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What constitutes a research-proven social-emotional programme? Mary K. Sheard IEE Conference 1 10 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "What constitutes a research-proven social-emotional programme? Mary K. Sheard IEE Conference 1 10 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 What constitutes a research-proven social-emotional programme? Mary K. Sheard IEE Conference 1 10 2011

2 Our question What makes an effective social-emotional learning programme, and how can research provide the evidence schools and policy-makers need to make an informed choice?

3 Defining Social-Emotional Learning What the research literature tells us. Considering a workable definition.

4 The definition used in the IEE evaluation. Recognise and manage emotions Develop caring and concern for others Establish and maintain positive relationships Set and achieve positive goals Make responsible decisions Handle challenging situations effectively

5 An example of a research-proven programme: Together 4 All 12 primary schools currently participating in this randomised control evaluation, serving approximately 3,500 children in the 4 communities of Lurgan, Brownlow, Aghagallon and Bleary, NI. 6 Together 4 All (T4A) Intervention Schools 6 Control Schools

6 Programme Overview Curriculum, lesson plans, manual, resources Training Bi-weekly time-tabled T4A lessons Ongoing coach support In-school programme co-ordinator Principal training Principals’ Forum School-home liaison

7 Programme Curriculum Emotion recognition Calming-down strategies Problem-solving scenarios

8 Evaluation Design

9 Evaluation Methods Teacher ratings of pupil behaviour Classroom and playtime observations Individual child assessments Interviews Implementation fidelity audit

10 Evaluation Findings: Quantitative 1 Class Level and Measure Type of AssessmentOutcome Teacher Ratings P2-P3 Empathy, Coping, Co- operation 13 behavioursSignificant T4A advantage Actively Helps Others3 behavioursSignificant T4A advantage (Lack of) Negative Affect4 behavioursNo treatment differences Fighting and Aggression3 behavioursNo treatment differences Socially Withdrawn2 behavioursSignificant T4A advantage P7 Empathy and Co- operation 12 behavioursSignificant T4A advantage Perseverance4 behavioursSignificant T4A advantage Fighting and Aggression2 behavioursSignificant T4A advantage (Lack of) Negative Affect5 behavioursSignificant T4A advantage

11 Evaluation Findings: Quantitative 2 Teacher ratings of (a) empathy, coping, and co-operation, (b) actively helping others, and (c) not being socially withdrawn (P3-P4). Teacher ratings of (a) empathy and co-operation; (b) perseverance, (c) lack of negative affect, and (d) not fighting (P7). Identifying the correct emotions from pictures of children’s expressions (P3-P4). Providing viable (competent) responses to challenging social situations (P7).

12 Evaluation Findings: Quantitative 3 Demonstrating MRU skills by describing oneself as respecting differences between people and accepting others (P3-P4, P7). Identifying emotions/feelings, with a higher percentage of positive emotions/feelings than negative emotions/feelings than (P7). Providing positive explanations for potentially difficult social situations and suggesting effective ways to resolve problems (P7).

13 Evaluation Findings: Qualitative Principals In-school programme co-ordinators Teachers Pupils The most compelling findings?

14 Considering the evidence What is working well What is working not so well

15 Next Steps: research Conduct longitudinal randomised control studies; Develop more authentic, pedagogically robust, meaningful methods to value or assess development and gains in social-emotional learning over time; Create finely tuned observations schedules; Include extended classroom observation periods; Include extended situated social contexts as evaluation sites.

16 Next Steps: Practitioners and policy-makers Engage with educational effectiveness research Make informed choices about which SEL (and other) programme to implement Consider partnering with the IEE as a research site Please keep in touch!

17 Questions and discussion.

18 Thank you for your interest and participation 01904 328159

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