamline review procedures to a lesser degree than Exemplary performers EPPs and/or programs rated below Effective for more than one year risk probation or revocation of approval

18 PAAR Beginning in 2014, PAAR will change drastically EPPs will retrieve their PPEM data via PAAR An estimate: up to 80% of data in PAAR will be pre- populated EPPs will respond to PPEM data and other data such as: Ethics violations data Data from the administration of the new statewide assessment of ethics Survey data (completer survey, first year teacher survey, employer survey)

19 CAEP GaPSC is developing a Data Sharing Plan with CAEP PPEM data align with the data required for the CAEP Annual Report GaPSC will send all GA EPP data to CAEP, eliminating the need for EPP reporting to CAEP

20 Resources

21 GaPSC Website From, select the Preparation Reform

22 GaPSC Website On the Preparation Reforms page, scroll down to the PPEM section and click on the links for additional information. Updates will be made periodically. Check footers for version numbers and latest revision dates.

23 Next Steps PPEM Task Force II will continue to meet Pilot data will be evaluated Performance levels and resulting approval processes will be further developed Report formats will be developed for various audiences PAAR re-design Integration of GaPSC tools to further streamline data collection and reporting

24 Questions? Contacts:

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