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HIMSS Patient-Centered Payer Roundtable September 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "HIMSS Patient-Centered Payer Roundtable September 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIMSS Patient-Centered Payer Roundtable September 20, 2012

2 Agenda WelcomeCall to Order and Roll Call (David Fitzgerald, Shelley Price) 2-Minute DrillsIOM Report “Best Care at Lower Cost” Topic discussionThe Power of a Virtualized Health Care Environment for Payers (Dr. Andrew Watson, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Housekeeping(Shelley Price) Adjournment 2

3 Agenda WelcomeCall to Order and Roll Call (David Fitzgerald, Shelley Price) 2-Minute DrillsIOM Report “Best Care at Lower Cost” Topic discussionThe Power of a Virtualized Health Care Environment for Payers (Dr. Andrew Watson, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Housekeeping(Shelley Price) Adjournment 3

4 2 Minute Drill: IOM Report Best Care at Lower Cost: The Pathway to Continuously Learning Health Care in America 4 3 Imperatives for Achieving a Continuously Learning Health Care System: (1)Manage rapidly increasing complexity (2)Achieve greater value (3)Capture opportunities from technology, industry, policy

5 2 Minute Drill: IOM Report Best Care at Lower Cost: The Pathway to Continuously Learning Health Care in America 5 Characteristics of a Continuously Learning Health System

6 2 Minute Drill: IOM Report Best Care at Lower Cost: The Pathway to Continuously Learning Health Care in America Foundational Elements – Recommendation 1: The digital infrastructure. Improve the capacity to capture clinical, care delivery process, and financial data for better care, system improvement, and the generation of new knowledge. – Recommendation 2: The data utility. Streamline and revise research regulations to improve care, promote the capture of clinical data, and generate knowledge. Care Improvement Targets – Recommendation 3: Clinical decision support. Accelerate integration of the best clinical knowledge into care decisions. – Recommendation 4: Patient-centered care. Involve patients and families in decisions regarding health and health care, tailored to fit their preferences. – Recommendation 5: Community links. Promote community-clinical partnerships and services aimed at managing and improving health at the community level. – Recommendation 6: Care continuity. Improve coordination and communication within and across organizations. – Recommendation 7: Optimized operations. Continuously improve health care operations to reduce waste, streamline care delivery, and focus on activities that improve patient health. Supportive Policy Environment – Recommendation 8: Financial incentives. Structure payment to reward continuous learning and improvement in the provision of best care at lower cost. – Recommendation 9: Performance transparency. Increase transparency on health care system performance. – Recommendation 10: Broad leadership. Expand commitment to the goals of a continuously learning health care system. 6

7 2 Minute Drill: IOM Report Best Care at Lower Cost: The Pathway to Continuously Learning Health Care in America Strategies for Progress Toward Goal Recommendation 1: The digital infrastructure. Payers, health care delivery organizations, and medical product companies should contribute data to research and analytic consortia to support expanded use of care data to generate new insights. Recommendation 3: Clinical decision support. Public and private payers should promote the adoption of decision support tools, knowledge management systems, and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines by structuring payment and contracting policies to reward effective, evidence-based care that improves patient health. Recommendation 4: Patient-centered care. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, partnering with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, other payers, and stakeholder organizations, should support the development and testing of an accurate and reliable core set of measures of patient-centeredness for consistent use across the health care system. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and other public and private payers should promote and measure patient-centered care through payment models, contracting policies, and public reporting programs. 7

8 2 Minute Drill: IOM Report Best Care at Lower Cost: The Pathway to Continuously Learning Health Care in America Strategies for Progress Toward Goal Recommendation 5: Community links. Public and private payers should incorporate population health improvement into their health care payment and contracting policies and accountability measures. Recommendation 6: Care continuity. Public and private payers should promote effective care transitions that improve patient health through their payment and contracting policies. Recommendation 8: Financial incentives. Public and private payers should reward continuous learning and improvement through outcome- and value-oriented payment models, contracting policies, and benefit designs. Payment models should adequately incentivize and support high-quality team-based care focused on the needs and goals of patients and families. Recommendation 9: Performance transparency. Public and private payers should promote transparency in quality, value, and outcomes to aid plan members in their care decision making. 8

9 2 Minute Drill: IOM Report Best Care at Lower Cost: The Pathway to Continuously Learning Health Care in America  Next steps for payers 1.Seek to align incentives in support of high-quality, high-value, evidence-based care, including alignment among multiple payers and across the care continuum. 2.Continually improve the value achieved by payment models, contracting policies, and benefit design while minimizing administrative burdens and expanding knowledge about the results of different payment and contracting models. 3.Support increased research in clinical effectiveness and cross-industry application of the research results. 4.Make longitudinal data sets available for research and public health purposes. 5.Promote transparency to support care decisions and improvement efforts. 6.Ensure a balanced focus on all outcomes clinical, financial, service, and experience and at multiple levels (individual, population). 9

10 Agenda WelcomeCall to Order and Roll Call (David Fitzgerald, Shelley Price) 2-Minute DrillsIOM Report “Best Care at Lower Cost” Topic discussionThe Power of a Virtualized Health Care Environment for Payers (Dr. Andrew Watson, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Housekeeping(Shelley Price) Adjournment 10

11 The Power of a Virtualized Health Care Environment for Payers Andrew Watson, MD, MLitt, FACS Department of Surgery, Division of Colorectal Surgery Vice President, International and Commercial Services Division Medical Director, Center for Connected Medicine Executive Director, Telemedicine University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

12 Running With Scissors Virtual world of health care Telemedicine is the main case study Beyond telemedicine A living laboratory – CCM / UPMC Risks / milestones to the vision

13 Virtual World of Health care

14 Virtual World of Health Care Consumer electronics market Is this natural? Today’s outcomes What is the point of care?

15 Telemedicine


17 Beyond Telemedicine “Swim Lanes”  Call center  SMS  Tablet  Visiting nurse (tablet)  Telemedicine clinic  Remote monitoring  Hospital in home “New Models of Care”  Continuum of care  Point of care  Employer on site  Remote monitoring  Transitional care  Chronic diseases  “At risk models”

18 Center for Connected Medicine Founding Partners Strategic Partners

19 Center for Connected Medicine

20 Risks / Milestones Understanding connected medicine strategy  Cultural Change Benefit design / population health Gain share (not reimbursement) Understanding the risk bearing entities of health care Analytics

21 Conclusion Virtual health care is a natural evolution Triple aim is central Payer led / new models of population health

22 Agenda WelcomeCall to Order and Roll Call (David Fitzgerald, Shelley Price) 2-Minute DrillsIOM Report “Best Care at Lower Cost” Topic discussionThe Power of a Virtualized Health Care Environment for Payers (Dr. Andrew Watson, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Housekeeping(Shelley Price) Adjournment 22

23 Housekeeping We want to hear from you! Roundtable member survey coming soon What do you see are Key Areas? Trends? Coming down the pipeline? Ideas for speakers and topics 2-minute drills – want to present one? Get involved Join the Speakers Team. Join the Communications Team. Write for the HIMSS Payer Insider. 2.0 23

24 Housekeeping IHE North American Connectathon Registration for the Connectathon is open through Oct. 5, 2012  When: Jan. 28-Feb. 2, 2013 Where: Chicago, IL What:  9 IHE domains will be offered for testing this year  The Consolidated CDA® standard will be tested to validate CDA content with IHE integration profiles 24

25 Housekeeping 2012 mHealth Summit -- Connecting the Mobile Health Ecosystem – When: December 3-5, 2012 – Where: Washington, DC. – Focus: “ The 2012 mHealth Summit will deliver new sponsors, partners and strategic affiliates; expanded exhibit hall showcasing more than 400 exhibitors; new healthcare delivery track; new global health track; mHIMSS Hospital Mobile Survey results; and keynotes from industry luminaries. Overall, the 2012 mHealth Summit will offer attendees a comprehensive representation of the mobile technologies in healthcare looking at implementation and impact of its benefits and new opportunities. “ – Info at: 25

26 Resources: – HIMSS Calendar of Events: – – Webinars and Audio Conferences – 26 Wrap-up

27 Web page – Payer Topics and Tools page! – –. – Next meeting – 3 rd Thursday of the month from 4-5pm EST Thursday, October 18, 2012 27

28 FY13 Leadership and Contact Information Chairperson: David Fitzgerald Enterprise Systems Architect Manager Aetna Vice Chairperson: Gary Austin Principal & Co-Founder, TranzformHealth HIMSS Staff Liaison: Shelley PriceNancy Devlin Director, Payer and Life SciencesSr Assoc., Payer and Life SciencesHIMSS 28

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