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What South Africans die of... MEASUREMENT OF HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY: 2013 and beyond Dr Isabelle Schmidt Social Statistics Stats SA.

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Presentation on theme: "What South Africans die of... MEASUREMENT OF HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY: 2013 and beyond Dr Isabelle Schmidt Social Statistics Stats SA."— Presentation transcript:

1 What South Africans die of... MEASUREMENT OF HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY: 2013 and beyond Dr Isabelle Schmidt Social Statistics Stats SA



4 What South Africans die of...


6 What South Africans die of... HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY: THE AFRICAN CONTEXT Agrarian based economies: access to land important determinant of FS Small holder agriculture major role in food supply Early FS measurement focussed on harvest predictions and ID food aid needs

7 What South Africans die of... SOUTH AFRICAN HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY REALITIES Own food production: small contribution to FS Most food bought Employment and grants main sources of income Poverty and inequality main drivers of food insecurity

8 What South Africans die of... SOUTH AFRICAN FS MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Govt - MIS and early warning systems Alternative sources e.g. UNISA food security students deployed as Govt. Workers; NGO’s Govt - MIS and early warning systems Household questionnaire survey data Census

9 What South Africans die of... FOOD ACCESS Dat a Sou rce Fre- que ncy Valu e/ Statu s 1.% of households with moderate to severe food access problems GHS 2012 ANN UAL 21,5% 2. % of households in income quintiles 1-3 with moderate to severe food access problems GHS 2012 ANN UAL - 3.% of households who ran out of money to buy food for 5 or more days during the past 30 days GHS 2012 ANN UAL 7,2% 4.% who cut meal sizes for 5 or more days during the past 30 days GHS 2012 ANN UAL 7,0% 5.% of households who skipped meals because there was not enough food in the house for 5 or more days during past 30 days GHS 2012 ANN UAL 5,9% 6.% of households who ate a smaller variety of foods for 5 or more days during the past 30 days GHS 2012 ANN UAL 8,8% 7.% of households with child 17 years or younger who went hungry during the past year GHS 2012 ANN UAL 12,6% CURRENT INDICATORS: Food security statistics

10 What South Africans die of... Vulnerability to hunger and access to food, 2002-2012

11 What South Africans die of... Percentage of households experiencing food adequacy, by province, 2012

12 What South Africans die of... AVAILABILITY Data Source Fre- quen cy Value 7 % of urban households who engage in some agricultural activity GHS 2012AN- NUAL 5,9% 8 % of rural households who engage in some agricultural activity GHS 2012AN- NUAL 44,3% 9 % of households reliant on social grants for more than 50% of their household income IES/LCSPeriodic- 10% of households with at least one employed household member GHS 2012AN- NUAL 71,6%

13 What South Africans die of... UTILIZATION Data Source Fre- quencyValue 11 % of respondents with a high dietary diversity score GHS 2013ANNUALForth- coming 12 % of households who buy ultra processed food three or more times per week IES 2010/ 2011 5 yrs- 13% of households with access to piped water on or off- site GHS 2012Annual90,8% 14% of households without toilet facilities or still using a bucket toilet GHS 2012Annual5,3% 15% of households whose refuse is removed by the municipality, once per week or less often. GHS 2012Annual64,0% 16% of households connected to the main electricityGHS 2012Annual85,0%

14 What South Africans die of... Northern Cape 95,6% KwaZulu- Natal 87,3% 98,9% Western Cape Free State 96,7% Mpumalanga 87,5% North West 91,1% 79% Eastern Cape Gauteng 80,1% Limpopo 97,3% Access to piped water in the dwelling, off-site or on-site, 2012 85-89% 90-94% 79-84% >94% 56,3% 73,9% 75,8% 200284,9% 90,8% 2012

15 What South Africans die of... Northern Cape 6,1% KwaZulu- Natal 5,7% 3,2% Western Cape Free State 6% Mpumalanga 6,4% North West 5,8% 13,4% Eastern Cape Gauteng 6,3% Limpopo 1,8% Basic service delivery Households with no toilet facilities or using bucket toilet 6-10% >11% 0-5% 5,8% 2002 36,8% 17,3% 17,2% 10,9% 1,9% 7,5% 7,1% 20,5% EC Largest improvement since 2002

16 What South Africans die of... Let’s also take a closer look at……

17 What South Africans die of... Maize processing in South Africa Graph: CPI Statistics Source: Chamber of milling

18 What South Africans die of...

19 Food inflation and the poor Source: CPI Statistics

20 What South Africans die of... Income and expenditure survey/LCS The survey data provide the picture of the following: –Food items acquired at a detailed level, e.g. brown bread, white bread, long-life low-fat milk, fresh full-cream milk, etc. –Collect food items acquired by households –Provide annual expenditure on food –Provide food items produced by household –Provide estimated value of food items produced by household Households purchase some food items in bulk, some of which are not for immediate consumption

21 What South Africans die of... What cannot be provided –Actual consumption where bulk purchases were made Examples Bottled water for 3 months supply, 10 kg bag of rice that lasts for 3 months, 10 kg of boerewors that lasts for 4 months, etc. –Only monetary values and not quantities can be provided accurately ( data were collected in the LCS08/09 but was not of good quality)

22 What South Africans die of... Moving forward: The need Expand the statistical base (breadth) Gaps identified in all the social statistics themes (from the population theme to the environmental statistics theme) Expand the statistical base (depth)

23 What South Africans die of... Rural/urban More textured indicators Metro/Non-metro Income quintiles Composite indicators Dietary diversity score Composite food security index Scale or geography of reporting Municipal level Frequency At least once a year or more often

24 What South Africans die of... Resources Conflicting demands and priorities Moving forward: The constraints

25 What South Africans die of... Proposed Continuous Population Survey (CPS) Surveys YEAR 1(2015) YEAR 2(2016) YEAR 3(2017) YEAR 4(2018) YEAR 5(2019) YEAR 6(2020) YEAR 7(2021) YEAR 8(2022) CPS LCS/IES/ GHS District level CS/LCS/ IES/GHS Municipal level LCS/IES/ GHS Provincial level LCS/IES/G HS District level CS/LCS/ IES/GHS Municipal level LCS/IES/G HS Provincial level LCS/IES/G HS District level CS/LCS/IE S/GHS Municipal level FS indicators Access Availability Utilization Access Availability Utilization Access Availability Limited Utilization Access Availability Utilization Access Availability Utilization Access Availability Limited Utilization Access Availability Utilization Access Availability Utilization New FS indicators Anthropo- metrics Food expenditure Diarrhoea Anthropo- metrics Food expenditure Diarrhoea Level of Geography DistrictMunicipalProvincialDistrictMunicipalProvincialDistrictMunicipal

26 What South Africans die of... Thank you

27 What South Africans die of... Contact details General Household Survey (GHS) Isabelle Schmidt Niel Roux IES/LCS Nozipho Shabala Food CPI Patrick Kelly

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