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Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE PROGRAM UPDATE 29 TH Annual Airports Conference Sheryl Scarborough, FAA.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE PROGRAM UPDATE 29 TH Annual Airports Conference Sheryl Scarborough, FAA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE PROGRAM UPDATE 29 TH Annual Airports Conference Sheryl Scarborough, FAA Washington HQ March 2, 2006

2 Federal Aviation Administration 2 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Topics National PFC Database Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Detailed Cost Estimates Non-hub Pilot Program and other recent changes

3 Federal Aviation Administration 3 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 National PFC Database Launched internally at the start of October 2005. Includes PFC decisions, amendments, and changes to the duration of collection Also tracks information required in public agency quarterly reports such as collections, interest earned, project implementation and completion dates, and project disbursements

4 Federal Aviation Administration 4 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Monitoring Features System will allow the FAA (and soon public agencies) to more easily monitor required actions with respect to –Project implementation –Duration of collection –Timing of new applications

5 Federal Aviation Administration 5 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Public Agency Access Coming late spring or early summer 2006 Web access Each public agency will be able to request a user name and password to gain access to specific data Access to input quarterly report data and produce reports from that data

6 Federal Aviation Administration 6 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Air Carrier Access Not yet funded, designed or developed Plan is to have air carriers input their quarterly report data into the system Public agencies participating in the system would be able to get air carrier reports applicable to their airport(s)

7 Federal Aviation Administration 7 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Advantages for Public Agencies and Air Carriers Allow real time review of FAA, public agency and air carrier data The latest PFC NPRM includes a proposal that would remove the requirement to mail quarterly reports to air carriers, public agencies, and the FAA for those public agencies and air carriers that participate in the system.

8 Federal Aviation Administration 8 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Published February 1, 2006 (pages 5188 – 5200) Comment period is open until April 3 rd Broken into 3 subsections –Changes mandated by Vision 100 –Changes associated with technological improvements –Changes to streamline PFC procedures, codify PFC policies, or address issues or questions about the PFC program

9 Federal Aviation Administration 9 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Vision 100 changes Low-emission airport vehicles and ground support equipment Use of PFCs to pay debt service on non- eligible projects Applicability of PFCs to military charters Financial management of PFCs Cost sharing of air traffic modernization projects

10 Federal Aviation Administration 10 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Changes Due to Technological Improvements Collection of PFCs on electronic or paperless tickets Use of electronic mail to send documents Use of web sites to post information

11 Federal Aviation Administration 11 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Streamlining, Policies, Etc. PFC administrative costs Charge effective date Threshold for amendments requiring additional consultation and public notice 30 day notice to start collections Nonrefundable tickets Tickets for wholly domestic travel Process for periodically reviewing carrier compensation rate Change date when large/medium forecast is due

12 Federal Aviation Administration 12 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Detailed Cost Estimates Background Cost estimate requirement –Not applicable to non-hub pilot program requests –Projects with a PFC value of $5 million or greater FAA process Changes to the Final Agency Decision Changes to the Attachment B instructions and form

13 Federal Aviation Administration 13 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Recent Changes to the PFC Program Change to carrier compensation level and basis of compensation Public notice and comment Federal Register notice Amendments Non Hub Pilot Program

14 Federal Aviation Administration 14 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 Non Hub Pilot Program Air carrier consultation and public notice and comment Notice of Intent to Impose and Use a PFC –Less information required –Requirements Projects in existing AIP grants Projects not in existing PFC grants –FAA processing time –Letter of acknowledgement

15 Federal Aviation Administration 15 PFC Program Update March 2, 2006 QUESTIONS

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