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Can markets and RES coexist?
Market4RES Workshop Post 2020 framework - Can markets and RES coexist? Dr. Oliver Koch Deputy Head of Unit DG Energy Unit B.2 – Internal Market II Wholesale markets; electricity & gas 28. April 2014 This presentation replects solely the personal views of the author and does not bind the EU Commission
IEM is at a tipping point
Markets are integrated: EU-Power Grid
Scheerer (2012)
Markets are integrated: Market Coupling
Optimised capacity calculation EU-wide aggregation of bids and offers 4
Renewables need aggregation
Shrinking role for energy markets
RES Support Government (national) Wholesale price Market (EU) System costs Government (monopolies) (national)
Shrinking role for energy markets
Government (national) RES Support RES Support Wholesale price Wholesale price Market (EU) Market (EU) Potential for cascade of „mee too“ subsidies, export / import restrictions intenal market (art 28/34); PSO – State AId System costs System costs Government / monopolies (national)
=> “2030“ Process Issue: Coordination of RES and CO2 policies
Created => “2030“ Process COM consultation – report to EU Council Decision 2014/2015 ?
"State Interventions" Package: Key messages
Future EU Market Design "State Interventions" Package: Key messages More cross-border More market-based Competition between technologies
Market integration: support schemes
Phase in market exposure: Competitive allocation mechanisms Mechanism to reflect degree of maturity of technology Competition among RES – technology development Minimise impact on production decision Feed-in tariff Premium Quota
Market Integration: RES and power market rules
Phase in equal treatment: Balancing obligations Bearing of grid costs Dispatching rules Different degrees of harmonisation for all users
Neben Finanzmarktkrise DAS Thema
Security of supply
Uncoordinated national interventions are a threat to the Internal Energy Market
Source ENTSO-E Since 2011, the focus of the debate on energy markets has often shifted away from getting the basic market mechanism right and setting the correct preconditions for it to function. Whilst the work on this mechanism continued amongst experts, efforts at political level have had to be re-directed at preventing damage being done to the young market rather than reinforcing it. The November 2013 Public Intervention Package points at Member States' pivotal role in making the market a success rather than intentionally or unintentionally damaging it. Member States must reduce and limit their interventions to what is really necessary. They should realise that they are mutually dependent when it comes to maintaining jobs in energy intensive industries or in ensuring generation adequacy and security of supply. Uncoordinated actions can weaken or even destroy the Internal Energy Market.
Cooperation in parallel supply crisis?
Issue: Will merit curve survive?
Wholesale Market Design Issues Issue: Will merit curve survive? Somm say: no problem, 90% of market is forward trading, not via spot – really true? Some say we need adapt market design to RES-reality – determine the right price for RES “design markets” Shouldn’t rather RES and other subsidised technologies adapt to market? Also: are negative prices good or bad, etc…
Future EU Market Design
- Issues
"Market Design" discussion
Future EU Market Design Wholesale Target Model Technical balancing, ancillary service ETS CO2 price State interventions RES etc. Generation Adequacy +Flexibility? "Market Design" discussion EU ? Regional ? National? State- "designed" trading? Definition of what is "Market Design" is far from being clear. Broad approach (almost all issues discussed in energy policy are market design relevant); important. But: also necessary to focus then on specific issues, otheriwse risk that discussion remains vague and general. Market design an be: 1. Wholesale market design ("energy only"?, trading timeframes, maybe ancillary services); 2/3 In reality: RES / ETS discussion: Key importance! But not in focus – other process (2030); state interventions discussed separately. 4. "Technical" market design: how will alrogrithm be calculated (balancing), ancillary services, etc. 5. For many: Market design = "energy only" vs. capacity mechanisms. Adequacy – LT investment signals – flexibility (same different – address it separately?) 6. (!) specific in EU: impact of national / regional solutions in an integrated electricity market with meshed grids and cross-border pricing? (int literature is of limited value in this respect 7. Demand Side design: industry – household DSR; Smart grids, flexibility, DSO/TSO, etc. 8. Link to gas (supply crises, CCGT phase out), transport, heating 9. Legislative approach: self-regulation vs legislation (see market coupling implementation) 10. Market Design for many: state designs market (cap needs, adequate prices for RES, nuclear, etc. …) Self regulation/ legislation Demand Side participation Link to Gas, Transport, Heating
2014 Target Model: Outdated?
Future EU Market Design 2014 Target Model: MODERN! 2014 Target Model: Outdated? Is target model somewhat outdated? It's not! It IS a new market design (not only market coupling and grid operation - more in it than most are aware of, from joint adequacy assessment,solutions for cross-border SoS/ re-dispatch, for loop flow problems, more demand repsonse etc.)
Need for new Market Design?
1. Preserve market path – give ongoing harmonisation a chance !
Need for new Market Design?
2. Scope for finetuning? Flexibility – demand response - hedging Will flexibility markets evolve? Will DRS kick off? Need to finetune target model (options markets, etc.) Adequacy: guidance needed? Adequacy assessment C/B-openness Protection levels / solidarity
Need for new Market Design?
2. Scope for finetuning? System operation – IEM with fragmented TSOs? Fragmented system operation – capacity calculation CASC/CAO – CORESO - SSC - TSC = enough? EU ISO needed? Governance: Role of ENTSO-E – EU or national perspective? Role of ACER : EU or national perspective? 3rd package "bottom up" approach – suffient?
Making the Internal Energy Market Work
2011 The Heads of State of Government recognized the importance of having an internal energy market in place and set a clear deadline for its completion by 2014 2012 Report "Making the Internal Energy Market work" published by the European Commission assessing the state of the internal energy market In the last years, our common vision that energy markets can function and deliver what society needs has increasingly come under attack, sometimes in words but most often in deed. In 2011, Heads of State and Government agreed to set the deadline to complete the EU internal energy market by 2014. In November 2012, the European Commission reported exhaustively on the state of the internal energy market, taking stock at what has been achieved and identifying the main challenges for the future. The challenges were related firstly to need to implement and apply existing legislation, secondly to make our energy systems fit for low carbon future and thirdly to the consumer at the center stage. As the deadline set by the Heads of State and Government approaches, it is not only necessary to finalise the detailed technical rules required to integrate our energy markets across borders, but also to reiterate once more that market functioning in the energy sector is ultimately the only realistic tool to achieve our common policy objectives. Therefore, 18 month on the Commission will once again report on the progress reached in completing the internal energy market. June 2014 European Commission will report on the progress reached in completing the internal energy market
Thank you very much for your attention
Dr. Oliver Koch Deputy Head of Unit European Commission DG Energy Unit B-2 (Internal Market II: Wholesale; gas & electricity) DM 24 – 6/117 Brussels/Belgium
Long-term: new legislation?
Commission Toolbox: Advocacy (e.g. communication on state interventions) TFEU Art 28? Procurement? … 3rd Package "PSO? Art 3 E-Reg … COMP Law GBER EEAG Art 102/106? Long-term: new legislation? "2030" discussion – revised targets ?
Outlook …but: decisions need to be taken at one stage!
Next years = decisive - Will “consensus approach” work? - More COM intervention / harmonisation needed?
Issue: who decides about the “gap”?
Wholesale Market Design Issues Perceived security of supply concerns Issue: who decides about the “gap”? Central adequacy decision/estimation? (most got it wrong, even in more stable times…) Decentral or fully market-based decision on what is needed possible? (e.g. BDEW approach?)
(Key) issue in EU: How to avoid fragmented solutions?
Wholesale Market Design Issues (Key) issue in EU: How to avoid fragmented solutions? How to organise cross-border co-operation on security of supply? Technical dimension Political dimension Everybo´dy seems to agree "we need more C/B cooperation in SoS"; however: Can we show that we can technically organise it? Do you trust in it? As in "RES" debate: why should we pay for neighbours? => Aequacy: can we rely on neighbors? Also technically: CB may not be as easy as it may seem under current target model Fragmented solutions: not only "incomplete", but distortive – every national-only SoS system is de facto distoritive
Technical dimension How to organise cross-border
Wholesale Market Design Issues How to organise cross-border co-operation in security of supply matters ? Technical dimension C/B adequacy planning - in practice? C/B capacity/capability/flexibility ‘markets’ Common definitions (products) Common procedures (tender, auction, cap ticket,…) Physical long-term reservations/PTRs needed? Definitions: Which product to be certified: capacity? capability? Flexibility? Great variety if one looks into proposals Procedures: central certifications (of what? Cap tickets, etc., different standards) PTRs needed? Some say yes, some say no…again: can market coupling/implicit auctions/intraday solve the trick? (even with different "supply standards")
Political dimension How to organise cross-border
Wholesale Market Design Issues How to organise cross-border co-operation in security of supply matters ? Political dimension Parallel supply crisis: what happens? Upfront agreement on load shedding rules? => Can Member States rely on neighbours? No common load sheeding standard; would it be realistic to try? If different standards –how to share scarce resouces in time of crisis?
Issue: Allocation of "flexibility risk"
Wholesale Market Design Issues Issue: Allocation of "flexibility risk" Fair balancing responsibility for RES ? How? Additional "backup" responsibility needed? Will full balancing responsibility (see State interventions package) and intraday markets be sufficient? Will intraday and balancing be sufficient as "backup" for intermittent energy? If not: do consumers or intermittent generators pay for backup costs? Not to mention: Redispatching debate, grid connection debate (see State Interventions Package)?
Issue: Fair demand side participation
Wholesale Market Design Issues Issue: Fair demand side participation Is model neutral to supply and demand solutions? Does it maximise potential flexibility, storage, DSR, energy efficiency ? Fair balance between DSOs/TSOs How can we ensure that established generation and demand side (big & small) can participate at equal footing)?
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