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Searching the Veterinary Medicine Literature DVTH Clinical Instructors Aug 30-31, Sept 27 2012 Lorraine Toews MLIS Librarian, Veterinary Medicine,UC Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Searching the Veterinary Medicine Literature DVTH Clinical Instructors Aug 30-31, Sept 27 2012 Lorraine Toews MLIS Librarian, Veterinary Medicine,UC Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Searching the Veterinary Medicine Literature DVTH Clinical Instructors Aug 30-31, Sept 27 2012 Lorraine Toews MLIS Librarian, Veterinary Medicine,UC Health Sciences Library

2 Welcome! Please answer a few questions before we begin:

3 Overview Authentication Searchable questions - PPICOS PubMed, CAB Abs, Google Scholar pros / cons Search strategies | mechanics Broaden & focus Search demonstrations PubMed default & Clinical Queries CAB Abs Multi-Field, Subject Heading Google Scholar Vet E-books E-Journals list Other?

4 Off-Campus Authentication Barcode: first 9 digits of barcode on back (leave off last digit) Password/PIN: UCID number leave off zeros at front of number

5 Literature Search Process Define your search question Identify key concepts Identify synonyms for each concept Identify limits - language, publication date, etc Select relevant database(s) to search Create search strategy for the database

6 Literature Search Process Run your search Subject headings or Textword terms Limit search Evaluate results, revise search Broaden Focus Choose a different database Print, email, save results

7 Ask Searchable Questions

8 Ask a Searchable Question Among dairy cattle, is the complement fixation test vs the Elisa test more accurate in screening for Johne’s disease?

9 PPICOS Questions ConceptsDefinition P = Population | Species P = Problem Disease, condition Presenting symptom I = Intervention Treatment Adverse drug reaction Diagnostic or screening test Environmental exposure C = Comparison Intervention Alternative intervention – gold standard treatment, diagnostic test O = Clinical Outcome S = Study design What accomplish? Measure? Improve? Affect? RCT? Systematic review?

10 Synonyms for Concepts ConceptsSearch terms P = Population P = Problem Dairy cattle I = InterventionELISA OR enzyme linked immunosorbent assay C = Comparison Intervention Cft OR complement fixation test O = Clinical OutcomeJohne’s disease OR paratuberculosis

11 Define Search Limits Publication Date Language Type of document – review, RCT Age group Gender Geographic Location

12 Select Appropriate Databases for Your Topic and Task

13 Veterinary Medicine Interdisciplinary

14 Veterinary Medicine Databases CAB Abstracts – vet med, agriculture PubMed | MEDLINE – vet med, human medicine Wildlife & Ecology Studies – wildlife Agricola – agriculture Google Scholar – background, scoping search Scopus – interdisciplinary, cited reference

15 A Cautionary Note PubMed & CAB Abstracts …. Not designed as clinical decision resources Not work like Google Quality varies - indexing, search functionality Effort to learn search skills > quality of results

16 CAB Abs vs PubMed CAB AbstractsPubMed ContentComprehensive index of veterinary medicine journals* Indexes many vet medicine conference proceedings Indexes 110 vet med journals + human medicine journals Not index conference proceedings Quality of IndexingLess depth, less consistency than PubMed Consistent, in-depth, granular indexing Search interfaceMore complex than PubMedEasier, more intuitive Evidence-based medicine No Clinical QueriesClinical Queries feature AccessSubscription requiredFree

17 Some Vet Med Journals in CAB not in PubMed BovineBovine Practitioner Cattle Practice Livestock Science UK Vet: Livestock EquineAustralian Equine Veterinarian Equine Veterinary Education Journal of Equine Science Journal of Equine Veterinary Science ExoticsExotic DVM Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine SwineJournal of Swine Health & Production Pig Journal

18 Some Vet Med Journals in CAB not in PubMed PoultryJournal of Poultry Science Poultry International Public HealthJournal of Veterinary Epidemiology Journal of Veterinary Public Health WildlifeEuropean Journal of Wildlife Research Journal of Wildlife Health Journal of Wildlife Management Other Journal of Veterinary Cardiology

19 Search Strategies

20 Search Mechanics Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT (see separate slide) Parentheses ( ) Enclose synonyms for a concept in parentheses Search boxes in CAB Abs Multi-Filed does tautomatically Exact phrase search Varies depending on database Many databases use quote marks “_” around a phrase Truncation Asterisk at end of word stem retrieves plurals, word variants - therap* retrieves therapy, therapist, therapeutic

21 Boolean Operators AND Connects concepts Finds records with ALL search terms Narrows search Dementia AND treatment OR Connects synonyms or similar terms within a concept Finds records with EITHER or BOTH search terms Broadens search Dementia OR Alzheimers NOT Excludes all records that contain the term after NOT Narrows search Use with care Dementia NOT Alzheimers

22 Broaden or Narrow your Search Concept Search Terms A AND Cft OR complement fixation test “AND” in a concept NARROWS search B AND elisa OR enzyme linked immunosorbent assay “OR” in synonyms within a concept BROADENS search C AND Johne’s disease OR paratuberculosis

23 Strategies to Broaden Searches Reframe your question to make it broader Use broader search terms Remove the least important concept Add synonyms within a concept (Boolean OR) Use truncation in textword searches – therap* retrieves therapy, therapist, therapeutic Apply fewer, or no limits Use the Explode feature (only in CAB Abs, OVID MEDLINE)

24 Strategies to Focus Searches Reframe your question to make it narrower Use more specific search terms Add another concept Use less/no synonyms within a concept Use less/no truncation in textword searches Apply more limits Do not use the Explode feature (only in CAB Abs, OVID MEDLINE)

25 Subject Heading vs Keyword Searching Subject HeadingTextword |Keyword What is searched?Search subject headings assigned by indexer Search word(s) in title, abstract AdvantagesRetrieves more relevant results Retrieves new topics in literature + very specific topics Enables use of Explode feature Easier to learn and use Enables retrieval abstract, multi-faceted concepts DisadvantagesNew terms (eg. New drugs) may not be in subject headings yet Often retrieves more irrelevant records (word match) Searcher must include synonyms, plurals, spelling variations in strategy

26 Search Mode Depends on Task PubMed Default Need a few good articles Topic covered by vet journals indexed in PubMed Not much time to search PubMed Clinical Queries Want articles from top levels of evidence hierarchy CAB Abs Multi-Field Topic not covered in PubMed journals Need a few good articles Your topic has precise concepts & terminology CAB Abs Advanced Need systematic or comprehensive search

27 PubMed Default

28 PubMed Clinical Queries

29 Textword Search (OVID Multi-Field) CAB Abstracts

30 CAB Abstracts Record

31 Textword Search Multi-Field OVID

32 Subject Heading Search (OVID Advanced) CAB Abstracts

33 CAB Abstracts Record

34 Subject Heading search (OVID Advanced Search) searches this part of record

35 Purpose of Subject Headings Account for synonyms, plural, alternate spelling Increased Relevance

36 Purpose of Subject Headings Use the Explode function

37 Purpose of Subject Headings Retrieval of abstract, multi-faceted topics

38 Subject Heading Search OVID Advanced

39 Getting Full-Text Articles

40 Print Email Save Search Results OVID

41 Full-text Articles SFX SFX Citation linker Links database search results with full-text articles Indicates if item is available in print in UC Library Interlibrary loan link if UC Library not have online or print Interlibrary Loan Order articles UC Library does not have Journal articles desktop delivery 2-4 business days Must have email in library patron database

42 Full-Text Article: Via Database SFX Link

43 I Interlibrary Loan Link on SFX in Database

44 Interlibrary Loan Login

45 Interlibrary Loan Journal Request

46 Reference Management Mendeley Organize references online Format bibliographies

47 Veterinary Medicine E-books Find Books tab Selected Veterinary Medicine Ebooks

48 Need Help? Contact Lorraine Toews MLIS Veterinary Medicine Librarian Health Sciences Library | 403.220.3750 Health Sciences Library Information Desk | 403.220.6857 (general, basic help)

49 Your feedback, please Please answer a few questions before you leave: Thank you !!

50 Save Search History

51 Save Search History OVID



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