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About Grammars CS 130 Theory of Computation HMU Textbook: Sec 7.1, 6.3, 5.4.

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1 About Grammars CS 130 Theory of Computation HMU Textbook: Sec 7.1, 6.3, 5.4

2 About grammars Simplifying grammars Normal forms for grammars Grammar Ambiguity

3 Grammar Productions Formal definition of a grammar provides much leeway Productions can be simplified or restricted to make proofs about CFGs simpler

4 Simplifications Removing useless symbols Those that cannot be derived from S and those that cannot reduce to a terminal string Removing є-productions A  є Removing unit productions A  B Normal forms e.g., Chomsky Normal Form

5 Useless symbols We want to ensure all productions in the grammar have no useless symbols, i.e., all symbols are generating and reachable Generating symbols All variables that could eventually derive a string of terminals; i.e., all A in V, such that there exists a string w of terminals where A  * w Reachable symbols All variables that can be reached from the start symbol; i.e., all A in V, such that S  * uAw, for some u and w

6 Removing useless productions Remove productions with non-generating symbols Requires identifying generating symbols recursively: right hand side of production contains only terminals and generating symbols Remove productions with non-reachable symbols Requires identifying reachable symbols recursively: S is reachable, and so are symbols that exist on the right hand side of productions with reachable symbols on the left hand side

7 Epsilon Productions є-productions: productions of the form A  є Nullable symbols: symbols A where A  є or A  B 1 B 2 …B n such that each B i is nullable For each production that has a nullable symbol on the right hand side, add a production without that symbol; apply rule iteratively on resulting productions After this step, all є-productions can be removed Note, if the language L generated by the original grammar includes є, then the language generated by the resulting grammar will be L – {є}

8 Unit Productions Unit productions: all productions of the form A  B Removing unit productions Identify unit pairs: pairs of variables (A, B) such that A  * B, and the derivation involves only unit productions For each unit pair (A, B), add the production A  w, whenever B  w and w is not a variable Unit productions may now be removed

9 Chomsky Normal Form CNF: all productions are of the form A  BC(B, C are variables) A  a(a is a terminal) How do we convert a grammar to an equivalent CNF grammar?

10 Greibach Normal Form GNF: all productions are of the form A  aB 1 B 2 …B n Note that A  a is allowed Note that if the grammar is GNF, each step in a derivation of a string adds a terminal How do we convert a grammar to an equivalent GNF grammar?

11 Recall CFG to PDA conversion Transition function  is based on the variables, productions and terminals of the grammar:  (q 0, є, A) includes (q 0, w) whenever A  w  (q 0, a, a) = (q 0, є ) for each a in T Easier and more intuitive if the grammar is of GNF  (q 0, a, A) = (q 0, B 1 B 2 …B n ) for each production A  aB 1 B 2 …B n

12 Ambiguous grammar A grammar G is ambiguous if there exists a string for which two different parse trees exist (two different leftmost derivations) Example: S  i = E E  n E  i E  E + E E  E * E Parse tree for i = n + n * n ?

13 Two leftmost derivations S  i = E  i = E + E  i = n + E  i = n + E * E  i = n + n * E  i = n + n * n S  i = E  i = E * E  i = E + E * E  i = n + E * E  i = n + n * E  i = n + n * n

14 Grammar and precedence S  i = E E  E + T E  T T  T * F T  F F  n F  i Parse tree for i = n + n * n ? S  i = E  i = E + T  i = T + T  i = F + T  i = n + T  i = n + T * F  i = n + F * F  i = n + n * F  i = n + n * n

15 Chomsky hierarchy Relaxing or adding restrictions to productions in a grammar leads towards a hierarchy of languages Note: Context-free grammar definition imposes that a production should take the form A  w, where A  T and w is a string over T  V

16 Chomsky hierarchy Regular languages (type 3) A  sB, A  s (A, B  V, s  T) Context-free languages (type 2) A  w (w is a string over T  V) Context-sensitive languages (type 1) uAw  uvw (u,v,w are strings over T  V) Recursively enumerable languages (type 0) v  w (productions are unrestricted)

17 Chomsky hierarchy regular recursive recursively enumerable context-free context-sensitive type 0 type 1 type 2 type 3

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