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Building a Wooden Planter Box. The Most Important Part of any Project is the Planning Determine what type of wood to use for the box (pine, cedar, cypress,

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Wooden Planter Box. The Most Important Part of any Project is the Planning Determine what type of wood to use for the box (pine, cedar, cypress,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Wooden Planter Box

2 The Most Important Part of any Project is the Planning Determine what type of wood to use for the box (pine, cedar, cypress, pre-treated, etc.) Decide how the box will be finished (paint, stain, clear sealer, or remain unfinished) Determine what type of fasteners will be used (nails, screws, staples, glue) Establish what size box fits your needs

3 Design Design the box so it is pleasing to the eye and there is a minimal amount of waste material Provide drainage holes for excess water Mechanically draw or sketch the design of the box. Include material to be used, dimensions of the box, (length, width, height) and fastener placement Include a materials list determining the quantity and size of all pieces.

4 Cutting and Building Cut the pieces to size using a saw (power saw or hand saw) Mark the location of all fasteners Assemble the box using the appropriate fasteners in the locations according to the drawing Mark and drill the drainage holes using a drill press, power hand drill, or manual hand drill

5 Prep for Finish Make sure all fasteners are below the surface of the wood. Nail or screw holes can be filled with a wood filler. Sand entire box using a medium grit sandpaper (80 or 100 grit. The higher the number, the finer and smoother the sandpaper) Caulk all seems to seal joints

6 Priming and Painting Apply one coat of primer ( latex (water) or oil base) Brush or spray on a thin primer coat ( brush in the direction of the grain of the wood) After primer coat dries, lightly sand with a 200 grit sandpaper to smooth finish Apply one to two thin coats of a quality exterior grade paint. ( latex or oil base) Be creative!

7 Soil and Plant Selection Place landscape fabric in the bottom of the planter box -used to help preserve box and keep soil from coming out of the bottom holes Scoop soil into planter box-about one inch from the top -pat down slightly Water soil Selecting plants – will the plants require full sun (8 hours of sun) or shade? All the plants we used were full sun We added 6 plants

8 Plant Placement and Planting Plants should also be selected and placed according to how tall they will get Plants selected: – Zinnia- tallest-center – Celosia and marigold-next to center – Ageratum-shorter plant-near end – Sweet alyssum and petunia-both trailing plants (will hang over the side)-one on each end  When planting, use your hand to dig a hole big enough to cover the root ball of the plant (soil and roots)  Place plant (root ball) in the hole, cover completely w/soil  Water newly planted plants thoroughly (until water runs freely from the bottom)

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