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Musculoskeletal System ( Bones, Joints and Muscles ) Dr. Walid Daoud Assistant Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "Musculoskeletal System ( Bones, Joints and Muscles ) Dr. Walid Daoud Assistant Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Musculoskeletal System ( Bones, Joints and Muscles ) Dr. Walid Daoud Assistant Professor

2 Skeletal System Functions: - Protection of vital organs. - Movement. - hematopoiesis. - A storehouse for minerals.

3 Structure and Types of Bones 1.Long bones: Found in the extremities and consist of Found in the extremities and consist of the following: diaphysis, epiphyses, the following: diaphysis, epiphyses, articular cartilage and periosteum. articular cartilage and periosteum. 2.Flat bones. 3.Short bones. 4.Irregular bones.

4 Divisions of Skeletal System 1. Axial skeleton: Bones of skull, thorax and vertebral column. Bones of skull, thorax and vertebral column. 2. Appendicular skeleton: Bones of shoulder, upper extremities, hips, and lower extremities. Bones of shoulder, upper extremities, hips, and lower extremities. Human skeleton consists of 206 bones. Human skeleton consists of 206 bones.

5 Vertebral Column It is composed of 26 bones (vertebrae) separated by intervertebral discs: - Cervical vertebrae (7). - Thoracic vertebrae (12). - Lumbar vertebrae (5). - Sacral vertebrae (5). - Coccyx (1-3).

6 Thorax It contains 2 important organs the heart and lungs. 1. The ribs: 12 pairs (24 ribs) 1. The ribs: 12 pairs (24 ribs) -Tue ribs (upper 7 pairs) -Tue ribs (upper 7 pairs) -False ribs (lower 5 pairs) -False ribs (lower 5 pairs) -Floating ribs (last 2 pairs). -Floating ribs (last 2 pairs). 2. The sternum. 2. The sternum. 3. The costal cartilages 3. The costal cartilages

7 Pelvic Girdle (Pelvis) It supports the sigmoid colon, rectum, bladder and other soft organs. Female pelvis is more shallow but wider than male pelvis. Pelvis is divided into: ilium, ischium and pubis, symphysis pubis, sacrum and coccyx.

8 Bone Markings Projections (processes): A condyle, a tuberosity, a trochanter. Depressions: A sinus, a foramen, a fissure, a fossa. Joints or Articulations Joints or Articulations Body Movements: Abduction, adduction, supination, pronation, inversion and eversion.

9 Muscles: Muscles: - Cardiac muscle. - Smooth muscles. - Skeletal muscles. Connective Tissue Covering: Fascia, epimysium, perimysium and endomysium. Attachments: Fibrous attachment, tendon or aponeurosis

10 Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Bones: - Osteomyelitis. - Ankylosis. - Osteoma. - Exososes. - Sarcomas. - Osteitis deformans.

11 Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Joints: - Rheumatoid arthritis. - Gout. - Osteoarthritis. - injury.

12 Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Fracture: - Closed fracture. - Open fracture. - Compliocated fracture. - Comminuted fracture. - Impacted fracture. - Incomplete fracture. - Greenstick fracture.

13 Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Spinal Disorders: - Scoliosis. - Kyphosis. - Kyphoscoliosis. - Lordosis.

14 WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Upper Extremities) ExampleMeaningWR/CF cephal/ad crani/o/malacia cervic/o/facial vertebr/o/cost/al thorac/o/centesis cost/ectomy stern/oid head skull bone neckvertebrachestribssternumcephal/ocrani/ocervic/overtebr/ospondyl/othorac/ocost/ostern/o

15 WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Upper Extremities) ExampleMeaningWR/CF Arthr/edema Humer/o/ulnar brachi/o/cephal/ic Carp/o/ptosis Metacarp/al Phalang/itis dactyl/o/megaly jointhumerusarm Carpus, wrist metacarpusphalanges digit, finger, toe arthr/ohumer/obrachi/ocarp/ometacarp/oplalang/odactyl/o

16 WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Lower Extremities) ExampleMeaningWR/CF pelv/itherm lumb/o/dynia ili/o/femor/al ischi/o/rect/als pub/o/vesic/al femer/o/tibi/al patell/a/pexy calcane/o/dynia Ped/i/algia pelvic bone loinsiliumischium pubis anterior femurpatellacalcaneumfootpelv/ilumb/oili/oischi/opub/ofemor/opatell/ocalcane/o ped/i or pod/o

17 WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Miscellaneous) ExampleMeaningWR/CF acromi/o/humer/al ankyl/o/dactyl/ia chondr/o/cost/al copndyl/ectomy myel/o/cele myo/sclerosis oste/oma acromion stiff joint cartilagecondyle bone marrow muscleboneacromi/oankyl/ochondr/ochondyl/omyel/omy/ooste/o

18 Suffixes related to Musculoskeletal System ExampleMeaningSuffix oste/o/blast oste/o/clast arthr/o/desis oste/o/porosis Ggerm cell to break bind, stabilize pores or cavities -blast-clast-desis-porosis

19 Surgical terms and other terms related to Musculoskeletal System Page 196 - 198

20 Answer Worksheets 1 - 9 Page 199 - 209

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