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Brinkley Grove Primary School From September 2013.

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1 Brinkley Grove Primary School From September 2013

2 Big Writing is the development of the ‘writing voice’ through fast, fun, lively and predominantly oral activities Pupils talk the ‘writing voice’ in a dedicated ‘Big Writing’ session & at other points in a week Based on the premise, IF A CHILD CAN SAY IT, A CHILD CAN WRITE IT However, the talking voice is not the same as the ‘writing voice’ BIG WRITING PHILOSOPHY

3 Sessions  1 session a week on FRIDAYS for Year 1 – 6  1 hour for year one; 1 hour 15 for year two; 1 hour 30 for KS2  Split into 2 equal parts with a break in the middle  Focus & text type will have been introduced the day before  1 st session: fast, fun, lively, oracy based activities linked to the writing in 2 nd session focus on VCOP (35 mins) planning time (10 mins) used to refocus the pupils’ thoughts on the stimulus & text type for writing (Appendix 1)  2 nd session: children write silently and independently within a calm, inspiring ethos candle, music, silent food!

4 Teacher’s Role during writing time… oTo maintain a quiet, purposeful atmosphere to support concentration oTo provide 10min brain breaks o To prompt pupils to build in VCOP [These are known as time prompts]


6 TIME PROMPTS Used by teachers during Big Write A clock should be visible to all pupils  ‘You have had 10 minutes. Count how many sorts of punctuation you have used?’  ‘You have had 20 minutes. How many WOW words have you used?’  ‘You have had 30 minutes. Look at your openers. Have you opened with connectives…’ly’ words, ’ing’ words?  ‘You have 5 minutes left. Check you have met your targets…edits, self assessment and reflection’

7 TALK HOMEWORK  On Thursdays… 30 minutes preparing them for their TALK HOMEWORK  Prepares them mentally  No writing – ORACY BASED  A slip is sent home “My homework tonight is to talk to you about…”

8 Assessment…  Weekly Big Write – normal marking policy with 2 super short term targets to achieve across the curriculum within the week eg. use these 3 adjectives over the week; use a comma in sentences starting with an adverb eg. Slowly, he walked along the passageway towards the door  Method for referring to these targets  BIGGER WRITING – half termly against descriptors– summative assessment and long term target for the next half term

9 STOCKING FILLERS  4 or 5 five minute sessions across the week – fill those minutes that we so EASILY waste in the week eg. end of day; in from playtime; waiting for assembly  Quick VCOP activities linked to new learning from short term targets in the previous week  Encourage the children to ‘steal’ good examples of VCOP from authors.  Quick progress is encouraged by these activities - can be seen in their writing Example - appendix 2

10 Six different ways to support children in planning their writing  Cartoon strips- draw what’s going to happen in sequence.  Opening, body & ending scaffold  Story writing frame: opening, build up, dilemma, reaction to dilemma, resolution.  Thought clouds  Lists - key characters/settings/events/words to use  Mind maps  Thinking, but only if you are sure that child is ready to write… this is not usually encouraged!!  Sue Palmer skeleton frames

11 4 or 5 key targets for all or most of the class to revise, revisit and re-learn a.A misuse of commas in sentences starting with a verb b.Spelling of a common suffix TION/SION c.Starting sentences with AND d.Lack of variety of adjectives around movement MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday aCompleted sentences for them to put the comma in where/why Whole class Start with shouting, running – create sentences Pairs/whiteboards Start with tiptoeing, crying – create sentences Independently Write 2 of your own Think, pair share bGenerate list of common tion/sion words Think,pair share 2 areas in the room – put the word in the right place in the room (cards with station/stasion) pairs Sta_ Mo_ Po_ Mis_ Pairs Put the list on whiteboards independent cEgs of compound AND sentences Whole class discussion Generate compound sentences on boards Pairs Generate compound sentences on boards Independently/share Paragraph given to change sentences with ANDs starting Pairs dList words for walking slowly/quickly and running Think, pair, share Choose 3 of these to write in sentences and use independently on boards & homework Share homework Pairs Write in sentences on boards 3 different chosen words Think, pair share USE OF LEARNING ASSISTANT

12 MANY MANY SCHOOL WEBSITES - ideas MUSIC HELPS CHILDREN TO FOCUS… CLASSICAL egs: Dances with wolves –John Dunbar theme Out of Africa The string quartet tribute

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