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Inhaled Human Insulin and its Place in Therapy

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1 Inhaled Human Insulin and its Place in Therapy
Breanne Fleming, PharmD PGY2 Ambulatory Care Resident Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center This speaker has no actual or potential conflicts of interest to disclose in relation to this presentation

2 Exubera® Inhaled Human Insulin
Introduced in mid 2006- 1 or 3 mg blisters; 3 mg = 8 units Similar onset Similar CI and precautions Mack GS. Nat Biotechnol Dec;25(12):

3 Exubera® Inhaled Human Insulin
Challenges Size of device Difficult dose adjustment Dosage form inconsistencies Risk of lung disease Insurance barriers Withdrawn from the market in 2007 Issues with insurance companies covering because it was not BETTER than subQ but cost 30% more Removed from the market in 2007 d/t lack of consumer interest. Other drug companies stopped development of their own inhaled insulin products – with the exception of the makers of Afrezza Mack GS. Nat Biotechnol Dec;25(12): Business Week. Pfizer’s Exubera Flop. Available at: Accessed July 25, 2014.

4 Afrezza® Inhaled Human Insulin
FDA approved June 2014 Patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes Ultra rapid-acting insulin Not yet available Similar onset Similar CI and precautions Smaller and more convenient design Single-use cartridges, powdered regular insulin – inhaler is used to aerosolize that powder for absorption. Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

5 Afrezza® Inhaled Human Insulin
Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

6 Steps for Use Open device and snap in cartridge
Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

7 Steps for Use Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

8 Steps for Use Single use cartridge, discard when done
Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

9 Afrezza® Inhaled Human Insulin
Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

10 Storage Store in refrigerator
Inhaler good for 15 days from date of first use – then discard and replace with new inhaler Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

11 Initiating Inhaled Insulin
Insulin naïve Start 4 units at each meal Patients on subcutaneous mealtime insulin Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

12 Adverse Reactions Hypoglycemia Cough Throat pain/irritation
Acute bronchospasm in patients with chronic lung disease Decline in pulmonary function Lung cancer Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) Hypersensitivity reactions REMS for bronchospasm Check pulmonary function even if no symptoms – consider d/c if pt experiences >20% decline in FEV1 from baseline Pulmonary function Spirometry at baseline, 6 months, then annually resolved with discontinuation of inhaled insulin 4 cases of lung cancer so far, same risk with Exubera Patients at increased risk for DKA More patients experienced DKA vs. subcutaneous insulin (0.43% vs. 0.14%) very small sample size Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

13 Contraindications Patients with chronic lung disease
Asthma COPD History of hypersensitivity to regular human insulin or any excipients Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

14 Pharmacokinetics Clinical Effect Absorption
A = onset of activity no difference vs. lispro B = max serum concentrations Regular insulin hours duration 8 hours Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014. .

15 *OAD= max dose metformin or >2 oral antidiabetic agents
Clinical Evidence Population: Patients with T2DM Intervention: Inhaled insulin + OAD* vs. placebo + OAD* *OAD= max dose metformin or >2 oral antidiabetic agents Primary Outcome: Reduction in HgbA1c Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

16 Clinical Evidence: Type 2 Diabetes
Efficacy Parameter Afrezza + OAD N= 177 Placebo + OAD N= 176 Confidence Interval Change in HgbA1c (%) -0.82 -0.42 (-0.57, -0.23) % Patients achieving HgbA1c < 7% 32.2 15.3 - Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

17 Clinical Evidence Population: Patients with T1DM Intervention:
Inhaled insulin + basal insulin vs. aspart + basal insulin 344 patients more patients achieved HgbA1c<7 in aspart group Aspart superior A1c reduction Afrezza non-inferior Primary Outcome: Non-inferiority in HgbA1c reduction Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

18 Inhaled insulin + basal insulin
Clinical Evidence Efficacy Parameter Inhaled insulin + basal insulin n = 174 Insulin aspart + basal insulin n = 170 Confidence Interval Change in HgbA1c (%) -0.21 -0.4 (-0.57, -0.23) % Patients achieving HgbA1c < 7% 13.8 27.1 - Afrezza(R) [package insert]. Danbury, CT: MannKind Corporation; 2014.

19 Patients who may benefit
Fear of needles Dexterity issues Post-meal hypoglycemia Less weight gain Severe hypoglycemia 43% lower than aspart in 1 study Rosenstock J, et al. Lancet Jun 26;375(9733):

20 Inhaled Human Insulin and its Place in Therapy
Breanne Fleming, PharmD PGY2 Ambulatory Care Resident Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center

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