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University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière Development of electrically-conducting wood-plastics composites 06.05.20151 STSM : Pauline Rivière, BOKU Vienna, Austria at Heriot Watt University of Edinburgh, Scotland

2 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière06.05.20152 Compounding Extruder (Source: Alain Celzard, ENSTIB) Introduction  Design and production of short fibres reinforced plastics:  Efficient mixing  Interaction polymer/ filler for a suitable load transfer!

3 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière06.05.20153 Introduction  Importance of biocomposites:  Bioplastics: 2 types

4 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière06.05.20154 Introduction  Importance of biocomposites :  Bioplastics as PLA and BIO PE  natural fibers reinforced plastics Poly Lactic AcidBIO PolyEthylen ReferencePLA 3251DPE SHA 7260 Producer Origin Starch or sugar fermentation to acid lactic Sugar fermentation to ethanol Chemical naturepolyesterpolyalcane Building block Polarity of the surface functionsPolarapolar Biodegradability (%)100% (Compostable)0%

5 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière06.05.20155 Introduction  Importance of biocomposites:  Bioplastics  Natural fibres reinforced plastics

6 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière06.05.20156 BenefitsDisadvantages Light weightedWater sorption Cheaper raw materialPossible odor Environmental friendlyPelletizing : Natural fibers (bagasse, hemp, flax) requested Mechanical reinforcementHomogeneity and seasonality Interest of natural fibers reinforcement

7 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière06.05.20157 WPC compound (Source: Norbert Mundigler IFA Tulln) Introduction

8 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière The project BIOFUNK Main Goal: Electrically conducting Wood- Bioplastics Composites through CNT  First : Multi walled CNT (diameter up to 20nm, length up to 10µm) reinforced Biopolymers: PLA and BIO PE  Second : Insertion of wood particles and surface modification 06.05.20158

9 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière CNT simulation at Heriot Watt University  Specialized on Carbon Nanotube simulation:  Importance of the connection between CNT  Stabilization of the contact area between two CNTs with amphiphilic molecules.  Dispersion of CNT in aqueous surfactants solution 06.05.20159 from Müter D 2012. Angular Dependence of Surfractant- Mediated Forces Between Carbon Nanotubes. J. Phys. Chem. B 116: 14869-14875

10 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière CNT simulation at Heriot Watt University  Specialized on Carbon Nanotube simulation  Importance of the connection inter CNTs  Stabilization of the contact area between two CNTs with amphiphilic molecules.  Dispersion of CNT in aqueous surfactant solution  STSM for one week 06.05.201510

11 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière Mechanical Characterization 06.05.201511  Tensile (ISO 527)

12 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière STSM Discussions 06.05.201512 Conclusions:  Proper distribution of the fillers,  Poor adhesion and/or bad dispersion of CNTs  Better electron mobility in the Polymer itself (PLA) Next steps:  Development of the electrical measurement

13 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière Electrical Conductivity 06.05.201513 Multimeter Keithley 2601 A

14 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière STSM Discussions 06.05.201514 Conclusions:  Proper distribution of the filler,  Poor adhesion and/or bad dispersion of CNTs  Better electron mobility in the polymer itself (PLA) Next steps:  Development of the electrical measurement  Complete the Atomic Force Microscopy with Scanning Electron Microscopy

15 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière ESEM observation of fractured surfaces Bio PE-CNT-10 %PLA-CNT-7,5% 06.05.201515 500 nm 1 μm

16 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière AFM observation of fractured surface 06.05.201516 Bio PE-CNT-7,5 % Topography Phase 1 μm

17 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Department for Agrobiotechnology Institute for Natural Materials Technology I Pauline Rivière Thank you for your attention 06.05.201517

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