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U NIVERSAL GRAMMAR & THE LANGUAGE FACULTY D AY 4, S EPT. 5, 2012 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University.

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Presentation on theme: "U NIVERSAL GRAMMAR & THE LANGUAGE FACULTY D AY 4, S EPT. 5, 2012 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University."— Presentation transcript:

1 U NIVERSAL GRAMMAR & THE LANGUAGE FACULTY D AY 4, S EPT. 5, 2012 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University

2 C OURSE MANAGEMENT 9/5/12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane 2

3 §1.3 Universal Grammar 9/5/12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane 3

4 S OME IDEAS Cognitive approach Tacit/explicit knowledge of language Competence/performance I-language Criteria of adequacy of a theory of UG Universality/descriptive adequacy Explanatory adequacy Parsimony Interface between PF & semantics Learnability 9/5/12 4 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

5 §1.4 The Language Faculty 9/5/12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane 5

6 S OME MORE IDEAS Theory of language acquisition Uniformity Rapidity Ignore correction Faculty of language (FL) Experience of L > FL (LAD) > grammar of L Innateness hypothesis of language acquisition Unique to humans Doesn’t depend on intelligence Doesn’t vary much Uniform & rapid Critical period 9/5/12 6 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

7 §1.5 Principles of UG 9/5/12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane 7

8 E VEN MORE IDEAS Universal Grammar Examples 18-20, pp. 20-21 Principles of UG Locality Minimization of how much a child has to learn 9/5/12 8 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane

9 NEXT TIME Parameters, summary §1.6 - 1.8 + Ex 1.1 - 1.2 9/5/12 ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane 9

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