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Published bySamson Day Modified over 10 years ago
Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation Portable (GIIEP)
INFORMATION BRIEFING Presented By: U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) Future Warfare Center (FWC) November 17, 2010 Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
OUTLINE The GIIEP Development Team - USASMDC FWC - Team Co-Partners
The Challenge - Breaking down interagency information, data discovery & sharing stovepipes and providing greater information sharing between Federal, State, Local and Tribal (FSL & T) Levels NGB Requirements GIIEP Background - National Guard & Reserve Equipment Appropriation (NGREA) funded - Emerged from existing USASMDC products supporting Integrated Air & Missile Defense (IAMD) and Homeland Defense (HLD) initiatives - Linkage to Command & Control (C2) Gap Filler (C2GF) Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration (JCTD) The GIIEP Operational View (OV-1) - Enable all levels of interoperability and Net Centric Services Screen Snap-shots or Live GIIEP Demonstration Summary and Proposed Way Ahead Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
What we leveraged on for GIIEP was our capability to deliver Space, Missile Defense, Information Operations, and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Innovations to the Warfighter in the field Concept Development Experimentation Prototyping In Support of Experimentation Rapid Capability Development Core Competencies Mr. John Buckley (Operational Lead) Contractor Ms. Terri Innes (Training/Fielding Lead) Gov’t Mr. Curtis Miller (GIIEP Programmatic Lead) Mr. Justin Novak (Technical Lead) Gov’t Mr. Dave Cox/Mr. Norven Goddard (Co-Leads) Gov’t Space and Missile Defense (SMDC) Future Warfare Center (FWC) Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Headquarters The MC2GP team is a government and industry consortium lead by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command’s Future Warfare Center or SMDC FWC lead by Mr. Larry Burger, a member of the U.S. Army Senior Executive Service. You can see our core competencies, bottom line is we identify gaps, prototype solutions and rapidly transition technologies to the field. We are headquartered on Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Our core team is shown here. I am the chief of the Innovative Ventures Division within the FWC. Over the last 4 years I have been in the unique position as being a DoD civilian as well as being the Science and Technology lead for the Alabama Department of Homeland security, working directly for Director Walker. Mr. Justin Novak is the technical lead. His background includes being the lead systems engineer for the Virtual Alabama program and as a result winning five national awards for innovation . Ms. Terri Innes is our operational lead. She was the program manager for the SMDC and Alabama Department of Homeland Security FLAGSHIP program and is currently the lead for the C2 Gap Filler Joint Concept Technology Demonstration program that has its mission to share critical air surveillance data between Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security and Federal Aviation Administration systems. Mr. John Buckley is our Business Development lead and has been supporting me in that capacity for almost 20 years. Mr. Dave Cox is my counterpart as Chief of the Missile Defense Division and he brings the Advanced Warfare Environment or AWarE and multiple other personnel with “hands on experience” to the MC2GP program. Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
National Guard Bureau (NGB), Director Joint Staff, J-2 (Intelligence) - Requirements Developer/Obtained NGREA Funding - J-2 and J-3 (Operations) Point of Contacts (POCs) for the Incident Awareness & Assessment (IAA) mission set - NGB POC for all 54 States & Territories Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ) with fielding responsibilities U.S. Air Force (USAF) A2Q - ROVER acquisition - Eagle Vision hosting/access/sustainment - Hosting the Bringing Rapid Innovative Technologies to the Edge (BRITEdge) Experimentation USAF Electronic Systems Center (ESC)-XR - Distributive Common Ground Station (DCGS) Integration Backbone (DIB) integration sponsor (On-Going Effort)/Potential Transition Organization Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Awareness (SA) environment
THE CHALLENGE Breaking down interagency information, data discovery & sharing stovepipes and providing greater information sharing among all FSL & T levels DoD/Commercial Satellite Imagery products & Communications DoD/DHS/ Other Federal/State/Local Airborne/Land/Maritime Full Motion Video (FMV), Imagery & Other Data Products America’s Warfighters & First Responders have limited, TIMELY accessibility to the multitude of data sources/products/shared awareness available to them thereby creating a sub-optimal Situational Awareness (SA) environment Civilian/Commercial Airborne/Land/Maritime FMV, Imagery & Other Data Products The first responder problem description, as we have experienced, is shown here. There are multiple DoD, Department of Homeland Security, Federal, State, local, civilian and commercial airborne, land and maritime assets that are producing data products such as photography, imagery or full motion video, but little of that data is made available to first responders in either or timely or accurate way. This problem facing first responders is similar to those facing our soldiers, sailors and airman in the area of situational awareness. Everyone must have advanced situational awareness that is achieved through exchange of data between multiple users, so that all users, from the highest headquarters down to the vital first responder, can view the Common Operational Picture or COP and easily collaborate via both voice and data. This would improve streamlined decision making exploiting superior situational awareness and modern collaboration tools. The technology is available today, but due to market forces such as use of proprietary systems, the necessity to use unique hardware and the lack of understanding of products developed for the military that can be used by the civil authorities, there seems to be multiple answers but none cost effective or interoperable with other systems. These are the same challenges that face the FWC in the military market. It therefore becomes a programmatic issue of leadership not knowing that there are cost effective, available solutions thereby resulting in first responders looking for their own unique solutions. This is what has made the FWC so successful over the years……..breaking down the barriers, building partnerships and creating a transparent environment so that critical technologies can get to the hands of the ones that need it most. Terrestrial Commercial/DoD Communications America’s First Responders DoD/DOT/Other Federal/State/Local Common Operational Picture (COP) products Take Current Business Processes and System Architectures to Create an Environment That Enables More Accurate AND Timely Decision Making America’s Warfighters Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
NGB REQUIREMENTS Provide an operational capability and common set of enterprise services that has the maturity, flexibility and security assurances to meet the following requirements supporting IAA Missions: From a multitude of Joint and Interagency producing assets Process, Analyze and Disseminate (PAD) EO/IR FMV. FMV will be accessible by FSL & T leadership. FMV will have a full “TIVO Like” capability for PAD functionality. Process and disseminate still imagery from producing assets (Space/Air/Ground/Maritime). All FMV and still imagery will be associated with organic Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and be accessible to the most disadvantaged users through web and portal services. Enable communications between FSL & T facilities and producing assets through Enterprise System Services. This includes collaboration capabilities such as white boarding, graphics dissemination, data distribution, chat and Common Operational Picture (COP) sharing/development/display through rugged and portable means. Provide a “Blue Force Tracking” like capability for air/ground/marine/space assets and share that data between FSL & T systems and organizations. AND Be Affordable and Non-Proprietary Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
GIIEP System’s Summarized Purpose
Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) is one of the most important responsibilities of the US military. A key enabler is the Incident Awareness & Assessment (IAA) mission which leverages traditional Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities in support of domestic operations while assuring strict adherence to all applicable legal frameworks. The GIIEP system will enhance the ability of each state/territory JFHQ systems to rapidly respond to disaster situations and perform the IAA mission with a robust organic capability. This capability will provide FMV, still imagery, a COP and robust situational awareness to military and civilian first responders. The inherent flexibility of the system will enable operators to tailor their efforts to take maximum advantage of available assets and available communications as they support disaster response operations. Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
GIIEP BACKGROUND NGB partnered with SMDC FWC because:
Their GIIEP proposal emerged from existing, fielded SMDC products supporting Integrated Air & Missile Defense (IAMD) and Homeland Defense initiatives, specifically: -- Cost Effective (Government owned/Non-proprietary) -- Advanced Warfare Environment (AWarE) with well established, appropriate Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) and Certificates of Networthiness (CoN’s) on-going (now in-place) -- AWarE Video Elements (AVE) -- Virtual Alabama “Like Technology” -- C2GF JCTD Deputy Technical Manager Role Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Field a capability that will provide an enterprise that will deliver a discoverable, analytical and collaboration environment that: - Met Full Operational Capability (FOC) on September 20, 2010 - Fielded to all 54 States & Territories JFHQ and available to every Air National Guard DCGS unit and the 601st Intelligence Reconnaissance Division (IRD), US Air Force North (AFNORTH) Other GIIEP Facts: - Primary Server located at US Geologic Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) facility in Sioux Falls, SD - Secondary Server located at Eagle Vision-6, Redstone Arsenal, AL - Currently in-use by other GIIEP IAA community/interagency users including: Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
DIACAP/CoN’s - GIIEP has an Approval To Operate (ATO) until July 18, 2013 - Has CoN’s for .mil/.gov/.com domains including the GIIEP Google Enterprise Environment (GEE) with PAD capabilities provided by AWarE and AVE. GIIEP GEE - Populated with USGS Imagery (1 meter or less), topographic maps and terrain for all 54 States and Territories plus Homeland Security Information Program (HSIP) data. Terabytes of storage space that is easily increased. Training “In-Place” - Located behind government firewall that does not touch the “Big” Google Earth, expandable to other FSL & T partners - Current producers/Integrating Partners for data exposure in the GIIEP GEE include: SHAPE FILES Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Geospatial Information Interoperable Exploitation Portable (GIIEP) Operational View (OV)-1
Fielded and Operational Today in States/Territories National Guard & IAA Users Fixed Wing Data (DHS/DOD) IRIDIUM/ GLOBALSTAR/ Other Space Based Imagery (Gov’t/Commercial) UAS Data (DHS/DOD) “Net-Centric” Services/Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Airborne Displays Space & Airborne Imagery -Full Motion Video (FMV) Capture Geo-Referenced Graphics Weather/Aeronautical Charts Time-Space-Position Topographic Maps Terrain/3D & 2D Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Interoperability Video Exploitation/”TIVO” like/ Full-annotation/Searchable Common Operational Picture (COP) Interoperability --Infrastructure -National Incident Management System (NIMS) Symbology/First Responder Accessible/Mil Standard Symbology Mosaicing /Rapid Space Imagery Ingest -Collaboration/Chat/PPT/Word/PDF/AVI USGS/NGA/ Eagle Vision ROVER Satellite Ground Station Fixed Wing Ground Station/ROVER Civil/Commercial Data UAS Ground Station -NORTHCOM Video Server/BIG PIPE -LINK 16 -BIG PIPE “On-Site” Data Rotary Wing Data (DOD/DHS) USCG Data Maritime Displays INTERNET (.mil/.gov/.com) Domains Mobile Displays/ Web Users Smart Phone PDA Laptop Computer First Responders/ Warfighters/Field Agents Data Producers 3G/Cellular Communications Users/Data Consumers Other Command Center Displays Fixed Command Center Displays Multiple, distributed GIIEP servers are populated and available for use TODAY by the entire IAA Homeland Support/Defense community -Incident Command Centers -Forward Operating Bases/Others Emergency Operations Centers (Federal, State, Local and Tribal) 911 Centers/Others Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited 11
Fully Populated GEE Data Base for all 54 States and Territories 2-D Topographical Maps - 1:50,000 and above 3-D Terrain/Imagery 1 Meter or Less Color Imagery 10 Meter Black and White 30 Meter Terrain Eagle Vision & ROVER Responsive Exploitation of Space products for Tactical use (EVR2EST) Logo 3-D Topographical Maps GIIEP GEE LOGO Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) TADIL-J Tracks w/ Track History & Amplification Data FAA Tracks from Customs & Border Protection (CBP) w/Amplification Data (Via C2GF JCTD developmental capability) 3-D Airspace Control Measures via FAA or Air Tasking Order (ATO)/Airspace Control Order (ACO) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Military (Mil-Std 2525/1477 & NTDS) & Homeland Security Working Group Symbology Critical Infrastructure from NGA (Homeland Security Information Program (HSIP-Gold)) Maritime Tracks Via Volpe Center GIIEP GEE Map, Terrain, Imagery Data Common Operational Picture (COP) w/Blue Force & other GPS location Tracking Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
(COMMERCIAL JOINT MAPPING TOOL KIT (CJMTK) & GOOGLE INTEROPERABILITY) CJMTK w/Over The Horizon-Gold (OTH-G) Tracks & Amplification Data GOOGLE w/Same OTH-G as Displayed On CJMTK Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Air Track Data Fire Locations Space Based Weather Information Water Level Tracking Ground Based Weather Information Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Space Based Commercial Satellite Imagery From Eagle Vision Via EVR2EST on GIIEP GEE (SPOT, Quickbird, WorldView-2, OrbView-2, GeoEye-1, Ikonos) Space COP Data Base Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
FMV “TIVO” Capability Graphics Dissemination Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Aircraft Route History Chat From Boy Scout Jamboree Mission Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
GPS Position Data (CAP Aircraft) FMV From Platform Using 3G Networks or ROVER From Boy Scout Jamboree Mission Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
Mission: Start: End: EXAMPLE SCREEN SNAP-SHOTS (PROCESS, EXPLOIT, DISSEMINATION) Annotation Number 1 RC-26_22JULY2010_SORTIE1 7/22/2010 7:30 AM 7/22/2010 9:58 AM Generated: Classification: Call sign: 8/17/2010 9:22 AM Unclassified Annotation Type: Timestamp: Description: Keywords: Coordinate: Bird Infestation 7/22/2010 7:45 AM Annotation Image From Deepwater Horizon Mission Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
iPad w/Air & Ground Test Tracks over GIIEP GEE (Test Symbology Shown) (Also tested on iPhone and Android) HTC “SMART PHONE” w/Map and FMV Ruggedized “Trimble” PDA w/Map and FMV (chat not shown) Combine Link KML, Static KML & GeoRSS Feeds “BLUE FORCE TRACKING” Like on Google Map Parse Large Datasets & Display on Non-Mercator Projection Map (e.g. WGS-84) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
PROCESS Source Video From AVWATCH Mosaic Tool Playback Mosaics JPEGs Mosaics Updated “GIIEP GEE” Database GIIEP GEE User Query (ex: PDA) Orthorectification Tool Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
The USASMDC in coordination with NGB, USAF A2Q, AFNORTH and many other FSL & T organizations have planned and executed fielding and training of GIIEP within all 54 States or Territories JFHQ as of September 20, 2010. The GIIEP is available on .Mil/.Gov/.Com domains releasable to authorized users using in-place policies and security assurances. The GIIEP is designed to meet the challenges that face today’s first responders, warfighters and the entire IAA community. It is government owned and Non-Proprietary. The GIIEP TEAM is fully supporting the IAA community….NOW!!!!!!! Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited
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