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Using NSLDS Dana Kelly Regional Director and Trainer Nelnet Partner Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Using NSLDS Dana Kelly Regional Director and Trainer Nelnet Partner Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using NSLDS Dana Kelly Regional Director and Trainer Nelnet Partner Solutions

2 Agenda Transfer Monitoring overview Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit Aggregate questions Report changes Enrollment Reporting update

3 Transfer Monitoring Review

4 Transfer Student Monitoring Alert process enhanced. Customize monitoring duration.

5 Transfer Student Monitoring Re-populate list using previous records. 1.Select criteria to retrieve previous records 2.Enter new dates 3.Select records to add to new monitoring list

6 Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU)

7 Pell Grant LEU Calculated by Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system and provided to NSLDS One-time “catch up” file provided in July from COD for award year 1973-74 and forward All subsequent changes will be sent to NSLDS by COD

8 Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) New for 2013-2014: – Pell Grant warning icons “Close to Pell Grant LEU Limit” “Meets or Exceeds Pell Grant LEU Limit” – Only students who are Pell Grant eligible will be considered for post- screening with the following reason codes: CodeWarningThreshold EMeets or Exceeds Pell Grant LEU Limit Greater than or equal to 600.000% CClose to Pell Grant LEU LimitBetween 500.001% and 599.999% HHigh Percentage WarningBetween 400.000% and 500.000% * NNo ProblemLess than 399.999%

9 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit

10 Limiting Direct Loan borrowing to 150% of program length will be implemented on NSLDS in several phases: – Identifying first-time borrowers – Tracking subsidized usage periods for first-time borrowers – Calculating maximum eligibility periods – Determining loss of subsidy Implementation dates of phases will overlap

11 150%: Tracking First-Time Borrowers Phase 1 (July 2013) – COD will identify first-time borrowers Subsidized Usage Limit Applies (SULA) Flag is reported to NSLDS from Federal Loan Servicers New Loan Type is reported from Federal Loan Servicers – “D0” for Direct Stafford Subsidized (SULA-eligible) loans

12 150%: Tracking First-Time Borrowers Phase 1 (July 2013) – New “D0” loan type displays on: NSLDS websites NSLDS reports Financial Aid History (FAH) Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) – New “D0” loan type displays as “D1” on Prescreening and Postscreening Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)

13 150%: Tracking First-Time Borrowers Phase 1 (July 2013) – School Portfolio Report (SCHPR1) updated to include: New loan type of “D0” in the list of loan types identifying Direct Loans Borrower-level SULA Flag indicator on loans (“Y,” “N,” or blank) – Updated record layout will be posted to IFAP in July 2013

14 150%: Tracking First-Time Borrowers Phase 1 (January 2014) – SULA Flag will display on the NSLDSFAP website – SULA flag will be included on: Financial Aid History (FAH) Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) 2014-2015 Prescreening and Postscreening 2014-2015 Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) – Postscreening Reason Code 25 will be added for changes to a SULA status for 2014-2015

15 150%: Tracking First-Time Borrowers Phase 1 (January 2014) – “D0” loan type will be included on: 2014-2015 Prescreening and Postscreening 2014-2015 Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) – A new Direct Consolidation Subsidized for SULA eligible loans will be created but will not be used immediately

16 150%: Tracking Subsidized Usage Periods (SUP) Phase 2 (tentative March 2014) – COD will calculate the Subsidized Usage Periods (SUP) for each loan and send to NSLDS NSLDS will display the SUP on the NSLDS websites NSLDS will include the SUP in TSM, FAH, and NSLDS reports NSLDS will send the borrower-level SUP to CPS for inclusion on the 2014-2015 ISIR

17 150%: Calculating Maximum Eligibility Period (MEP) Phase 3 (tentative March 2014) – NSLDS will compare the Maximum Eligibility Period (MEP) calculated by COD to Program- Level Enrollment Reporting from schools Enrolment reporting changes will be required – NSLDS will determine if a new MEP should be calculated based on the enrollment reporting

18 150%: Calculating Maximum Eligibility Period (MEP) Phase 3 (tentative March 2014) – When reporting enrollment information to NSLDS, school must include for program in which the borrower is enrolled: CIP Code Credential Level Length of program in years, months, or weeks If applicable, indication that program is preparatory coursework or teacher certification coursework for which school does not award an academic credential

19 150%: Calculating Maximum Eligibility Period (MEP) Phase 3 (tentative March 2014) – NSLDS will display the MEP on the NSLDS websites – NSLDS will include the MEP in TSM, FAH, and NSLDS reports – NSLDS will not send the MEP to CPS for inclusion on the 2014-2015 ISIR

20 150%: Loss of Interest Subsidy Phase 4 (tentative March 2014) – NSLDS will determine if Loss of Interest Subsidy should occur on a borrower’s loan based on the borrower’s MEP and total SUP – NSLDS will update the following: NSLDS will display the Loss of Interest Benefits on the NSLDS websites NSLDS will include the Loss of Interest Subsidy in TSM, FAH, and NSLDS reports NSLDS will send the Loss of Interest Subsidy to CPS for inclusion on the 2014-2015 ISIR NSLDS will send the Loss of Interest Subsidy to the Federal Loan Servicers

21 NSLDS Data Integrity

22 NSLDS Data From DMCS DMCS has completed a project to improve the integrity of the data DMCS reports to NSLDS If you find an issue with a loan status or a closed loan, contact the Department’s Debt Resolution Group (DRG) at 1-800-621-3115 If the issue is with student or parent identifiers (SSN, name, date of birth) or duplicate loans, contact NSLDS Customer Support at 1-800-999-8219 – You will have to provide documentation for identifier changes – This process does take time due to the number of corrections that are currently necessary

23 NSLDS Aggregate Questions and Reaffirmation

24 What is Reaffirmation? The Department sets annual and aggregate Stafford loan limits that a student cannot exceed, but sometimes students are over- awarded. The student cannot receive any more federal aid until this overage is addressed. One of the ways to resolve this issue is called “reaffirmation.”

25 Why is Reaffirmation Important? Every student loan originated is covered by a Master Promissory Note. This constitutes a legally binding contract that requires the borrower to repay the loan in regards to the requirements listed. The “Promise to Pay” section only covers the funds the student was eligible to receive, however.

26 Resolving Over-Awards Satisfactory Repayment Arrangement – Borrower signs a promise to pay for the overage amount Borrower signs and returns a reaffirmation letter Borrower consolidates his/her loans – Reallocation of loan balance Can only resolve a subsidized overage or an annual overage Will not work if the student exceeds his/her total loan limit Only the school that certified the loan(s) in question can request a reallocation – Pay down the overage Borrower would have to pay enough of the loan balance to reduce the principal by the overage amount Could potentially include interest and require a payment much greater than the overage itself to pay the loan down

27 NSLDS and Aggregate Balance Calculation Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance (Agg OPB) is an auto system calculated field on NSLDS that is used to total up loan balances for annual and aggregate amounts – Original Disbursed Amount – Outstanding Principal Balance New as of January 2013 – Excluding capitalized interest from outstanding Principal Balances (OPB) for open, non-consolidation loans – Enhanced the linking logic for underlying loans of Direct Unsubsidized Consolidation Loans (D5) and Direct Subsidized Consolidation Loans (D6)

28 Calculating the Agg OPB The loan is originated and Agg OPB starts at the Original Disbursed Amount If the student pays the Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) below the Original Disbursed Amount the Agg OPB reduces to the OPB If interest capitalizes, the Agg OPB will increase but will NEVER go above the Original Disbursed Amount – NOTE: it is possible for a student to pay down an overage and have it reappear as soon as interest capitalizes again

29 NSLDS Aggregate Calculation Process

30 Recent Aggregate Concerns Capitalized Interest – Capitalized Interest is only reported to NSLDS by the ED Servicers for Direct Loans and FFEL Loans that are owned by the Department – NSLDS modified the display of the Capitalized Interest Flag and mouse-over text on the NSLDSFAP Loan History webpage Amounts are found on the Loan Detail webpage

31 Aggregate Updates

32 Report Changes

33 Loan Record Detail Report (LRDR) Updates GA/Federal Loan Servicer Code at Calculation – NSLDS is adding a new field to the LRDR to identify the Guaranty Agency (GA) or Federal Loan Servicer which held the loan at the time the cohort was calculated – This field is being added to better direct a potential challenge or appeal to the proper data manager

34 School Portfolio Report (SCHPR1) Provides details on borrowers in your current loan portfolio Based on loan repayment begin date Previous school codes included (if school has merged) Available in extract only

35 School Portfolio Report (SCHPR1)

36 School Portfolio Uses May eliminate need for other reports Can request up to three years of loans that entered or will be entering repayment Can track student’s loan activity – Current status – Current principle and interest balances – Delinquency date

37 School Portfolio Report Report includes borrowers from the school code of the requesting FSA User ID Provides Direct and FFEL loan data including: – Consolidation loans and its underlying loans – Loan amount and current balances – Loan servicing data such as delinquency date, loan status, and repayment plan November 2011 Release

38 Delinquency Report (DELQ01) Now includes delinquent borrowers reported by all federal loan servicers Contains borrowers’ contact information (address, phone number, and email) as it has been reported to NSLDS Driven off of number of days delinquent

39 Delinquent Borrowers Web Option

40 Delinquent Borrower Results

41 Delinquency Report Addition of consolidation loans – Consolidation loans added based on the school code of the underlying loan – Consolidation indicator – Consolidation ID November 2011 Release

42 Delinquency Report Addition of PLUS borrower identifiers – Changed student identifier fields to borrower identifier fields. New fields for student identifiers: Student SSN Student first name Student DOB November 2011 Release

43 Borrower Demographic Report New report available in February 2013 – Report includes borrowers from the school code of the requesting FSA User ID – Provides demographic data as reported to NSLDS by any source – Includes: Borrower identifiers Address Phone number Email address

44 Borrower Demographic Report Provided as an extract file via SAIG – In fixed-width format, delivered in message class DEMOFWOP – In comma separated value (CSV) format, delivered in message class DEMOCDOP Sent to the TG mailbox associated with the FSA User ID that requested the report Can be used in conjunction with the School Portfolio Report (SCHPR1) Layouts available on the NSLDS Record Layouts section of the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website See NSLDS newsletter #42 for additional details

45 Median Borrowing Backup Detail Report Median Borrowing is used on the College Scorecard metrics Report provides the student and loan information used in the calculation Report sent to the TG mailbox associated with the FSA User ID that requested the report – Provided as an extract file via SAIG – In fixed-width format only – Delivered in message class SCMBDROP – Layouts available on the NSLDS Record Layouts section on the IFA website

46 Enrollment Reporting Certification Report Allows the school to monitor its certified enrollment data to help ensure compliance with Enrollment Reporting requirements Provides student specific enrollment certification data Includes date when data was applied to the NSLDS database

47 Enrollment Reporting Certification Report Contains last certified record as well as dates applied to NSLDS Extract has calculated number of days since certification was reported/applied to NSLDS AttributeDescription Days Since Certified Based on extract date, the elapsed number of days since the last certification date of the student’s enrollment record. Days Since Certification Applied Based on extract date, the elapsed number of days since the last certification date of the student’s enrollment was applied.

48 Enrollment Reporting Certification Report Provided as an extract file in fixed-width format only Delivered in message class AHSLDEOP to the TG mailbox associated with the FSA User ID that requested the report Layouts available on the NSLDS Record Layouts section on the IFAP website

49 New Reports for 2013 College Scorecard Debt-to-Earnings – Addition to the School Scorecard – Fall Implementation

50 Enrollment Reporting Update

51 Importance of Enrollment Reporting Critical for administration of Title IV Loan Programs Ensures students’ rights are protected Essential for: – Proper servicing of loan throughout the life cycle of the loan – Preventing defaults – School cohort management

52 Report Students Where They Attend NSLDS places students on a roster based on reporting of federal aid COD disbursement records now require the “Enrollment School Code” It is important that schools add financial aid recipients to their rosters if the students are not listed

53 Report Students Where They Attend Students should be reported at two locations of the same six-digit OPEID only if the student is actually attending both If the student is not enrolled at both locations, report the correct location for the student If a student appears on a roster of an incorrect location, use the “Move To” functionality to report the correct location for the student

54 “Move To” Location Functionality The location field – Last two digits of the eight-digit OPEID – Has been added in both batch and online Schools that share the same six-digit OPEID and administrator can “move” a student to the roster of the location where he/she attends – Helpful for students misreported at a location – Helpful for transfers between locations Batch File – Field is “Move to School Branch Code” Online – Field on Enrollment Maintenance is “Loc” (Location)

55 “Move To” Location Functionality When certifying a change, provide the enrollment data for the “new” location – Enrollment status at new location – Enrollment status effective date For transfers, provide the effective date at the new location For correction of location, provide the date the student began this current enrollment status for that location – Anticipated Completion Date

56 “Move To” Location Functionality When “Move To” is used, NSLDS performs the action of stopping enrollment at one location and beginning it at another Currently a “Withdrawn” record is applied to the old location In June, NSLDS began using the status of “Moved” instead of “Withdrawn”

57 Relevant Enrollment Reporting Communications DCL GEN-12-06: March 30, 2012 DCL GEN-12-06 EA - Upcoming Enhancements to NSLDS to Accommodate Enrollment Reporting Process Changes: April 6, 2012 (includes links to NSLDS record layouts) EA - Upcoming Enhancements to NSLDS to Accommodate Enrollment Reporting Process Changes Newsletter 39 & 40: NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Enhancements: July 6, 20123940 NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide: January 11, 2013 NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide NSLDS Enrollment Submittal Format and Instructions: January 9, 2013 NSLDS Enrollment Submittal Format and Instructions

58 Reminder on Third Party Servicers

59 Using Third Party Servicers Schools using a third party servicer for any functionality requiring NSLDS usage is required to report that relationship to FSA – All third party servicers must be noted on your ECAR, including enrollment reporting servicers – To add a servicer, use the E-App website at Each school is responsible for ensuring that nay data received from NSLDS by either the school or its third party servicer is adequately protected and secured

60 NSLDS Contact Information NSLDS Customer Support Center Phone: 800-999-8219 Toll: 785-838-2141 Fax: 785-838-2154 Web: Email:

61 Thank You! Dana Kelly National Trainer Nelnet Loan Servicing 336-848-6441

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