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The Records Office.  1. Records Office  2. University Systems  3. Your Task: Contact information update.

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Presentation on theme: "The Records Office.  1. Records Office  2. University Systems  3. Your Task: Contact information update."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Records Office

2  1. Records Office  2. University Systems  3. Your Task: Contact information update

3  Schedule your classes  Receive and post grades  Send out forms & transcripts at your request  Compile and report data  Policy interpretation  University systems monitoring

4 Active students can verify their enrollment by going here: Current students Records section Student Self Service Verification letter

5 Current students Records section Forms and Documentation Medical Students Records Request


7 UAB Immunization Policy Student Health Services Magnus Health School of Medicine

8  Health compliant at all times We strongly recommend that you check your compliance every month.  BLS  HIPAA  VA Training (now annual)  A detour: Health insurance ◦ VIVA & Waivers

9 University Board of Trustees & President Student Accounting Financial Aid School of Medicine

10  Tuition and fee payment ◦ Tuition is an annual charge ◦ First installment due September 1, 2011 ◦ Second installment due January 1, 2012 ◦ Student Accounting charges late fees ($25 - $250) ◦ Financial hold on Banner/BlazerNet means you can’t attend class – withdrawn or stopped from registering for future ◦ To check your balance – BlazerNet, Student Tab ◦ Strongly advised to look at the details of your bill

11  Student Email Policy: ◦ Medical students are…  Expected to check their UAB e-mail at least once each weekday during periods of class attendance & once a week during periods between class attendance  Other policies:

12  Help you navigate these systems  Act as liaison and advocate when necessary  Warn you when you are about to go out of bounds & of the consequences

13  Current students -> Self Service -> Annual Update ◦ Must complete every field ◦ Local address – PO for mail but need street address ◦ Parent info – only SOM approved student groups and administration ◦ Suppression and FERPA: enotes1.asp enotes1.asp ◦ Please update your information anytime anything changes

14 Volker Hall 107 (Same suite as Admissions) 934-4964 Debbie Blackstone, Registrar & Assistant Director of Medical Student Services Lauren Ruffrage, Assistant Registrar for Data & Student Credentialing Manager Lacy Lazenby, Scheduling Coordinator Ernest Grimes, Verification Specialist Sharon McChesney, Grades Specialist

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