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Collexis Reviewer Finder Case Study: American Association for Cancer Research Judy N. Quong ASIDIC Spring Conference March 23, AACR.

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Presentation on theme: "Collexis Reviewer Finder Case Study: American Association for Cancer Research Judy N. Quong ASIDIC Spring Conference March 23, AACR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collexis Reviewer Finder Case Study: American Association for Cancer Research Judy N. Quong ASIDIC Spring Conference March 23, 2010 @2010 AACR

2 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Founded in 1907, world’s oldest scientific society devoted to cancer research As of 2009, > 29,000 members in 89 countries @2010 AACR

3 AACR Publications 11,000 submissions 7,500 manuscripts sent out for review – 2 reviewers per manuscript 3,300 published articles @2010 AACR

4 The Old Process We rely on a volunteer editorial board Reviewers identified using our online submission and review system (EJPress) Difficult to identify reviewers Search interface Expertise profiles not up-to-date Time wasted going out to google or Pubmed Limited reviewer pool @2010 AACR

5 Alternatives Enhance current system – Had only basic search function – No taxonomy – Require creation and maintenance of expertise profiles Create our own system Purchase 3 rd party system @2010 AACR

6 Collexis Reviewer Finder Designed to easily interface with other systems Vastly expands the pool of potential reviewers by using the Collexis BiomedExperts database – Able to indicate editorial board members from ‘others’ – Journal-specific – AACR-specific The system can be configured to be semi- or completely automated @2010 AACR

7 Implementation Interface with the EJPress manuscript submission system Beta test: – subset of editors from each of the 6 journals given own papers and previously assigned manuscripts Training slides and in-person/web-based demos Rolled out journal-by-journal @2010 AACR

8 The Experience Overall, we consider it a success Few blips in integrating the two systems were easily overcome Easy to use – most users do not have to modify the default parameters Wish List – Customizability – Keyword searches @2010 AACR


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