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Go Army Ed Quick Start Training
Introduction Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Introduction 10
Overview Course Objectives Introduction
GoArmyEd enables you to access and manage your Army Education benefits anytime and anywhere. The Soldier Quick Start Training course provides you with an overview of changes to Army Education. After completing this course, you should understand: The process for requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) through GoArmyEd Your responsibilities when using TA The process for dropping and withdrawing from classes How to access your Student Record How to access advice and Self-help resources 11
GoArmyEd Overview Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd GoArmyEd Overview 12
Overview GoArmyEd Overview Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview
This module provides an overview of GoArmyEd. It explains how GoArmyEd enables you to access your TA benefits anytime and anywhere. This module includes five topics: Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Topic 3: Soldier’s Responsibilities Topic 4: Summary 13
Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd What is GoArmyEd?
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd What is GoArmyEd? GoArmyEd is designed to be your one-stop location for managing your education and using TA benefits. GoArmyEd is a dynamic portal that automates and coordinates many of the paper-based processes conducted with your Army Education Center. 14
Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd What Does GoArmyEd Do?
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd What Does GoArmyEd Do? GoArmyEd enables you to use and track your TA online. GoArmyEd is available to Soldiers in the Active Army, National Guard and Army Reserve components. This includes all Officers, Warrant Officers, and enlisted Soldiers. Army Reserve Soldiers began requesting TA through GoArmyEd on 1 December 2009 for all TA-funded classes that started on or after 1 January 2010. National Guard Soldiers began requesting TA through GoArmyEd on 1 August 2011 for all TA-funded classes that start on or after 1 October 2011. TA is a benefit for voluntary, off-duty education programs in support of your professional and personal self-development goals. 15
Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd When Do You Use GoArmyEd?
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd When Do You Use GoArmyEd? GoArmyEd enables you to view information in your Student Record anytime and anywhere. Access GoArmyEd to: Request TA and register for classes 24 hours a day, seven days a week Research and select schools, degree plans, class costs, and admission requirements Access online advising tools to help you select classes that advance you toward your degree Complete a TA Statement of Understanding (SOU) quarterly. 16
Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd When Do You Use GoArmyEd? (continued)
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 1: Overview of GoArmyEd When Do You Use GoArmyEd? (continued) Cancel TA requests if you want to drop a class before the class starts; GoArmyEd automatically restores your annual TA ceiling when you cancel a TA request Withdraw from classes that have already started, which may result in recoupment for TA (GoArmyEd automatically restores the refundable portion of your annual TA ceiling when you withdraw from a class and recoupment actions are taken for the non-refundable portion) Access a version of your Student Record View class grades that your school has posted directly to your Student Record Call or submit cases to the GoArmyEd Helpdesk whenever support is needed 17
Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation The GoArmyEd public page has Resource tabs and sub-tabs at the footer to help you find information. From the public page of GoArmyEd, some sections are: GoArmyEd login section displays: - Login Retrieve lost user name/password feature - Pop-up Blocker help Deactivated Soldiers can check if they can be reactivated Student, School or Supervisors may create/activate a GoArmyEd account GoArmyEd Helpdesk tab provides information on how to get assistance with GoArmyEd About GoArmyEd section displays a link to view a GoArmyEd video, learn more about GoArmyEd. About G-3/5/7 has been added. Message Center Provides various system messages Note: Additional tabs are available on your password-protected view of GoArmyEd to provide information not available in the general public view. 18
Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation (continued)
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation (continued) From your password-protected view of GoArmyEd: Top Tabs GoArmyEd Logo: To return to the homepage Helpdesk: To receive support and view training videos of the top processes in GoArmyEd Logout: To close out your password-protected view of GoArmyEd Alerts–Tailored messages appear regarding your GoArmyEd status. 19
Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation (continued)
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation (continued) From your password-protected view of GoArmyEd: Smart Links Section - Commonly used Smart Links: Eight Smart Links selected by Headquarters Army Continuing Education System (HQ ACES) appear in this section My Smart Links: Select three additional Smart Links to appear on your homepage Message Center–View important and timely messages and information. Helpdesk Cases–Select a case to track the status of an open helpdesk case and create new cases when seeking assistance. View closed cases to view a case resolution. Training Resources–Access training and Step-by-step reference documents to view how to perform many common processes in GoArmyEd. 20 20
Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation (continued)
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Navigation (continued) From your password-protected view of GoArmyEd: My Education–View home school and degree map, grade point average, class and On-Duty class enrollments and hold on your account. Monitor Tuition Assistance available and spent. GoArmyEd Resource footer menu tabs and sub-tabs provide additional program information 21 21
Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Semester Hour Progress Dashboard
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Semester Hour Progress Dashboard Once you have an approved degree plan or Course Planner a dashboard will appear on your GoArmyEd homepage that displays progress towards your degree based on LOI degree plans or Course Planner semester hours Soldiers can hover over each colored section for additional details and links Only data captured in GoArmyEd (LOI classes, Non-LOI classes and transfer credits supplied by LOI schools) will be evaluated for progress and displayed 22 22
Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Student Record
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Student Record Your Student Record contains up to seven tabs: Soldier Personnel, Educational, Helpdesk Cases, CTS Notes, eFile, Test Scores, and All. Update your address, phone number, and addresses on your Student Record immediately if they change. Select the “Account Information” link located on the left-hand side of the footer menu to update your address, phone number and addresses. Note: If you add a new address to the Account Information page, you may select the new as a preferred from the Preferred drop-down menu. GoArmyEd communications will be sent to the preferred account. Data marked by an asterisk on the Student Record is sourced from the Army's Personnel System and refreshed on a routine basis. If data is inaccurate, you must request an update to your personnel record. Active Regular Army contact Personnel Administration Center (PAC)/S1 to update eMILPO U. S. Army Reserve Soldiers contact Unit Administrator/S1 to update RLAS Guard Soldiers contact State Unit Administrator/State PSB to update SIDPERS A description for each tab can be viewed in the next slide. 23
Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Student Record (continued)
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 2: GoArmyEd Key Functions Student Record (continued) The chart below describes each tab on your Student Record. Tab Name Description Soldier Personnel The Soldier Personnel tab displays your demographic data sourced from the Army's Personnel Database and the GoArmyEd student administration system. Education The Education tab displays information about your home school and degree plan, remaining annual TA balance, current and prior class enrollments, and holds on your account. Helpdesk Cases The Helpdesk Cases tab displays detailed records of your GoArmyEd Helpdesk cases CTS Notes The CTS Notes tab displays a record of GoArmyEd communications and notes about counseling sessions with Army Education Counselors or school representatives eFile The eFile tab displays all documents uploaded to your Student Record by you, Army Education Counselors or schools. Test Scores The Test Scores tab displays tests taken and test results. All The All tab displays a printable version of your entire Student Record. 24
Topic 3: Soldier’s Responsibilities What You Must Do
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 3: Soldier’s Responsibilities What You Must Do When using TA, you must: Successfully complete one year of service following graduation from initial military training (Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for Enlisted personnel and Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) or Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) for Officers) Understand and adhere to Army TA policies when using Army TA dollars Acknowledge your electronic annual TA SOU to verify your understanding of your responsibilities Check with your Chain-of-Command prior to enrolling in a class to verify that you have time to complete a class Be honest with yourself about your time commitments prior to enrolling in a class Check to make sure your class enrollments advance you toward your approved educational degree plan 25
Topic 3: Soldier’s Responsibilities What You Must Do (continued)
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 3: Soldier’s Responsibilities What You Must Do (continued) Ensure your Army TA Grade Point Average (GPA) remains ≥ 2.0 for TA-funded undergraduate classes and ≥ 3.0 for TA-funded graduate classes. Choose a delivery mode of education best suited to your learning style (e.g., classroom-based or distance-learning) Read Army Education s sent to your preferred account as well as GoArmyEd messages Remember that if you fail or withdraw from a class or if you have an incomplete grade for longer than 120 days past the class end date, you will be required to repay the TA Drop/withdraw from classes through GoArmyEd prior to the class end date; unless excused for military reasons, you must repay the TA Check with your instructor prior to withdrawing from a class to discuss your options Note: Your Army TA GPA is different from the GPA calculated by your home school on your official transcript. The Army TA GPA page can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. All graded classes taken through GoArmyEd, EDMIS, iMARC and WEBS are included in the Army TA GPA. 26
Topic 3: Soldier’s Responsibilities What You Must Do (continued)
Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview Topic 3: Soldier’s Responsibilities What You Must Do (continued) Prior to withdrawing from a class, verify drop/refund dates with your school to be aware of TA you may be required to repay For education counseling, contact your Army Education Counselor directly or through the GoArmyEd Helpdesk For technical assistance or other help, contact the GoArmyEd Helpdesk directly Communicate with school advisors and instructors to understand and complete the requirements for your classes and degree program 27
Topic 4: Summary GoArmyEd Overview Module 1: GoArmyEd Overview
You have completed the GoArmyEd Overview module. In this module, you have learned about the following: Overview of GoArmyEd Transactions and key functions you may perform through GoArmyEd Instructions for accessing and finding information in your Student Record Your responsibilities when using Army TA 28
Soldier Quick Start Training Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA)
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) 29 Green underlined text designates new information or changes
Overview Requesting TA Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA)
This module is intended to provide you with a checklist for using TA through GoArmyEd. You can enroll in postsecondary classes online through GoArmyEd and your TA benefits will be applied automatically in accordance with Army Education Policy in AR This module includes nine topics: Topic 1: TA Overview Topic 2: TA Request Requirements Topic 3: Class Enrollment Guide for Requesting TA Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Topic 5: School Admissions and Rejections Topic 6: Process a Request TA Form in GoArmyEd Topic 7: TA Request Rejection Topic 8: Costs Exceed TA Amount Topic 9: Summary 30
TA Fiscal-year Benefits
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Fiscal Year Benefits Soldiers must request TA through GoArmyEd. Soldiers may not bypass GoArmyEd and directly enroll with schools if they plan to use TA. The Department of Defense (DoD) has directed a uniform TA fiscal policy across the military services. Soldiers are subject to an established DoD cap and ceiling each fiscal year. The Army will pay 100 percent of the tuition and authorized fees charged by a school up to the established semester-hour cap and annual ceiling. TA Fiscal-year Benefits Soldiers are subject to an established DoD Cap and Ceiling (1 October-30 September) 31 31
Actions for Soldiers using TA Benefits through GoArmyEd
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview Actions for Soldiers using TA Benefits through GoArmyEd Soldiers need to complete the following steps before using TA: Select “Request TA Access” button to complete the TA Request Wizard before using TA through GoArmyEd After the steps are completed, a case is created and escalated to the Soldier’s education center The Army Education Counselor will take approximately two business days to grant permission to use TA Soldiers receive an if the request is approved or if further action is required 32
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard You may request to have TA permissions granted to your GoArmyEd account. TA permissions enable you to request TA benefits through GoArmyEd. The TA Account Request Wizard includes six steps. Each completed step will be marked with a green checkmark. When you complete these steps and submit the request for approval, it will take approximately two (2) business days for an Army Education Counselor to grant you permission to request TA benefits through GoArmyEd. You will be notified by if your request is approved or if further action is needed prior to approval being granted. Below are TA Request Wizard steps: Step 1: TA benefits verification Step 2: View and acknowledge training Step 3: Decide on a home school and educational goal/degree plan Step 4: Initiate and submit a Common Application Step 5: Acknowledge the Tuition Assistance (TA) Statement of Understanding (SOU) Step 6: Submit the request for approval 33
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard There are six steps you must complete to request permissions to access tuition assistance benefits Step 1: TA Benefits Verification Review information about TA benefits and tuition rates and fees If you receive a message stating you may be eligible for TA benefits, you can continue to the next step in the TA Account Request Wizard If you receive a message stating you are not eligible for TA, you may need to check your personnel record. Create a helpdesk case for further assistance. 34
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard Step 2: Training Prior to using Tuition Assistance benefits, you must complete training. To understand your roles, responsibilities and requirements for using this benefit you can either: Watch a video (6 minutes) -OR- 2) Read a presentation You must select the radio button to certify you have completed the GoArmyEd training before proceeding to Step 3 1 2 35
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard Step 3: Home School and Degree Plan Select your home school from one of the accredited schools listed in GoArmyEd. Use the “Link to Search School” link Locate your school by entering the appropriate School Name, City, or State and select the “Search” button Locate your school and select the “Add” button If the school is not found, it may not be set-up yet in GoArmyEd. Create a helpdesk case with the subject “School Not Listed in GoArmyEd” by selecting the Helpdesk icon at the top of every GoArmyEd page. 1 2 3 36
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard Step 3 cont: Home School and Degree Plan The school you selected will populate in the Home School field Select the appropriate Degree Type from the dropdown Select your Degree Plan from the dropdown. Select your Degree Level from the dropdown Save and continue to Step 4: Common Application Troy University 1 2 3 4 NOTE: If your degree plan does not appear you need to select a Degree Level and manually type in your Degree Name
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard STEP 4: Common Application You must complete the four sections of the Common Application, which provide your school key information about you and will assist your Army Education Counselor in advising you Contact Information Demographic Information Prior Education Additional Information Information should be saved before proceeding to the next tab of the Common Application A red X will appear next to the Common Application section to alert you when information is incomplete. 38
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard STEP 5: Statement of Understanding You must submit a TA SOU. The Tuition Assistance (TA) Statement of Understanding (SOU) should be carefully reviewed. You must agree to the terms by selecting the checkbox next to the statement that you understand the terms of the TA SOU Enter your GoArmyEd password in the “Password” field Select the “Submit” button 39
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard Step 6: Submit Request Verify the accuracy of all information in previous steps before selecting the “Submit For Approval” button. GoArmyEd creates a case on your behalf so you can track the status of your submission. You will receive notification advising when you request is approved or rejected. If it was rejected the will include the reason and instructions for resolving the issue. After your request is approved you may log into GoArmyEd to begin requesting TA benefits for your classes. 40
TA Account Request Wizard
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview TA Account Request Wizard After you have received permission to request TA through your GoArmyEd account: Select the “Request TA” Smart Link on your homepage. For additional assistance with enrolling into classes, view the “How to enroll in a Class through GoArmyEd ” or “How to request tuition assistance through the Tuition Assistance Request process in GoArmyEd ” video to assist you. You can access the videos by selecting the Helpdesk icon at the top of your GoArmyEd homepage. 2 1 Remember, you must request TA for your class personally in GoArmyEd Don’t wait until the last minute!! 41
Topic 1: TA Overview Viewing Your Account
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview Viewing Your Account GoArmyEd enables you to view the status of your TA account. Select the “Other Links” Smart Link on your homepage and then select the plus sign next to “Before You Enroll in a Class” to: View how much TA you have used each fiscal year, how much remains in the current fiscal year, and your residency status at your home school by selecting the “View Financial Status” link View a detailed breakdown by fiscal year of all TA-funded classes by selecting the “View TA Details” link 42 42
Topic 1: TA Overview Tools to Assist You
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview Tools to Assist You If you take a class that does not advance you toward your approved degree, or if you fail to successfully complete your class, you may be required to repay the Army the TA dollars. Your SOCAD Student Agreement or Documented Degree Plan, Degree Progress Report (class requirements you have and have not met), Course Planner and Auto Advisor (recommendations for classes that are required by your degree plan) are important tools for guiding your class selection. Create a GoArmyEd Helpdesk case or contact your Army Education Counselor or school advisor directly to assist you before enrolling in a class if you are unsure of which class to take and You do not yet have a SOCAD Student Agreement or a Documented Degree Plan; or The Degree Progress Report is not available for your degree plan. 43
Should You Enroll in a Class?
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 1: TA Overview Should You Enroll in a Class? Before enrolling in a class, be sure to consider the following factors: Work duties–Have you verified them with your Commander? Time commitments–Should you enroll in an eight-week or 16-week class? Out-of-pocket expenses–Will your class require significant fees not covered by TA? Available TA–Have you considered the number of classes you anticipate taking during the fiscal year? 44 44
Topic 2: TA Request Requirements Summary
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 2: TA Request Requirements Summary Below is a summary of the key actions you should take when enrolling in a class offered through GoArmyEd. Annual Requirements Complete your quarterly TA Statement of Understanding (SOU). You will be prompted by GoArmyEd to acknowledge your electronic TA SOU. Ensure you have a SOCAD Student Agreement (SA) or Documented Degree Plan in your GoArmyEd Student Record prior to the end of the sixth SH taken at your home school, or before completing nine SH at multiple schools using TA, whichever comes first. 45
Topic 2: TA Request Requirements Summary (continued)
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 2: TA Request Requirements Summary (continued) Below is a summary of the key actions you should take when enrolling in a class offered through GoArmyEd. You must not bypass GoArmyEd if you plan to use TA. View the Class Enrollment Guide for detailed Step-by-step Instructions. Requirements for Every Class Enrollment Assess your availability to take a class or classes. Identify classes that will advance you toward your approved degree. Use your SOCAD Student Agreement or Documented Degree Plan, Degree Progress Report, Course Planner, and Auto Advisor. Read the Class Details in the Class Schedule prior to enrolling in a class. Read GoArmyEd messages and instructions that appear during the enrollment process. Resolve any holds or recoupments on your account. Take the training modules titled “Holds and Recoupments” Check your preferred account for communications 46
Topic 3: Class Enrollment Guide for Requesting TA
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 3: Class Enrollment Guide for Requesting TA Step-by-step Instructions and Training Videos You can access the Step-by-step Instructions for requesting TA and enrolling in a class two ways. From your homepage, select “View Reference Documents” in the Training Resources section. Or Select the Helpdesk tab located at the top left to view training videos. 47
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd How to Enroll
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd How to Enroll Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd How to Enroll Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd How to Enroll It is highly recommended that you print and follow the Class Enrollment Guide the first few times that you request TA and enroll in a class using GoArmyEd. The Class Enrollment Guide provides simple-to-follow screen shots of each step in the enrollment process. To enroll in a class, select the “Request TA” Smart Link from your homepage. 48
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner If you are in Drop-down, Other or External degree plan and have completed six semester-hours (SH) at your home school or nine SH at any school (which ever comes first), you are required to submit a Course Planner. Soldiers are required to upload a student agreement or documented degree plan in the Course Planner. To complete Course Planner Soldiers should use their student agreement or documented degree plan to input the total number of units still required to complete their degree and then input the remaining courses to fulfill these units. To begin using Course Planner, select the “Course Planner” Smart Link from your homepage. 49
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner (cont) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner Use the Course Planner to track your academic progress in GoArmyEd. You must complete the Course Planner once you have met the six SH or nine SH requirement. To set up your Course Planner: Upload your Student Agreement/Documented Degree Plan Enter your Units Remaining to Graduate Search and add courses that will advance you towards your chosen degree Your Course Planner will be submitted to your Army Education Counselor or School reviewer for approval. View the reference document titled, “Using Course Planner” for Step-by-step Instructions on using the Course Planner tool in GoArmyEd. View the reference document titled, “Using Course Planner” for Step-by-step Instructions on using the Course Planner tool in GoArmyEd. 50
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Course Planner When your Course Planner is approved, you are ready to enroll in your class or generate a Request TA form through GoArmyEd. You will be automatically routed to one of three enrollment paths using Course Planner. View the reference document titled, “How to Enroll into Classes Using the Course Planner” for Step-by-step Instructions on using the Course Planner tool in GoArmyEd. 51
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Paying for the Class During the class enrollment process, if the “YOU MUST PAY” field on the Confirm Classes screen indicates you are responsible for all or a portion of the class cost, you must self-pay that amount directly to the school. A brief description of the reason for payment appears. Your Financial Status and TA Details pages are updated automatically to deduct the TA applied to the cost of your class from your annual benefit. 52
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd
Paying for the Class (continued) If you select the “Submit” button on the TA Request form and there are $0 in the “Unit Cost” field, the TA Request will be automatically approved as there are no costs to the Army. A pop-up message will appear advising you that if you continue with this process you will be responsible for the entire cost of the class. If this is NOT what you intended: Select the “Cancel” button Update the “Unit Cost” field Select the “Calculate Cost” button Select the “Submit” button to have your request reviewed by an Army counselor for approval This pop-up message will NOT display if: Final Army Cost is $0 due to a hold that requires the Soldier to Self Pay The “I choose not to use TA and to Self Pay ALL costs for this class” field is checked 53
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Self Pay for a Class Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Self Pay for a Class Non-LOI TA Request Form During the class enrollment process, a Soldier can chose to pay 100% of the cost of a class despite the availability of TA funds. Soldiers who have exceeded the semester hour limit for their degree and are on either an Undergraduate or Graduate Semester Hour Hold can continue with an enrollment if they agree to pay 100% of the class cost Soldiers can self fund up to nine times a term (quarter) The self pay option is only available to Soldiers when the TA Request is in the Pending state Non-LOI enrollments that are self-funded will not require ESO-CE approval If the Soldier is on additional, more restrictive holds, self pay is not available LOI Confirm Classes page 54
Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Auto Advisor
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 4: Register for a Class Directly in GoArmyEd Auto Advisor View instructions for using Auto Advisor, a streamlined process for enrolling in classes aligned with your approved degree plan. The feature is not available to Soldiers enrolled in an External Degree Plan, Other Degree Plan, or a degree labeled with a “–d“ in the Schools and Programs section of GoArmyEd. Auto Advisor uses data from degrees that are fully set-up in GoArmyEd to make its recommendations. From the GoArmyEd homepage, select “View Reference Documents” in the Training Resources section. Select Step-by-step Instructions titled: “Using Auto Advisor.” Soldiers can also choose to self pay for classes when using Auto Advisor 55
Topic 5: School Admissions and Rejections
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 5: School Admissions and Rejections School Accepts/Denies Request Your school automatically receives your enrollment request within one business day of your submission. Your school either accepts or denies the request. If you are admitted to the class, you should receive an from your school confirming your class enrollment. You also may receive communications about the tuition balance due (if TA does not cover the full cost of the class). All active class enrollments will be listed on your GoArmyEd homepage. If the school rejects the class registration request, an automated is sent to your preferred account to inform you that your request has been rejected and explain why. The funds that were deducted from your annual TA benefit when you processed the registration request will be restored to your account. Schools are asked to process class enrollment rejections within three business days of receiving a class registration request. 56
Topic 6: Process a Request TA Form in GoArmyEd Requesting TA
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 6: Process a Request TA Form in GoArmyEd Requesting TA The Request TA Form If your degree plan listed on your Student Record is listed as an External Degree Plan you must process a Request TA form through GoArmyEd to request TA for the school. A Request TA form must be requested prior to the class start date or seven days after the official class start date, whichever comes first. View the reference document titled, “How to Enroll into Classes Using the Course Planner” for Step-by-step Instructions on using the Course Planner tool in GoArmyEd. 57
Topic 6: Process a Request TA Form in GoArmyEd Requesting TA
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 6: Process a Request TA Form in GoArmyEd Requesting TA If your Request TA form is approved, you are ready to enroll in your class directly with your selected school. You must provide the Army Tuition Assistance Authorization to your school by mailing, faxing, or hand delivering it to the appropriate office at your school. View the section in the Class Enrollment Guide titled, “How to Print an Army Tuition Assistance Authorization Form” to print the form. 58
Topic 6: Process a Request TA Form in GoArmyEd Status of TA Request
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 6: Process a Request TA Form in GoArmyEd Status of TA Request View the status for a specific Request TA form and class located within the TA Request Status column on your homepage in the My Education section. If the status of your Request TA form is: Pending: Your request is in the Request TA queue awaiting the Army's review and decision. Approved: Provide the approved form to your school and enroll in your class directly with your school. Rejected: Resolve the issue stated the . You have a limited time to resubmit the same Request TA form. Dropped: The Request TA form was processed as a drop or withdrawal. 82
Topic 7: TA Request Rejection
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 7: TA Request Rejection If your TA Request is rejected, you will receive an stating the reason. If you resolve the issue within seven days after the class start date, you can resubmit the same Request TA form. If you have any questions, please contact your Army Education Counselor. Follow the steps in the Quick Reference Guide titled, “Resolve Rejected Tuition Assistance (TA) Form,” or view the Instructional Video titled: Resolving a Rejected TA Request Form for assistance. A Request TA form must be submitted prior to the class start date or seven days after the official start date, whichever comes first. You must provide the Army Tuition Assistance Authorization to the appropriate office at your school. 60
Topic 8: Top-Up Form Excess Class Costs
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 8: Top-Up Form Excess Class Costs If eligible, you may use a Top-Up Form to request reimbursement from Veterans Affairs (VA) for excess class costs. To access the Top-Up Form from GoArmyEd, select the “Other Links” Smart Link. Next, select the plus sign icon next to “Enroll or Drop/Withdraw from a Class” link, then select “Top-Up Form.” Follow the instructions on the Student Top-Up Form Generation screen. Contact your Army Education Counselor for additional information on the VA Top-Up program and on other financial support that is available to you. Note: The Department of Veterans Affairs is the final approving authority for all GI Bill education benefits 61
Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA)
Module 3: Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) Topic 9: Summary Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) You have completed the Requesting Tuition Assistance (TA) module. In this module, you have learned about the following: Location for reviewing a complete listing of classes you have taken to date using TA and related financial information Class enrollment process Where to find resources in GoArmyEd to assist with class selections Use of the GoArmyEd Class Schedule to identify classes that advance you toward your degree Completion of class enrollments through GoArmyEd Process for registration requests when received by a school (either acceptance or denial by the school) 62
Soldier Quick Start Training Class Drops and Withdrawals
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Class Drops and Withdrawals 63 Green underlined text denotes new or update information
Class Drops and Withdrawals
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Overview Class Drops and Withdrawals This module provides important policy information for dropping and withdrawing from TA-funded classes through GoArmyEd. All drops and withdrawals for your TA-funded class enrollments must be initiated through GoArmyEd. This module includes five topics: Topic 1: Refund Schedule and Policy–Dropping a Class Topic 2: Refund Schedule and Policy–Withdrawing from a Class Topic 3: TA Statement of Understanding Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (step-by-step) Topic 5: Summary 64
Dropping Prior to the Deadline
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 1: Refund Schedule and Policy–Dropping a Class Dropping a Class Dropping a Class To drop a class, you must cancel through GoArmyEd and notify your school. If you drop a class before any TA dollars have been used to pay for the class, your tuition costs will be fully refunded to your account. Dropping Prior to the Deadline A class drop takes place when you initiate it in GoArmyEd . If you register for a class in GoArmyEd, your school’s deadline for dropping a class without penalty is communicated to you in the Class Details page of the GoArmyEd Class Schedule. If you provided your school the approved Army Tuition Assistance Authorization, contact your school before processing a drop in GoArmyEd. Changing Your Class If you are enrolled in a class and wish to take a different class, you will need to first drop your current enrollment prior to the start date, and then process a new enrollment request. That includes changing sections of the same class. 65
Withdrawing from a Class through GoArmyEd
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 2: Refund Schedule and Policy–Withdrawing from a Class Withdrawing from a Class Below are details about withdrawing from classes. Withdrawing from a Class through GoArmyEd To drop or withdraw from a class you must cancel in GoArmyEd. The steps to withdraw from a class are the same as the steps for dropping a class. Depending on WHEN you process a withdrawal, you may or may not receive a partial refund of the TA benefits applied toward the class tuition costs. Withdrawing from a Class AFTER the Deadline A class withdrawal occurs when you initiate it in GoArmyEd AFTER a financial obligation has been incurred with your school. The refund schedule (e.g., the amount of the refund for which you are eligible) is dependent on how long it took you to withdraw from the class after the school’s drop date. Don’t Delay or You May Have to Pay! You will be required to repay the Army for the portion of TA that is not refunded to your account after you withdraw from a class, unless the withdrawal was for an APPROVED military reason. That required repayment is called a RECOUPMENT. Resolve Your Recoupment Promptly A hold will be placed on your GoArmyEd account, preventing you from enrolling in additional classes until your recoupment is resolved. Holds and the steps for resolving them are explained in the training module titled HOLDS. Ask Before You Act Due to the financial implications of a class withdrawal, be sure to speak with your instructor and notify your Army Education Counselor to explore all your options PRIOR to withdrawing from a class. 66
Topic 3: TA Statement of Understanding
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 3: TA Statement of Understanding If you withdraw from your class, you are held financially responsible as specified in your TA Statement of Understanding (SOU). The only exception to that policy is if your withdrawal is for an approved military reason. From Section 4 of the SOU You Signed: I will reimburse the Army for any TA received if I withdraw from classes for personal reasons or do not successfully complete a class IAW DoDI and AR Non-successful grades are defined as an “F” (or equivalent) for undergraduate courses, an “F” or a “D” (or equivalents) for graduate courses and an unresolved incomplete grade after 120 days from the course end date. I may not have to reimburse the Army if I withdraw from courses for extenuating circumstances beyond my control, as articulated on the waiver request form, and am granted a Request for TA Recoupment Waiver – Withdrawal for (WM) Military Reasons by Army Education. If I have to repay the Army the TA received it will be withdrawn from my pay IAW current DFAS policies. I will be informed by from GoArmyEd 30 days in advance of a pending collection so I may dispute the debt and I consent to the salary offset to reimburse TA. IMPORTANT! You are required to initiate all drops and withdrawals from classes through GoArmyEd PRIOR to the class end date. 67
Topic 3: TA Statement of Understanding
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 3: TA Statement of Understanding TA Statement of Understanding (SOU) (continued) “I understand I will not have to reimburse the Army if I withdraw for extenuating circumstances beyond my control such as; unanticipated military mission, to include unanticipated Federal or State missions for National Guard Soldiers who are involuntarily mobilized, emergency leave, death of a family member, or illness/hospitalization as endorsed by my Battalion Commander or first LTC in the chain of command; or by my Unit Commander if in the Reserve Component for each class. I understand that providing false information could subject me to disciplinary action or criminal charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or other punitive actions.” “I understand that if I have to repay the Army the TA received it will be withdrawn from my pay through an automated process between GoArmyEd and DFAS. I understand I will be informed 30 days in advance of a pending collection action and by signing below, I consent to the salary offset to reimburse TA. During the 30 day advance warning period I understand I have the opportunity to provide information to dispute the debt.” d. “ I will advise the education center of any intent to withdraw from a class for which I am receiving TA and will follow the established GoArmyEd withdrawal procedures.” IMPORTANT! You are required to initiate all drops and withdrawals from classes through GoArmyEd PRIOR to the class end date. 68
Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step)
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step) Overview of Processes Below you will find more details about the drop and withdrawal processes. Drops and withdrawals are processed directly through GoArmyEd. There are two types of drops and withdrawals you can process: personal and military. You initiate a personal drop or withdrawal when you decide to cancel a class enrollment but do not have an approved military reason for doing so. You may need to repay the Army for the TA used to fund that class. 69
Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step)
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step) Overview of Processes (continued) A military withdrawal is a drop or withdrawal that is for approved military reasons as defined in your TA SOU. You may not be required to repay the Army for the TA used to fund a class from which you withdrew when you process a military withdrawal. The following steps must be completed within 60 days of the initiation of the withdrawal, or you will be recouped. You must complete the Request for Waiver of Tuition Assistance Recoupment form and have it signed by the Battalion Commander, first LTC in the chain of command, or if you are in the Reserve Component, by the Unit Commander for the dropped class. You must upload the signed form to the eFile tab of your GoArmyEd Student Record using the “Request for Waiver of Tuition Assistance Recoupment” transaction type, and associate it with the dropped class for the eFile to be reviewed by the ESO. Ensure all PII is removed from the Request for Waiver of Tuition Assistance Recoupment form prior to uploading to eFile. If you are requesting a military withdrawal for more than one class, you must withdraw from each class in GoArmyEd. You will receive an when a decision has been made regarding your request. 70
Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step)
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step) Overview of Processes (continued) The Army monitors your use of withdrawals for military reasons. A hold will be placed on your GoArmyEd account if you submit two withdrawals for military reasons with Army costs in a fiscal year. Contact your Army Education Counselor to discuss additional options regarding this hold. 71
Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step)
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 4: Submitting Drops and Withdrawals (Step-by-step) Step-by-step Instructions You can access the Step-by-step Instruction documents for Dropping/Withdrawing from a Class by selecting the “View Reference Documents” link in the Helpdesk Resources section on GoArmyEd. The link will open the Reference Documents page on GoArmyEd, where you can select either a printable or an accessible version of a document. 72
Class Drops and Withdrawals
Module 4: Class Drops and Withdrawals Topic 5: Summary Class Drops and Withdrawals You have completed the Class Drops and Withdrawals module. In this module, you have learned about the following: The difference between a drop and a withdrawal The process for dropping or withdrawing from a class through GoArmyEd for TA-funded classes Eligibility for full or partial refund of your TA used to pay for a class Differences between personal and military drops and withdrawals Eligibility for withdrawal for military reasons (WM) and how to request it through GoArmyEd The importance of speaking with an Army Education Counselor and your class instructor prior to withdrawing from a class 73
Soldier Quick Start Training Additional Support and Services
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Additional Support and Services Green underlined text denotes new or update information 74
Additional Support and Services
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Overview Additional Support and Services This module introduces the virtual student support model that is available to you through GoArmyEd. The support model enables you to resolve most of your questions over the phone and directly through the GoArmyEd site. Your Army Education Center still provides face-to-face support during regular business hours when you require in-depth counseling services and support. This module includes four topics: Topic 1: Student Support Model Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Topic 3: Creating and Tracking a GoArmyEd Helpdesk Case Topic 4: Summary 75
Topic 1: Student Support Model Student Support Model
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 1: Student Support Model Student Support Model Army Education has designed a Student Support Model to provide you with easy access to support that is available to you anytime, anywhere. The graphic below summarizes the model: The following slides contain details about the types of issues managed at each level. 76
Topic 1: Student Support Model Student Support Model (continued)
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 1: Student Support Model Student Support Model (continued) The chart below provides the types of issues managed at each level. Level Description Types of Issues Managed Army Education When questions are best resolved by an Army Education Counselor, cases will be escalated to a Soldier’s Education Center for resolution. Setting educational goals Requesting overrides to automated GoArmyEd checks Requesting resolution to holds Changing the home school or degree plan Questions about recoupments Schools When school-related questions cannot be answered through the GoArmyEd Helpdesk, they are escalated to the school for resolution. Missing grades Trouble accessing your class Need advice on a class Missing Student Agreement IBM Student Services (Tier 2) When technical cases cannot be answered through the GoArmyEd Helpdesk, they are escalated to IBM Student Services for resolution. Content incorrect on GoArmyEd Link not working 77
Topic 1: Student Support Model Student Support Model (continued)
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 1: Student Support Model Student Support Model (continued) The chart below provides the types of issues managed at each level. Level Description Types of Issues Managed GoArmyEd Helpdesk When a question cannot be answered through self-help resources, contact the GoArmyEd Helpdesk. Resolve GoArmyEd Helpdesk cases Help users locate, access, and complete functionality within GoArmyEd Escalate cases to Specialist, Army Education Counselor, or Support Services if case cannot be resolved by the helpdesk Reset passwords Self-Help Resources On GoArmyEd Most questions can be answered through self-help resources on GoArmyEd. GoArmyEd information Integrated Online Help Quick Start Training and Step-by-step Instructions FAQs Degree Progress Report Course Planner SOCAD Student Agreement Degree maps Class Details page Transcript/Test Score Request page Interactive messages/communications on GoArmyEd Instructional video 78
Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help?
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? GoArmyEd has a number of resources to help you answer most questions and solve most problems on your own. Some of those resources are shown on this page. The following slide contains more information about each type of resource. 79
Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued)
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued) Self-Help Resource Description Class Details Page As you search for classes in the GoArmyEd online catalog (the Class Schedule), launch Class Details to get more information about the class, including delivery mode, class location, cost, required class materials, required fees, testing requirements, registration end date, drop deadline, prerequisites, and class start/end dates. Degree Progress Report The Degree Progress Report lists classes you have completed through GoArmyEd. It contains requirements you have satisfied, requirements you still must satisfy, and classes that will satisfy those requirements. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) FAQs is a list of the most commonly asked questions and issues with up-to-date answers accessible from your homepage. Integrated Online Help If you are not sure of the steps for completing a transaction, such as enrolling in or dropping a class, move your mouse over the “?” icon next to the link and a printable, pop-up reference will appear. 80 80
Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued)
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued) Self-Help Resource Description Instructional Videos Instructional videos are available on the following processes performed in GoArmyEd: - How to upload a document in eFile - How to upload a Tuition Assistance Statement of Understanding document in eFile - How to enroll in a class through GoArmyEd - How to withdraw from a class for Military Reasons - How to request tuition assistance through the Tuition Assistance Request process in GoArmyEd - How to print an approved Tuition Assistance Request in GoArmyEd - How to resolve a Request Tuition Assistance form 81 81
Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued)
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued) Additional resources are available from GoArmyEd. The following slides contain more information about available self-help resources. 82 82
Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued)
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued) The following chart contains more information about available self-help resources. Self-Help Resource Description Interactive Messages Tip of the Day customized messages will always be posted at the top of your GoArmyEd homepage. General information announcements relevant to all Soldiers are displayed in the Message Center section of your homepage. In the News contains recent articles and press releases relevant to your school education. Automated s will be sent from GoArmyEd to your preferred account. They contain communications verifying that a transaction has been completed, alerting you of a required action, or providing you with a resolution to a GoArmyEd Helpdesk case. Pop-up messages appear during transactions to remind you of steps to complete or things to consider before completing the transaction. Links to Schools Select “Other Links” in the Smart Links section then select the plus sign next to “Earn a Degree or Credential” and next select the “Schools and Programs” link to find detailed information about all schools listed in GoArmyEd. 83
Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued)
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources Need More Help? (continued) The following chart contains more information about available self-help resources. Self-Help Resource Description SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan This document is created for you by your home school and stored in your Student Record. It provides you with guidance on which classes to take to complete your approved degree. Soldier Quick Start Training Training is available that provides information about GoArmyEd features and processes. Transcript Request Request transcripts or test scores to complete your admissions process. 84 84
Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources GoArmyEd Hip-pocket Guide
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 2: GoArmyEd “Self-Help” Resources GoArmyEd Hip-pocket Guide The GoArmyEd Hip-pocket Card provides information, policies, and processes for GoArmyEd. Select “Helpdesk” located at the top of your GoArmyEd homepage. When the Helpdesk page appears, select Launch Pocket Reference Guide located in the Other Training and Reference Guides section. 85 85
Topic 3: Creating and Tracking a GoArmyEd Helpdesk Case
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 3: Creating and Tracking a GoArmyEd Helpdesk Case Resolving Questions GoArmyEd provides you with the tools you need to resolve most questions on your own. However, at times you may need more individualized support. Select the Helpdesk” button at the top of GoArmyEd to view a list of toll-free phone numbers for the GoArmyEd Helpdesk, including a list of toll-free international access numbers if you are located outside the continental United States (OCONUS). From your homepage select the “Need Assistance?” link under the Helpdesk Cases section to route to the Helpdesk page. The Helpdesk page appears, select the “Create Helpdesk Case” link to create a new helpdesk case. If applicable, a reference document, tips or an instructional video may be available. Please view each resource to verify if an answer is available to address your question or issue. If your question or issue is addressed in the available resource, you do not need to create a case. 86
Topic 3: Creating and Tracking a GoArmyEd Helpdesk Case
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 3: Creating and Tracking a GoArmyEd Helpdesk Case Step-by-step Instructions and Videos You can access Step-by-step Instruction documents and videos by selecting the “View Reference Documents” link in the Training Resources section on your GoArmyEd homepage. The link will open the Reference Documents page on GoArmyEd, where you can select either a printable or an accessible version of a document. 87
Additional Support and Services
Module 9: Additional Support and Services Topic 4: Summary Additional Support and Services You have completed the Additional Support and Services module. In this module, you have learned about the following: Identifying and locating self-help resources that are available to you on GoArmyEd Contacting the GoArmyEd Helpdesk Launching GoArmyEd Helpdesk cases directly from GoArmyEd and tracking your case to closure 88
Soldier Quick Start Training
Module 2: Education Advising Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Education Advising Green underlined text denotes new or update information 89
Overview Education Advising Module 2: Education Advising
This module outlines steps required prior to using TA through GoArmyEd. This module includes eight topics: Topic 1: School Program Options Topic 2: Assessing Readiness for Postsecondary Education Topic 3: Schools in GoArmyEd Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process Topic 6: SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan Topic 7: Other Army Education Programs and Services Topic 8: Summary 90
Topic 1: School Program Options Degree Options
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 1: School Program Options Degree Options Your TA benefits may be used to pursue the following degree programs: Certificate program Associate degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree The following slide provides more information about each program. Also, you can explore the options in detail by selecting the GoArmyEd “Earn a Degree or Credential” link, or by speaking with an Army Education Counselor. 91
Topic 1: School Program Options Degree Options (continued)
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 1: School Program Options Degree Options (continued) Below are descriptions of the degree options available to you. Degree Options Definition Certificate A certificate is granted upon completion of an organized program of study in a specialized subject area that usually is shorter in length than a bachelor’s degree program. Associate An associate degree is granted upon completion of a program of at least two but fewer than four years. Bachelor's A bachelor’s degree is granted upon completion of a four-year college or university program. The minimum credit-hour requirement for a bachelor's degree generally is 120 semester-hours (SH). Master's A master’s degree is one type of advanced degree awarded by a university after completion of studies beyond a bachelor's degree. 92
Topic 1: School Program Options
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 1: School Program Options Army Career Degrees The Army Career Degree Program translates Army training into college credit that matches requirements in Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)-related school degrees. Soldiers are provided precise options for meeting school requirements that can include Army training, classroom instruction offered by more than 100 SOCAD schools, distance learning, testing and certification exams. More information can be found by selecting “Other Links” in the Smart Link section on your homepage. Select the plus icon next to “Earn a Degree or Credential” and then select “SOCAD Army Career Degrees.” 93
Topic 1: School Program Options
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 1: School Program Options College of the American Soldier (CAS) The College of the American Soldier consists of two education pathways, the Career NCO Degrees Program and the Enlisted Education Program. NOTE: All degrees in the College of the American Soldier have a superscripted 'c' after the degree title if the degree is listed in GoArmyEd. Career NCO Degrees Program The Career NCO Degrees Program expands existing civilian higher education degree choices to provide Career NCOs with broad preparation degree options with college credit for specific NCOES courses taken throughout their careers. Participating schools certify up-front the amount of credit to be applied to the Career NCO Degree based on American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations. Individualized assessments may provide additional credits for MOS training, testing, professional certification, prior learning, and functional training. More information can be found by selecting “Other Links” in the Smart Link section on your homepage. Select the plus icon next to “College of the American Soldier.” 94
Topic 1: School Program Options
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 1: School Program Options College of the American Soldier (continued) Enlisted Education Program (EEP) The EEP provides an opportunity for entry-level Soldiers in Combat Arms MOSs in Career Management Fields (CMFs) 11 Infantry, 13 Field Artillery, 14 Air Defense Artillery, and 19 Armor to obtain an associate degree during their first term of enlistment. Program criteria are that participating colleges and universities: Accept ACE recommended credit for: Basic Training AIT (Advanced Individual Training) or OSUT (One Station Unit Training) SSD I (Structured Self Development) WLC (Warrior Leader Course) Provide AA, AS, and AGS degrees Minimize academic residency requirements Maximize credit transfer between colleges Provide assessment of prior learning/career experience 95
Topic 1: School Program Options Class Instruction Mode
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 1: School Program Options Class Instruction Mode When you search for and enroll in classes through GoArmyEd, you may choose the class instruction mode that is best suited for your learning style or time and location constraints. The following slide provides more information about each delivery mode. 96
Topic 1: School Program Options Class Instruction Mode (continued)
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 1: School Program Options Class Instruction Mode (continued) Below are descriptions of the delivery modes available to you. Class Delivery Options Description Classroom On-post Instructor-led classes conducted by schools in classrooms located on an Army installation Classroom Off-post Instructor-led classes conducted by schools in classrooms located off an Army installation (e.g., on a school campus or at a satellite facility) Distance Learning Classes delivered to Soldiers remotely through multimedia channels, including written correspondence classes, video, CD-ROM, DVD, television, or via the Internet 97
The following slide provides more information about each document.
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 2: Assessing Readiness for Postsecondary Are You Ready? As you explore the class instruction mode options, consider your readiness to take postsecondary classes. Your Army Education Counselor can help you explore your preparedness to begin postsecondary classes by reviewing these documents with you: your Student Record, Pre-Enrollment Readiness Profile (PReP) assessment, and General Technical (GT)/other competency test scores. The following slide provides more information about each document. 98
Topic 2: Assessing Readiness for Postsecondary
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 2: Assessing Readiness for Postsecondary Are You Ready? (continued) The chart below describes documents used to assess readiness. Document Description Your Student Record Your Student Record contains previous postsecondary class information and other learning you have completed. Your Student Record can be accessed by selecting the “My Education Record” Smart Link on your homepage. Pre-Enrollment Readiness Profile (PReP) The Pre-Enrollment Readiness Profile (PReP) is an assessment tool that can be accessed by selecting the “Other Links” Smart Link on your homepage. Next, select the plus sign icon next to “Before You Enroll in a Class,” then select the “Access PReP” link. PReP assesses your readiness for online learning and produces a Readiness Profile that enables you and your Army Education Counselor to determine: How ready, willing, and able you are to succeed in online classes If you would benefit from skill-building exercises to better prepare you for online classes General Technical (GT)/ Other Competency Test Scores GT and other competency test scores are used by your Army Education Center to help determine your readiness for postsecondary classes. 99
Topic 3: Schools in GoArmyEd
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 3: Schools in GoArmyEd GoArmyEd offer two ways to request TA based on the degree plan of the Soldier: Fully-developed Degree Plan (FDDP) Schools whose degree requirements and course options are uploaded into the GoArmyEd system. FDDPs provide: Automated degree checking during the enrollment process ensures all enrollments are required to complete her or her degree. Access to an online Degree Progress Report, which is an unofficial version of the Student Agreement and helps Soldiers keep track of their degree progress with each enrollment in GoArmyEd. Access to the Auto Advisor tool and allows students to enroll into classes directly from the tool. Ability to search and register for classes through GoArmyEd without requiring Army Education Counselor review and approval. View a complete list of schools by selecting the “Other Links” Smart Link on your homepage. Select the plus icon next to “Earn a Degree or Credential” and then select “Schools and Programs.” 100
Topic 3: Schools in GoArmyEd (continued)
Drop-down, Other and External Degree Plans Schools that offer degree plans and courses through GoArmyEd may not have all of their degree requirements listed in GoArmyEd. These degree plans are considered Drop-down or Other or External and Soldiers pursing these degrees will use Course Planner to assist with tracking their academic progress in GoArmyEd. Course Planners will be reviewed by an Army Education Counselor or a School Course Administrator to confirm that the courses listed will advance the Soldier towards their degree. 101
Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan Definitions
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan Definitions Your home school is the school from which you have selected to receive your degree. A degree plan specifies the requirements for earning your degree in your chosen field of study. 102
Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan Searching for a School
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan Searching for a School View a complete list of schools by selecting the “Other Links” Smart Link on your homepage. Next, select the plus icon next to “Earn a Degree or Credential” and then select “Schools and Programs.” On the Schools and Programs–Search page: Search for a school by entering the school name, city, or state Search by Private-For Profit, Private-Not for Profit or Pubic school status Search by selecting SOC or SOCAD membership Search by National, Regional and Specialized accreditation Search results appear based on the criteria entered. Select the “View” button to view school information and degree plans; if no “View” button appears, contact the school to obtain the information. Select the school’s name hyperlink to view the school’s homepage. 103
Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan View Your Information
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan View Your Information After working with an Army Education Counselor to select an appropriate home school and degree plan, you can view that information from your homepage. Verify that the correct home school and degree plan have been recorded in your Student Record by selecting the “My Education Record” Smart Link on your homepage. Next, select the Educational tab of your Student Record. Your home school and degree plan are displayed on that page. 104
Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan View Your Information (continued)
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan View Your Information (continued) Meet with an Army Education Counselor if: Your home school or degree plan is incorrect You are denied admission to your designated home school You already have completed your degree plan requirements You wish to change your home school or degree plan 105
Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan Degree Plan Not Listed in GoArmyEd As you research the schools and degree plans available through GoArmyEd, you may notice that your degree plan is not among those listed. A copy of the degree plan must be uploaded to eFile in your Course Planner. Contact your Army Education Counselor for additional assistance. (Please ensure the degree plan does not contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as social security number (SSN), date of birth, place of birth, mother’s maiden name and medical records.) 106 106
Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan School Not Listed in GoArmyEd
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan School Not Listed in GoArmyEd Only accredited schools with a history of processing TA are listed in GoArmyEd. Is your school not listed in GoArmyEd? If your desired school is not listed in GoArmyEd, it is most likely because the school has not set-up an account in GoArmyEd, which is a requirement for TA to be used at the school. Soldiers will not be able to request TA at the school until the school sets up an account in GoArmyEd. Create a helpdesk case, contact the GoArmyEd Helpdesk or your Army Education Counselor, who will determine if the school is accredited or not and advise accordingly. 107
Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 4: Home School and Degree Plan School/Degree Plan Not Listed in GoArmyEd (continued) If your school has classes listed in GoArmyEd, but a class offered in its catalog is missing in GoArmyEd, you should create a GoArmyEd Helpdesk case to request that a missing class be added in the Class Schedule by the GoArmyEd school. You should specify in your case the school name, the class title, the class section number, and the start and end date of the requested class. The school will add the class to their current class schedule. 108
Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process Completing the Common Application The Common Application contains demographic, educational, and general information about you that schools need before you can be admitted and formally enrolled in a class. Before you use TA through GoArmyEd, it is your responsibility to complete and keep current the information on your Common Application. You can update your Common Application from the GoArmyEd homepage by selecting the “Other Links” Smart Link. Next, select the plus sign next to the “Before You Enroll in a Class” link. To update your Common Application, fill in all blank fields on each tab and select “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the Additional Information tab. 109
Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process Paperwork Your School Requires Each school has its own admissions process and requirements. You must determine what application documents your designated home school requires from you in addition to your Common Application. Visit your school’s website for additional information. For detailed instructions and tools to request transcripts and test scores be sent to your home school, select the “Other Links” Smart Link on your homepage. Next, select the plus icon next to ““Before You Enroll in a Class” and then select the “Transcript/Test Score Request ” link. Some schools require an application fee before they will process your admissions request. You will be responsible for paying that application fee to your school if you have not been admitted already. 110
How do I know which documents my school requires for admission?
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process Paperwork Your School Requires (continued) Tools are available to help you answer this important question: How do I know which documents my school requires for admission? Select the “Other Links” Smart Link on your homepage. Select “Earn a Degree or Credential” from the GoArmyEd homepage. Select “Schools and Programs” from the GoArmyEd homepage to view schools listed in GoArmyEd that provide links to information about their admissions process and required admissions documents. If your home school does not have a link to view information about its admissions process and required admissions documents, contact your school directly. 111
Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process Paperwork Your School Requires (continued) Check the Application Status page: Select the “My Education Record” Smart Link on your homepage. Next, select the “View Application Status” link in the Related Links section in the right-hand menu. Your school may populate the page with information about application data that is required from you and documents that have been received to date. Note: s will be sent to you as your school updates your file. Open a GoArmyEd Helpdesk case: Create a GoArmyEd Helpdesk case to ask your home school about the status of your application file. 112
Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process School Action
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 5: Common Application/Admissions Process School Action When your application file is complete, your home school will take one of two actions: Admit you to the school with the degree plan you selected Deny your application If your application request is denied, an automated will be sent to your preferred account. When an application request is denied, your GoArmyEd account is placed on hold (meaning you will be unable to use TA) until you visit with an Army Education Counselor to resolve issues. Note: If you already have a SOCAD SA or approved degree plan from your home school, you will not need to re-submit transcripts, test scores, or application fees. You only need to submit the Common Application. 113
Topic 6: SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan Deadline for Submission
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 6: SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan Deadline for Submission Army TA policy requires Soldiers to have a SOCAD Student Agreement (SA) or Documented Degree Plan uploaded to their GoArmyEd Student Records prior to the end of the sixth SH taken with the home school. If the SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan is not in place, a hold is placed automatically at the end of the Soldier’s sixth SH taken with the home school, or after ninth SH taken with any school (whichever comes first) to prevent the Soldier from using TA until the requirement is met. The SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan lists the classes that will advance you toward a degree as well as the degree requirements already met when your admission file was reviewed by your home school. Refer to your SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan before enrolling in classes 114
Topic 6: SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan What Should You Do?
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 6: SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan What Should You Do? Below is the answer to a common question about Student Agreements and degree plans. You already had a paper SA or a Documented Degree Plan from your home school before GoArmyEd. What should you do? You are required to provide a copy of your SA or Documented Degree Plan to an Army Education Counselor. Upload your SA or Documented Degree Plan to Course Planner. Ensure all PII is removed prior to uploading document to eFile. You SA or Documented Degree Plan must be approved by the end of the sixth SH taken at your home school to prevent being placed on hold. 115
Topic 6: SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 6: SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan What Should You Do? (continued) Below is an answer to a common question about SOCAD SA and degree plans. Your home school or degree plan is not offered through GoArmyEd (i.e., you selected an “External” or “Other” degree plan). What should you do? You must obtain a copy of the SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan from your home school and present it to an Army Education Counselor, or scan and upload it to your Course Planner by the end of six SH taken with your home school, or after nine SH taken with multiple schools (whichever comes first) . Ensure all PII is removed prior to uploading document to eFile. Note: If you change your degree, a new SOCAD SA or Documented Degree Plan must be indicated in your Student Record to reflect the new degree plan. 116
Topic 7: Other Army Education Programs and Services
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 7: Other Army Education Programs and Services Additional Information on Army Education Select the “Other Links” Smart Link on your homepage then select the plus sign next to “Programs and Services” to learn more about programs and services such as: Education Counseling FAST Army Personnel Testing Joint Services Transcript (JST) (Note: JST replaced AARTS on 1 March 2013) Academic Testing College Credit for MOS/Training Class Evaluation Summaries Multi-use Learning Facilities Troops To Teachers 117
Topic 8: Summary Education Advising
Module 2: Education Advising Topic 8: Summary Education Advising You have completed the Education Advising module. In the module, you have learned about the following: School options available to you through GoArmyEd Tools and resources to assess your readiness for school Ways to research degree plans offered by schools listed in GoArmyEd Selection of a home school and degree plan Schools in GoArmyEd Completion and submission of your Common Application Research to learn if a school requires additional admission documents The SOCAD SA and how to post to your Student Record Additional Army Education programs and services, and where you can go to find more information 118
Module 5: Grades Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Grades 119
Overview Grades Module 5: Grades
This module presents Army Education policies about your class grades and your Army TA Grade Point Average (GPA) for TA-funded classes. The module also explains how to view, interpret, and troubleshoot missing or incorrect grades through GoArmyEd. This module includes four topics: Topic 1: Grade Policies Topic 2: Resolving Missing or Incorrect Grades Topic 3: Viewing Your Grades (Step-by-step) Topic 4: Summary 120
Topic 1: Grade Policies Army Requirements Module 5: Grades
Important Army policies are related to your class grades. TA-Funded Classes Undergraduate Classes You must pass TA-funded classes with a grade of C or higher. An F (Fail), W (Withdrawal), D-, D or D+ in undergraduate classes will result in recoupment from your pay for the portion of the tuition that was funded by TA. Graduate Classes You must pass TA-funded classes with a grade of a “B” or higher. An F (Fail), W (Withdrawal), C-, C, C+, D-, D or D+ in graduate classes will result in recoupment from your pay for the portion of the tuition that was funded by TA. You must receive a “Pass” for “Pass/Fail” grades. A “Fail” grade will result in recoupment from your pay of the tuition that was funded by TA. Your GoArmyEd account will be placed on hold until the recoupment is resolved. You will not be permitted to enroll in any classes while your account is on hold. 121
Army Requirements (continued)
Module 5: Grades Topic 1: Grade Policies Army Requirements (continued) Incomplete Grades Incomplete “I” grades must be resolved with a passing grade within 120 days of the class end date or automatic recoupment will occur. Your school may have a policy that allows fewer than 120 days to resolve an “I” grade. Be sure to check with your instructor. If your school submits an “I” grade, your GoArmyEd account will be placed on hold until your school changes the grade to a passing grade. 122
Army Requirements (continued)
Module 5: Grades Topic 1: Grade Policies Army Requirements (continued) Maintaining Your Undergraduate Army TA Grade Point Average (GPA) If you have completed 15 or more SH of TA-funded undergraduate classes, you must maintain a 2.0 Undergraduate Army TA GPA to receive additional TA. The Undergraduate Army TA GPA will be calculated from your TA-funded classes taken through GoArmyEd, EDMIS, iMARC and WEBS. When you fall below a 2.0 Army TA GPA, you are not eligible for additional TA until you raise your Army TA GPA to a 2.0 through self-funded classes. You will need to register for classes through GoArmyEd, but pay the school directly for the tuition. Your final grade for those self-funded classes will be included in your Undergraduate Army TA GPA calculation until it has been raised to a 2.0 again, and the hold will be automatically lifted. The Army TA GPA can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. Soldiers can us TA to enroll in graduate level classes if the only hold on their account is the undergraduate GPA hold. 123
Army Requirements (continued)
Module 5: Grades Topic 1: Grade Policies Army Requirements (continued) Maintaining Your Graduate Army TA GPA If you have completed six or more SH of TA-funded graduate classes, you must maintain a 3.0 Graduate Army TA GPA to receive additional TA. The Graduate Army TA GPA will be calculated from all classes requested through GoArmyEd, EDMIS, iMARC and WEBS. When you fall below a 3.0 Army TA GPA, you are not eligible for additional TA until you raise your Army TA Graduate GPA to a 3.0 through self-funded classes. You will need to register for classes through GoArmyEd, but pay the school directly for the tuition. Your final grade for those self-funded classes will be included in your Army TA Graduate GPA calculation until it has been raised to a 3.0 again, and the hold will be automatically lifted. The Army TA GPA can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. 124
Topic 2: Resolving Missing or Incorrect Grades Army Actions
Module 5: Grades Topic 2: Resolving Missing or Incorrect Grades Army Actions Your school is required to input a class grade into your GoArmyEd Student Record within 14 days of your class end date. If no grade has been posted within that time period, a system-generated notification will be sent to your school reminding it of the obligation. Missing Grades Notification 30 days will be re-sent. 45 days will be sent and your GoArmyEd account will be placed on hold until the grade has been posted. Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC) will be notified via that your grade has not been posted. They will contact the school on your behalf to inquire further about the missing grade. 125
Topic 3: Viewing Your Grades (Step-by-step) Step-by-step Instructions
Module 5: Grades Topic 3: Viewing Your Grades (Step-by-step) Step-by-step Instructions You can access the Step-by-step instruction documents for Viewing Your Grades by selecting the “View Reference Documents” link in the Helpdesk Resources section on GoArmyEd homepage. The link will open the Reference Documents page on GoArmyEd, where you can select either a printable or an accessible version of a document. 126
Topic 4: Summary Grades Module 5: Grades
You have completed the Grades module. In this module, you have learned about the following: Army Education grade policies Troubleshooting grade issues Viewing your grades 127
Soldier Quick Start Training
Module 6: Holds Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Holds 128
Overview Holds Module 6: Holds
This module is intended to explain the types of holds and how to resolve them. Holds are used to enforce Army Regulation (AR) policy that governs the use of TA. During the time a hold is applied to your GoArmyEd account, you cannot request or use TA. This module includes three topics: Topic 1: Hold Definitions Topic 2: Viewing and Resolving Holds (Step-by-step) Topic 3: Summary 129
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Grades
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Grades The diagram provides a list of GoArmyEd holds. Notification will be sent to your preferred account when a hold has been applied to your account. The following slide provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. When the hold is resolved it automatically will be lifted from the Soldier’s account . 130
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Grades (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Grades (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Undergraduate Army TA GPA < 2.0 Army TA GPA is < 2.0 after 15 SH of TA-funded undergraduate classes completed Soldier can enroll in classes through GoArmyEd, but will be required to pay for undergraduate classes out of pocket until his or her Army TA GPA is ≥ 2.0. The hold will be lifted automatically when the Soldier’s GPA is ≥ 2.0. Graduate Army TA GPA < 3.0 Army TA GPA is < 3.0 after six SH hours of TA-funded graduate classes completed Soldier can enroll in classes through GoArmyEd, but will be required to pay for classes out of pocket until his or her Army TA GPA is ≥ 3.0. The hold will be lifted automatically when the Soldier’s GPA is ≥ 3.0. Course Grade–Fail Received a failing grade Repay Army for TA-funded portion of class tuition Course Grade–Incomplete Received an Incomplete grade Complete outstanding assignments and tests as quickly as possible; communicate regularly with the instructor. Follow up with instructor when you have completed all assignments; an "I" grade is resolved when your instructor posts your passing grade to your GoArmyEd Student Record. If an "I" grade is not resolved within 120 days of class end date, you must repay the Army for TA-funded portion of class tuition 131
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Grades (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Grades (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Course Grade–Withdraw Received a grade of W Withdrew from class after drop deadline Work with the instructor and Army Education Counselor to explore options before processing a withdrawal; repay Army for the TA-funded portion of the class Course Grade - Graduate Received a grade below a B in graduate classes Soldier will be required to repay the Army for TA-funded portion of class tuition. The hold will be lifted automatically after TA recoupment has been initiated. Course Grade - Undergraduate Received a grade below a C in undergraduate classes No Grade Student has no grade 45 days after the end date of the class When your grade has been posted, your hold is automatically removed 132 132
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds The diagram provides a list of GoArmyEd holds. Notification will be sent to your preferred account when a hold has been applied to your account. The following slides provide information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. When the hold is resolved it will automatically be lifted from the Soldier’s account. 133
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Admission Denied Student was denied admission to his or her most recent program/plan Soldiers should meet with an Army Education Counselor and their schools to discuss why their admission requests were denied, remedy any deficiencies, re-select the same home school/degree plan, or select a different home school or degree plan Civilian Education Soldier’s education level is missing in GoArmyEd, has reached a master’s degree or higher level, or current degree level is not allowed based on the Civilian Designator Code Soldiers must contact his or her Personnel Administration Center (PAC)/Unit Administrator (UA)/ Unit Readiness NCO to have the Civilian Designator Code reflect the Soldier’s current academic status Course Drop After Start Date Withdrew after a financial cost was incurred with the school Repay the portion of TA paid by the Army to the school unless an approved military withdrawal is processed 134
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Graduate Limit Reached Soldiers will be placed on a Graduate Semester-hour (SH) hold when they take 39 SH after entering a master’s degree plan Soldier can enroll in classes through GoArmyEd, but will be required to self pay for the classes Soldiers should meet with an Army Education Counselor if they have further questions Note: When a Soldier selects a recoupment amount, the class is not included in the Graduate Semester-hour limit Undergraduate Limit Reached Soldier will be placed on an Undergraduate SH hold when the following occurs: Has 130 SH of TA funded coursework AND does not have a graduation date recorded in GoArmyEd Soldiers should meet with an Army Education Counselor to discuss their next educational goals and request a new degree plan Note: When a Soldier selects a recoupment amount, the class will not be included in the Undergraduate Semester-hour limit. Degree Completed Degree/certificate requirements have been completed 135
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Quarterly TA Statement of Understanding (SOU) Soldier has not submitted his or her electronic quarterly Tuition Assistance (TA) Statement of Understanding (SOU) Select the radio button acknowledging that he or she understands the terms of the TA SOU and enters his or her secure password as an electronic signature. Student Agreement or Documented Degree Plan Hold A Student Agreement (SA)/Document Degree Plan (DPP) has not been uploaded in GoArmyEd by the end of six semester-hours taken at the home school or prior to the Soldier completing nine semester-hours at any school using TA funds. School has not uploaded SA/DPP in GoArmyEd for Solders pursing fully-developed degree plan with LOI school. Soldier’s SA/DPP is not approved in GoArmyEd. Soldier must upload the SA/DPP in his or her Course Planner and it must be approved for Other, Drop-down and Non-LOI school degrees. LOI School-Fully Developed Degree Plan: Work with the school to complete an SA/ Documented Degree Plan. When the SA/DDP is uploaded by the School to the Soldiers record, the hold is removed within 24 hours. Other, Drop-down Degrees and Non-LOI school degrees – Soldier uploads SA/DPP in Course Planner and must be approved. The hold is removed within 24 hours. 136
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued) The diagram provides a list of additional GoArmyEd non-grade holds. The following slides provide information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. When the hold is resolved it automatically will be lifted from the Soldier’s account. 137
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Army Education Request Hold is placed on the student’s account directly by an Army Education Counselor Soldier needs to meet and discuss with an Army Education Counselor ETS Date Passed End of Term of Service (ETS) date has expired Go to PAC to update Army Personnel System Flagged Soldier’s personnel records show suspension of favorable personnel action that makes him or her ineligible for TA; examples include security violation, failure of physical fitness test, weight control Soldiers must contact their Personnel office for more information and for removal of the flag in the Army Personnel Database. HQ ACES Hold An HQ ACES manual hold can be placed at the request of Headquarters (HQ), Army Continuing Education Services (ACES) division for various reasons Soldier should refer to their GoArmyEd record for details as to the issue(s) that led to this hold. This hold can only be applied, deferred and removed by HQ ACES. 138
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Maximum Military Withdrawal Hold A hold will be placed on your GoArmyEd account if you submit two withdrawals for military reasons with Army costs in a fiscal year Soldier should contact his or her Army Education Counselor Missing Battle Assembly Missing Battle Assembly refers to Reserve Component Soldiers who miss unit training assembly Soldiers should contact their units Not Eligible TA Soldier personnel record indicates no longer is eligible for TA. Soldier should visit their personnel office/unit administrator if data is in error to have it corrected in their Army Personnel Records. Program Management System-wide hold applied due to temporary TA funding shortage. Soldiers will be permitted to enroll in classes, but they will not be processed unless TA funds are restored. Wait for notification and system-wide resolution 139
Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued)
Module 6: Holds Topic 1: Hold Definitions Other Common Non-Grade Holds (continued) The chart below provides information on the reason each hold is applied and how it is resolved. Type of Hold Reason for Hold How to Resolve Withdrawal for Military Request Hold Placed on a Soldier’s account until WM request is approved or denied Hold automatically lifted when a decision has been made regarding a WM request One-year Service Eligibility Placed on a Soldier’s account until they have completed one year of service following initial military training (Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for Enlisted personnel and Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) or Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) for Officers) Soldier must serve required time. This hold will be automatically lifted the day after the required time in service has been reached and an notification will be sent. Soldiers should meet with an Army Education Counselor if they have further questions. This hold is deferrable by HQ ACES. Ten-year Service Eligibility Placed on a Soldier’s account because he or she has graduated with a Bachelor’s degree using tuition assistance for your undergraduate courses and they have not yet completed ten years of total service in the military 140
Topic 2: Viewing and Resolving Holds (Step-by-step Instructions)
Module 6: Holds Topic 2: Viewing and Resolving Holds (Step-by-step Instructions) You can access the Step-by-step Instruction documents for Viewing and Resolving Holds by selecting the “View Reference Documents” link in the Helpdesk Resources section from your GoArmyEd homepage. The link will open the Reference Documents page on GoArmyEd, where you can select either a printable or an accessible version of a document. 141
Topic 3: Summary Holds Module 6: Holds
You have completed the Holds module. In this module, you have learned about the following: Various hold types that may be applied to your GoArmyEd account How to resolve a hold after it has been applied 142
Soldier Quick Start Training
Module 8: On-Duty Classes Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd On-Duty Classes 143
Overview On-Duty Classes Module 8: On-Duty Classes
This module outlines steps to enroll in On-Duty classes. Your Army Education Center can assist with On-Duty class enrollments. . This module includes four topics: Topic 1: On-Duty Class Overview Topic 2: On-Duty Class Enrollment Topic 3: On-Duty Class Withdrawal Topic 4: Summary 144
Topic 1: On-Duty Class Overview What On-Duty Classes are Available?
Module 8: On-Duty Classes Topic 1: On-Duty Class Overview What On-Duty Classes are Available? Army Education Centers provide several On-Duty programs, including but not limited to: Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP) for Soldiers who want to improve general reading, language, and math skills, and Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) scores GT Improvement for Soldiers who want to improve their GT scores General Education Development (GED) Test Preparation for Soldiers who do not have a high school diploma or GED Reading Skill Development for Soldiers planning to attend classes of any type who want or need to improve their reading skills Preparation for Postsecondary Education for Soldiers who need help preparing for placement tests or postsecondary classes Professional Development for Soldiers needing to improve specific professional skills. Commanders or Army Education Counselors may refer Soldiers for any part of the program. High School Completion Program for Soldiers planning to complete high school courses. 145
Topic 2: On-Duty Class Enrollment Enrolling in an On-Duty Class
Module 8: On-Duty Classes Topic 2: On-Duty Class Enrollment Enrolling in an On-Duty Class All active-duty Soldiers are eligible to enroll in On-Duty classes. Soldiers with the rank of E-6 and below must obtain a Commander's approval to attend an On-Duty class. Soldiers with the rank of E-7 and above can confirm their own On-Duty class enrollment. After confirmation to take an On-Duty class, you will receive notification. When the class has ended, no further updates can be made, except the addition and editing of a grade by the ESO. Grades are pass and fail only, and are not included in the student TA GPA. 146
Topic 2: On-Duty Class Enrollment On-Duty Class Details
Module 8: On-Duty Classes Topic 2: On-Duty Class Enrollment On-Duty Class Details On-Duty classes are offered through your Army Education Center. Make sure the selected class fits your work schedule. Review On-Duty class details, including: Start and end date Start and end time Days of the week class is held Location (building and room) Class Description 147
Topic 3: On-Duty Class Withdrawal Before the Class End Date
Module 8: On-Duty Classes Topic 3: On-Duty Class Withdrawal Before the Class End Date Soldiers with the rank of E-6 and below can withdraw from an On-Duty class if the enrollment status has not been confirmed. If the On-Duty class status is confirmed, you will not have the option to withdraw from the class. Contact your Army Education Center for assistance with withdrawing from an On-Duty class. Soldiers with the rank E-7 and above can withdraw from an On-Duty class up to the class end date. Withdrawals for an On-Duty class cannot be processed after the end date. If the On-Duty class is cancelled, any enrollments are cancelled automatically. 148
Topic 5: Summary On-Duty Classes Module 8: On-Duty Classes
You have completed the On-Duty Classes module. In this module, you have learned about the following: Types of On-Duty classes that may be offered through your Army Education Center Enrolling in an On-Duty class Reviewing On-Duty class details to make sure the selected class fits your work schedule Withdrawing from an On-Duty class before the end date 149
Soldier Quick Start Training
Module 7: Recoupments Soldier Quick Start Training GoArmyEd Recoupments Green underlined text denotes new or update information 150
Overview Recoupments Topic 1: Recoupment Policies
Module 7: Recoupments Overview Recoupments This module discusses reasons the Army may recoup TA from your pay. “Recoup” or “a recoupment” is a financial action taken by the Army to collect previously used TA funds for which you are no longer eligible. This module includes three topics: Topic 1: Recoupment Policies Topic 2: Viewing and Resolving Recoupments (Step-by-step) Topic 3: Summary 151
Topic 1: Recoupment Policies Army Requirements
Module 7: Recoupments Topic 1: Recoupment Policies Army Requirements Recoupment Policies You will be notified by that recoupment is set to take place 30 days from the recoupment suspense date, except in the case of separation from the Army. If you take no action to resolve the recoupment by the deadline, a default payment plan will be assigned. The default plan will be the lowest installment option available. Note: TA recoupment amounts may vary based on Unit Training Assemblies (UTAs) for Reserve and Guard Component Soldiers. Any recouped class a Soldier has paid for will not be included in the semester-hour limit calculation. Class Recoupments If you receive a class grade of “F” or “W” or an unresolved “I” (or a school’s equivalent of an "F", "W", or "I") you will be required to repay the TA. If your class does not advance you toward the completion of your approved degree plan, you may be required to reimburse the Army for the amount of TA that was spent on the class. If you withdraw from a class for personal reasons, you will be required to repay the portion of TA that was not refunded. 152
Topic 1: Recoupment Policies
Module 7: Recoupments Topic 1: Recoupment Policies Recoupment for Officers Active Duty Officers and Commissioned Warrant Officers incur a two-year Active Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) beginning at the end date of the last class for which TA was provided. Army Reserve Officers incur a four-year Reserve Duty Service Obligation (RDSO) beginning at the end date of the last class for which TA was provided. If you are an Officer and are discharged for misconduct before completion of the ADSO, then you must reimburse the Army for the amount of TA that represents the unserved portion of the ADSO. If you are approved for voluntary separation by the appropriate Officer Personnel Management Directorate (OPMD) Career Management Division/Branch, you also are required to reimburse the amount of TA that represents the unserved portion of the ADSO. 153
Topic 2: Viewing and Resolving Recoupments (Step-by-step)
Module 7: Recoupments Topic 2: Viewing and Resolving Recoupments (Step-by-step) Step-by-step Instructions You can access the Step-by-step Instruction documents for Viewing and Resolving Recoupments by selecting the “View Reference Documents” link in the Helpdesk Resources section from your GoArmyEd homepage. The link will open the Reference Documents page on GoArmyEd, where you can select either a printable or an accessible version of a document. 154
Topic 3: Summary Recoupments Module 7: Recoupments
You have completed the Recoupments module. In this module, you have learned about the following: Reasons that recoupment actions may be taken by the Army Actions you can take to resolve program recoupments directly through the GoArmyEd site Actions you can take to resolve class recoupments directly through the GoArmyEd site How recoupments are automatically handled and garnishment begins if you fail to resolve your recoupment by the deadline communicated to you 155
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