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Sarah Mangum Director of Academic Budget and Policy Professional School Fee Student Advisory Panel February 2013 UC Davis Professional Degree Supplemental.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Mangum Director of Academic Budget and Policy Professional School Fee Student Advisory Panel February 2013 UC Davis Professional Degree Supplemental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Mangum Director of Academic Budget and Policy Professional School Fee Student Advisory Panel February 2013 UC Davis Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition Overview

2 Budget Context: State Funding vs. Student Tuition & Fees UC Davis, Annual Unrestricted State Revenue vs. Student Tuition and Fees ($ in Millions)

3 Professional Fees: History Timeline of UC Systemwide Actions on Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition Professional Fees Used to Offset State Budget Cuts Professional Fees Used to Maintain Program Quality

4 Student Fees: Budget and Fee Approval Process

5 Professional Fees: UC Policy Key Components of Current Policy Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition (PDST) shall be assessed to sustain and enhance the quality of the professional schools’ academic programs and services. Revenue from PDST will remain with the campuses and will not be used to offset reductions in State Support (at UC Davis revenue remains with the Professional Schools). PDST levels are approved by the Regents within the context of a multi-year plan that is subject to annual reconsideration. Multi-year plans should take into consideration: Resources required to sustain the academic quality and enrollment in the professional degree program. Remaining competitive with other institutions of similar quality. The cost of education for each specific degree. Financial aid should be supplemented in an amount equivalent to at least 33% of new PDST or an amount necessary to ensure that financial aid sources are equivalent to at least 33% of all PDST revenue.

6 Professional Fees: UC Policy Information Included in Multi-Year PDST Plans Description of academic and/or programmatic reasons for increase. Programmatic goals and an expenditure plan for new revenue. Efforts taken to avoid PDST increases (cost-cutting and/or fundraising). A market comparison of total fees charged by similar programs at comparison institutions. Policy requires that fees be at or below comparison institutions, however the Regents can approve proposals that do not meet this requirement. Information on program diversity and actions taken or planned to maintain or improve access for underrepresented groups. Description of financial aid goals and strategies, including: Outreach to students regarding financial aid. Encouraging public service careers. Information and viewpoint on student indebtedness. Information on the views of the program’s student body and faculty on the proposed increase and documentation of how consultation occurred.

7 UC PDST Task Force: Now Meeting… Task Force Charge The Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition (PDST) Task Force will give careful consideration to issues related to PDST, including the policy governing PDST and the process through which campuses propose new PDST charges and increases to existing PDST levels. The Task Force will make recommendations for necessary changes to policy and practice, and the President, in consultation with the Provost, will ultimately recommend revisions to the PDST policy for approval by the Regents. Task Force Membership Chaired by UC Provost Dorr Students (Key member: Student Regent Jonathan Stein) Faculty Administrators Staff All Campuses and Disciplines UC Davis Members: Provost Hexter, Dean Lairmore, Professor Robert Powell

8 UC PDST Task Force: Now Meeting… Topics Under Consideration How PDST levels are evaluated in the context of total charges; Whether there are other, better models for charging students in PDST programs (e.g., combining all charges into one tuition level); How programs evaluate the appropriate PDST level required to maintain and/or enhance program quality; How PDST levels, total charges, and other factors (e.g., student debt) are evaluated relative to those at comparable programs at other institutions; How the adequacy of financial aid for students enrolled in programs charging PDST is evaluated; How the impact of PDSTs on students interested in pursuing public service careers is considered; How strategies and progress for inclusion of underrepresented groups in programs charging PDST are considered and evaluated; What is meaningful consultation with students and faculty about PDST multi-year plans and how such consultation is considered and evaluated; The definition of professional programs; and, Procedural improvements.

9 Student Fees: Professional Degree Fee Levels UC Davis PDST Levels 2011-2014 (proposed) Notes: 1 Unless noted, PDST for residents & nonresidents is the same. 2 This is a proposal to begin charging a PDST for a newly approved program.

10 Student Fees: Uses of Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition at UC Davis Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition at UC Davis 2012-13 Estimate: $38.8 M Revenue Financial Aid Student Grants & Scholarships Loan Repayment Programs Instructional Programs Curriculum revisions, development, & support Clinical Activities & Support Student Surgery & Labs Legal Writing, Law Review, Student Journals Student Services Career Services Advising Financial Aid Support Registrar and Admissions Student Diversity Office Examples of Activities Funded by Category

11 Student Fees: Professional Degree Fee Levels

12 Student Fees: Fee Types, Uses, and Approval


14 Affordability: Percent of Graduates with Loans

15 Affordability: Average Total Loans per Graduates w/ Loans

16 Diversity: Racial/Ethnic

17 Diversity: Socioeconomic

18 Comparison Institutions Notes: N=Number of Public Comparison Institutions included in average. *2013-14 is the first year a MHS PDST is being proposed. Comparison amounts are adjusted to reflect a 3-quarter fee although total program length varies. **There is only one other veterinary public health program in the nation. It just started in 2012. Prior to this year the MPVM program had used MPH programs as comparisons.

19 Student & Faculty Consultation Process Expectations Consultation with students and faculty is required by UCOP Policy. Recent processes have required submission to the campus Graduate Student Association and the school/program student leadership or association (if one exists). Challenges The very short time that students are on campus before proposals are due to UCOP. In some shorter programs a large portion of the students being consulted will graduate before the fees take effect and thus have little engagement in the process. Student leadership has expressed concerns about their ability to maintain the expertise and knowledge of the process and annual proposals as there is natural turnover in the student leadership. Faculty tend to be less engaged in the consultation process. Most programs consult with their executive committee but receive little response or feedback.

20 Student & Faculty Consultation Process UC Davis 2013-14 Proposal Consultation Process For the 2013-14 PDST proposal development process UC Davis chose to take a more structured approach to student consultation for all our PDST programs. Goal was to improve transparency and quality of consultation. The Dean of Graduate Studies took the lead in establishing the process and critically reviewing the results that were reported by the schools. Each program was required to develop a “Consultation Plan” which was reviewed by the Dean of Graduate Studies prior to consultation occurring. A public website dedicated to the PDST process was established. The following are posted on this site: o Each program’s consultation plans o Initial PDST proposals so that they are easily accessible to students and faculty during the consultation process. o The final PDST proposals when they were submitted to UCOP. o The current three-year plans. The plan is for this site to maintain an archive of these plans so that future generations of students will be able to access them.

21 Student & Faculty Consultation Process UC Davis 2013-14 Proposal Consultation Process (cont.) The campus adjusted internal timeframes to allow as much time for student consultation as feasible (still not enough). Each program carried out the consultation plans and documented the results in their PDST plan. Programs also maintained additional backup documentation of the process, such as emails, survey results, a summary of the questions and discussion at student forums, and materials provided to the students. These materials were reviewed by the Dean of Graduate Studies and he provided an assessment of the process to the Provost. Putting into place this more structured process for consulting with students did seem to improve the quality of consultation this year and ensure that all programs did consult in some fashion. It also identified some possible best practices for consulting that could be used by more programs in the future. In person consultation (i.e. forums and discussions) was noted to be more meaningful than using email or electronic surveys.

22 Resources UC Davis Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition Website o Budget News ( Campus, UC system, state budget information) o Data, analysis, reports o Campus Budget Office: o Student Fees: Regents Policy on Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition o

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