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Medical Terminology Practice Let’s Get Started!

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2 Medical Terminology Practice

3 Let’s Get Started!

4 Word Roots §A word root is the main part or stem of a word. A word root is derived from Greek or Latin words and usually indicates a body part. Examples: Cardi (heart) Gastr (stomach) nephr (kidney)

5 Cardi=Heart

6 Gastr=Stomach

7 Nephr=Kidney

8 Arthr=Joint

9 Test Your Understanding §Write the word root of the following: l gastrectomy l cardiologist l nephritis l arthritis l hepatoma

10 Answers §g§gastr §c§cardi §n§nephr §a§arthr §h§hepat

11 Combining Forms of Word Roots §Word root + Vowel= Combining Form l cardi/ + o= cardi/o (heart) l gastr/ + o= gastr/o (stomach) l nephr/ + o = nephr/o (kidney)

12 Adding Suffixes that Begin with a Consonant §Suffixes are word endings that give medical words meaning. (Note that the combining form of the word root is used) l Examples: cardi/o + centesis = cardiocentesis or puncture of the heart gastr/o + scopy = gastroscopy or to view the stomach with an instrument nephr/o + megaly = nephromegaly or enlarged kidney

13 Adding Suffixes That Begin with a Vowel to Word Roots §Note that when combining the following word roots and suffixes, the combining vowel is dropped l cardi/ + oma = cardioma or tumor of the heart l gastr/ + itis = gastritis or inflammation of the stomach l nephr/ +osis = nephrosis or abnormal condition of the kidney

14 Test Your Understanding §Write the combining forms for the following: §Nephroscopy §Thoracotomy §Arthrocentesis §Tracheostomy

15 ANSWERS §N§Nephr/o §T§Thorac/o §A§Arthr/o §T§Trache/o

16 Deconstructing Medical Terms §1. Define the suffix §2. Define the prefix §3. Define the middle of the word l Example: l Gastroenteritis Itis = inflammation of Gastro= stomach (and) Enter/o=intestines

17 Enter/o=Combining form for Intestines

18 Compound Words §A combining vowel is used to link a word root to another word root l Examples: Gastr + o + enter + itis= gastroenteritis or inflammation of the stomach and intestine Oste + o + arthr + it is= osteoarthritis or inflammation of the bone and joint Encephal + o + mening + itis= encephalomeningitis or inflammation of the brain & meninges

19 Oste/o=Combining form for bone

20 Encephal/o=Combining Form for Brain

21 Surgical suffixes §-centesis (puncture) §-ectomy (excision or removal) §-stomy (forming an opening) §-tomy (incision, cut into) §-tome (instrument to cut)

22 Prefixes §A prefix is located at the beginning of a medical term and alters its meaning (examples) l Prefixes of position (ante-, epi-, sub-, post-) l Prefixes of number/measurement (bi-, dipl-, hyper-, micro-, multi-, quadri-, tri-) l Prefixes of negation (a-, an-,im-, in-) l Prefixes of direction (ab-, ad-, circum-, extra-, endo-, para-, supra- l Other prefixes (anti-, contra-, homo-, hetero-, syn-)

23 Inflammation of the stomach is A.Stomatoitis B.Gastritis C.Nephritis D.Glomerulonephritis

24 Answer §B. Gastritis

25 The prefix inter- means A. Between B. Below C. Through D.Excessive

26 Answer §A. Between

27 The suffix –malacia means A. Expansion B. Bone C. Softening D.Formation

28 Answer §C. Softening

29 The suffix –ectomy means A.Incision into B.Stricture of C.Excision of D.Rapid

30 Answer §Excision of

31 Deconstruct The Following §Polyarthritis §Pericarditis §Gastroenteritis §Nephrectomy §Encephalitis

32 Answers §Inflammation of many joints §Inflammation of the surrounding tissue of the heart §Inflammation of the stomach and intestines §Excision of the kidney §Inflammation of the brain

33 Great Job §Test yourself with this paragraph: §The client entered the hospital with tachycardia and was diagnosed with pericarditis. A cardiocentesis was performed immediately with extraction of 25 mL of serous fluid. §What happened?

34 Answer §Due to inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart, the heart had to pump more quickly to circulate blood, as the inflammation pushes on the heart. The health care provider inserted a needle into the pericardial sac (tissue surrounding the heart) and removed the fluid. This is the appropriate procedure.

35 A Great Job by ALL!!!!! §To use this practice PowerPoint, go to our class wiki at

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