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George Meerburg Universiteit of Amsterdam Science Library Universiteit of Amsterdam With assistance of Joke Hendriks & Bert Gazendam.

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Presentation on theme: "George Meerburg Universiteit of Amsterdam Science Library Universiteit of Amsterdam With assistance of Joke Hendriks & Bert Gazendam."— Presentation transcript:

1 George Meerburg Universiteit of Amsterdam Science Library Universiteit of Amsterdam With assistance of Joke Hendriks & Bert Gazendam Analysing Primo journal coverage as a tool for optimising our information resources collection

2 Motivation 2013: survey on Primo / CataloguePlus usage Questions:  What is indexed by Primo / CataloguePlus?  Are there alternatives to our existing mix of information resources?  Possible to match new databases with what is already covered?  Reduce the number of databases? Goal:  Improve coverage either by Primo / CataloguePlus or any combination of alternative bibliographical databases IGeLU, Oxford 2014

3 Database usage IGeLU, Oxford 2014 Communication & Mass Media Complete Academic Search Premier EconLit

4 Science Library I work as information specialist not at the library systems department.

5 Looking out on primo? Equinix Plant AMS 3 is right in sight of our Library. Primo a large Black Box

6 Collection UvA is a large general research university 30.000 students and 5.000 employees Collection budget 2014€ several millions Journals (incl. publ. portals)75 % Bibliographical databases (excl. Primo)€ 500.000

7 Primary goal of a LIS: bring our customers to the journals in our collection in an easy way IGeLU, Oxford 2014

8 A good advice? Of course there is Google Scholar, but… For real research you should use a number of scholarly databases… IGeLU, Oxford 2014

9 TURF Analysis ASP x Journal Annals xReview Library xTransactions xJournal Review etc ASP x Journal Annals xReview Library xTransactions xJournal Review etc PubMed x Journal xAnnals xReview Library xTransactions xJournal Review etc PubMed x Journal xAnnals xReview Library xTransactions xJournal Review etc Web of Science x Journal Annals xReview Library xTransactions Journal Review etc Web of Science x Journal Annals xReview Library xTransactions Journal Review etc BSP x Journal Annals Review Library xTransactions Journal Review etc BSP x Journal Annals Review Library xTransactions Journal Review etc MLA-IB Journal xAnnals xReview Library xTransactions xJournal xReview etc MLA-IB Journal xAnnals xReview Library xTransactions xJournal xReview etc Inspec x Journal xAnnals Review Library xTransactions xJournal Review etc Inspec x Journal xAnnals Review Library xTransactions xJournal Review etc TURF = Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency SPSS Version 22 Extension build into Python Essentials

10 Best reach and frequency 10627 4761 1909 1402 970 354 10205 10275 2901 3136 2701 Unique Total titles added ASPBSP Web of Science PubMedMLA-IBInspec 10267 15388 17297 18699 19699 No. of titles 10627 Reach Frequency 37153 34017 31107 20832 10627 39855

11 Scholarly databases IGeLU, Oxford 2014 64 %

12 Primo IGeLU, Oxford 2014 92 %

13 Primo Central Index ACM 1092-4388 0090-0036 0036-8733 1368-2822 0021-9924 0094-730X 0002-953X 0144-929X 0749-596X 0022-3980 0023-8309 0363-0277 Brepols 0892-1997 0090-502X 0262-4079 0077-8923 0029-6562 0738-3991 0270-1367 0138-9130 0037-8046 0889-7077 CINAHL 0305-0009 0022-2194 0022-3018 0169-0965 0161-1461 0031-5125 0033-2941 0965-2140 0002-726X 1058-0360 0007-1269 MEDLINE 0305-0009 0022-2194 0022-3018 0169-0965 0161-1461 0031-5125 0033-2941 0965-2140 0002-726X 1058-0360 0007-1269 ERIC 0305-0009 0022-2194 0022-3018 0169-0965 0161-1461 0031-5125 0033-2941 0965-2140 0002-726X 1058-0360 0007-1269 PubMed 0305-0009 0022-2194 0022-3018 0169-0965 0161-1461 0031-5125 0033-2941 0965-2140 0002-726X 1058-0360 0007-1269 OneFile 0305-0009 0022-2194 0022-3018 0169-0965 0161-1461 0031-5125 0033-2941 0965-2140 0002-726X 1058-0360 0007-1269 LegalTrac 0305-0009 0022-2194 0022-3018 0169-0965 0161-1461 0031-5125 0033-2941 0965-2140 0002-726X 1058-0360 0007-1269 Springer Link 1092-4388 0090-0036 0036-8733 1368-2822 0021-9924 0094-730X 0002-953X 0144-929X 0749-596X 0022-3980 0023-8309 0363-0277 Science Direct 1092-4388 0090-0036 0036-8733 1368-2822 0021-9924 0094-730X 0002-953X 0144-929X 0749-596X 0022-3980 0023-8309 0363-0277 BioOne 1092-4388 0090-0036 0036-8733 1368-2822 0021-9924 0094-730X 0002-953X 0144-929X 0749-596X 0022-3980 0023-8309 0363-0277 Brill 0892-1997 0090-502X 0262-4079 0077-8923 0029-6562 0738-3991 0270-1367 0138-9130 0037-8046 0889-7077 Royal Society 0892-1997 0090-502X 0262-4079 0077-8923 0029-6562 0738-3991 0270-1367 0138-9130 0037-8046 0889-7077 AOAC International 0892-1997 0090-502X 0262-4079 0077-8923 0029-6562 0738-3991 0892-1997 0090-502X 0262-4079 0077-8923 0029-6562 0738-3991 0270-1367 0138-9130 Wiley Online Library 1092-4388 0090-0036 0036-8733 1368-2822 0021-9924 0094-730X 0002-953X 0144-929X 0749-596X 0022-3980 0023-8309 0363-0277 Collection platforms Publishers Bibliographical databases Scholarly Stats journal usage data (95 %) UvA licensed SFX export target name & publisher Publisher title lists CataloguePlus / Primo ISSN Ulrich’s XML Data Service journal data worldwide

14 Ulrich’s XML Data Service June 2014: 386.365 journals 952 indexing and abstracting services Former title ISSNs Bib Instr Bio April 2014

15 UvA bibliographic databases 48.700 journals Ulrich Indexed titles Number of UvA licensed journals:  Scholarly Stats: 24.000 journals (300 OA)  SFX: 25.000 journals (12.000 OA)  ARC: 23.000 titles with ISSN 10.175 Open Access journals Overlap 75 % UvA subscriptions 22.750 journals Publisher collections in PCI 29.000 journals Bibliographic databases in PCI 27.800 journals

16 Primo indexing overlap ACM, IEEE, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library, etc. Brepols, iDunn, etc. Web of Science, Gale OneFile, MLA-IB, Medline, etc. Not al databases activated Databases indexing selectively: PubMed and MLA-IB. Biographical databases Collection platforms Publishers

17 Primo coverage IGeLU, Oxford 2014 Coverage is the proportion of journals in our collection indexed in Primo by the resources in the PCI list.

18 Overlap IGeLU, Oxford 2014

19 Collection platforms SCOPUS

20 69 % Incl. OA

21 Primo & SCOPUS 92 % Incl. OA

22 Costs per unique title IGeLU, Oxford 2014

23 Cheap databases 23 50 % Incl. OA

24 Primo IGeLU, Oxford 2014 90 % Incl. OA

25 Metadata indexing Taylor and Francis Journal IGeLU, Oxford 2014 Indexed in Web of Science Expected: Results: SH FT SH FT SH FT

26 Metadata IGeLU, Oxford 2014 N =272

27 Conclusions This way of looking at our collection will play a role in future decisions about new databases It might be more useful to acquire journal content, instead of additional bibliographical databases. Primo should get more attention in our library skills courses as a one stop tool to get to our journal subscriptions. Ulrich’s Journal Data is a great framework to map all kind of journal information onto. If possible, efforts must be made to supplement Primo with databases and publishers not yet indexed. IGeLU, Oxford 2014

28 Subjects We are missing journals on Abstracting and Indexing services!


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