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Real World Scrum with TFS2013 Benjamin Day. Brookline, MA Consultant, Coach, & Trainer Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio ALM Team Foundation Server, Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Real World Scrum with TFS2013 Benjamin Day. Brookline, MA Consultant, Coach, & Trainer Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio ALM Team Foundation Server, Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real World Scrum with TFS2013 Benjamin Day

2 Brookline, MA Consultant, Coach, & Trainer Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio ALM Team Foundation Server, Software Testing, Scrum, Software Architecture Classes  Professional Scrum Developer (PSD)  Professional Scrum Foundations (PSF),, @benday

3 Online courses at

4 How many of you have heard of


6 (Warning: Shameless plug.)

7 Professional Scrum Foundations for Teams training in Cambridge, MA on February 24 th & 25 th.

8 On with the show.

9 The Goal: Show you how to use TFS to support Scrum.

10 Disclaimer: TFS isn’t going to lead you to Agile/Scrum nirvana.

11 TFS will help...

12 …but TFS won’t just do it for you.

13 Software is a human endeavor.

14 There are actual people involved…

15 …and (fortunately / unfortunately) you’re still going to need to talk to them.

16 You’ll use TFS to streamline the human automation and as the place of record.

17 The Goal: Show you how to use TFS to support Scrum.

18 Scrum in a nutshell.

19 Team agrees to deliver working software in 30 days or less Schedule a time to show that working software Team creates the software Team shows the software. Gathers feedback for next time.

20 Scrum in a larger nutshell There’s an idea for some software Gather a Team Team agrees to deliver working software in 30 days or less Craft a Product Backlog Schedule a time to show that working software Team decides what they think they can do in a Sprint. Team creates the software and assesses progress on a 24 hour interval Team shows the Done software. Gathers feedback for next time. Team conducts a Retrospective on how it went. Repeat

21 So how do you do that with Team Foundation Server 2013?

22 Scrum  TFS2013 Demos There’s an idea for some software  Create a Team Project in TFS Gather a Team  Configure team(s) Team agrees to deliver working software in 30 days or less  Configure Sprints

23 Scrum  TFS2013 Demos Craft a Product Backlog  Create a Product Backlog in TFS  Organize the Product Backlog using Features

24 Does your team have a written Definition of Done (DoD)?

25 My ‘quickie’ sketch of a DoD for a PBI. Checked in and merged/integrated with code for sprint Unit tested without a shared database Code Coverage of >75% Compiles as part of an automated build Code Reviewed by someone else Test plan(s) in TFS Tested by someone else No P1 or P2 bugs Demo’d and accepted by PO before Sprint Review Database code & migration scripts checked in Deployment script for feature No undone work.

26 “What does QA do at the start of a Sprint?”

27 Scrum  TFS2013 Demos Team decides what they think they can do in a Sprint  Sprint Planning in TFS  Capacity Planning  (…and don't forget QA testing in the DoD)

28 Scrum  TFS2013 Demos Team creates the software and assesses progress on a 24-hour interval.  Run your Daily Scrum using the Scrum Board  Maintain situational awareness using the Scrum Board  Use the Burndown Chart to determine if you’re on target

29 Supporting your DoD Demos Automated builds Test plans in MTM & Test Hub Manual Testing Coded UI Tests Code Reviews Gather Feedback with Feedback Manager Lab management deployment builds  Helps support your testing efforts  Helps prep for your Sprint Review meetings

30 Streamline “Situational Awareness” Use Team Rooms to help keep everyone aware of what’s going on.

31 “What about planning for the next sprint?”

32 “What are my BA’s doing?”

33 Answer: PowerPoint Storyboarding* * = amongst other things

34 Supporting planning PowerPoint Storyboarding

35 Scrum in a larger nutshell There’s an idea for some software Gather a Team Team agrees to deliver working software in 30 days or less Craft a Product Backlog Schedule a time to show that working software Team decides what they think they can do in a Sprint. Team creates the software and assesses progress on a 24 hour interval Team shows the Done software. Gathers feedback for next time. Team conducts a Retrospective on how it went. Repeat

36 Any last questions?

37 Thank you. |

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