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Mark Entry Understand role of entering marks and module results in student life cycle Be confident in processing marks and calculating module results –Mark.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Entry Understand role of entering marks and module results in student life cycle Be confident in processing marks and calculating module results –Mark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Entry Understand role of entering marks and module results in student life cycle Be confident in processing marks and calculating module results –Mark Entry –Module Results

2 Agenda Introduction Demo & Practice –Generate assessment records –Print mark sheets For tutor to complete and return –Enter marks –Calculate module results and print for tutor to check –Input CAB changes E.g. approved refer, condoned pass

3 Overview Context –Recording student achievement –Source data for progression and award Process and data structure –Processing options: SAS, RAS & TMR –Data options: SAT, SRA & SMR

4 Overview Enter Year, Period and Module. (Occurrence optional) SASRAS Generate Assessment1bAlready done Print mark sheets (seq no required in ASIS) 2a or Infoview1 or Infoview Enter marks: manually or from spreadsheet 3 4&5 2 3&4 Calculate suggested module result65a Print module results for tutor to check7 or 11 or Infoview5b or Infoview Input module results AND/OR3 or 82 or 6 Confirm module resultsTMR Print agreed results (if required) 129 Undo: input CAB changes (if required) 1310

5 Enter marks Enter the mark and tab across. The default grade will appear. Tab again. Or page down/up to move down/up. To enter an overriding signal grade: Delete the default grade Replace with: NS for Non Submission EC for Extenuating circumstances EL if EC submitted after due date WD for Withdrawn from course/module TR for Tutor reassessment Refer <=39% TP for Tutor reassessment Pass 40% UI for Under Investigation PL for Preliminary offence awaiting reassessment XR Misconduct reassessment <=39% XP Misconduct reassessment 40% X1 Misconduct 1 st level X2 Misconduct 2nd level X3 Misconduct 3rd level You can store and re-enter marks as many times as you like until module result is calculated. For ungraded modules enter Grade: P for PassR for ReferF for Fail RT for Tutor Reassessment Refer TF for Tutor Reassessment Fail Or the grades in box below Then Store and Quit.

6 Enter marks from spreadsheet Enter the year, period, module and occurrence as usual then 1. Export First export the details to a csv type spreadsheet. Enter filename.csv and (optional) folder C:\Si\ is the default The rows can be sorted to any order e.g. by student then assessment sequence number Send to the tutor to enter marks, only signal grades need entering e.g. TR (see previous page for full list) 2. Import When receive the spreadsheet back from tutor then change column A from date format (e.g. 11-Dec) back to academic year by entering it as text (e.g. ’11/12) and copy to all rows. Save as csv file type. Select the file to be imported using the folder icon and select the file The message buffer (F9 or ) will show how many records processed. It will give a description of any errors – correct in the spreadsheet and import again. This can be run multiple times and it will not overwrite any existing marks.

7 Input module results Enter Y then tab to copy actual If changing assessment marks then double click Module Result mark field to recalculate the module mark and grade. Enter CAB notes in Minutes field, e.g. for approved ECs “Deferred in 02 Exam” Delete and input new module marks or grades e.g. CP for Condoned Pass Only use for changing marks or grades or to enter Exam Board Minute records – to be done In Title Case. If only changing a few results then input the student’s SPR code against the SAS or RAS option Use + and – buttons to add and remove Re-assessments Page Down to move to next record. Don’t forget to Store!

8 Use this option to confirm all module results not previously done in 8/SAS TMR Confirm module results Run “Set module agreed = actual” Fields will be automatically populated with today’s latest SAS or RAS details

9 Extras Defers and Refers to following year –Attach module to student with assessment group D or R –Enter results in RAS in previous year Other print options –SAS 11 and 12 –SAR 8 or 5 –SCT 4 –Check which one your school uses

10 Summary Any Questions? What are your next steps? Anything required from ASIS Support?

11 Enter marks Ungraded mark entry To enter an overriding signal grade: NS for Non Submission EC for Extenuating circumstances WD for Withdrawn from course TF for Tutor Reassesment Fail RT for Tutor reassessment Refer TP for Tutor reassessment Pass UI for Under Investigation PL for Preliminary offence awaiting reassessment XR Misconduct reassessment Refer XP Misconduct reassessment Pass X1 Misconduct 1 st level X2 Misconduct 2nd level X3 Misconduct 3rd level You can store and re-enter marks as many times as you like until module result is calculated. For ungraded modules enter: P for Pass R for Refer F for Fail Then Store and Quit.

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