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Workshop 3 – Sustainable development Maritime accessibility Klaus Spiekermann TRACC project ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 3 – Sustainable development Maritime accessibility Klaus Spiekermann TRACC project ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 3 – Sustainable development Maritime accessibility Klaus Spiekermann TRACC project ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial cohesion: Blue Growth and Urban Poverty”

2 Questions to be addressed by presenters and in discussion: 1.What are main territorial trends or observations (from your project) in relation to sustainable development of the blue economy? -> Access to sources of blue growth -> Access to destination of blue growth  Regional differences Trends and observations from TRACC 2

3 GVA in water transport (NACE H50) Percent of total GVA

4 Employment in water transport (NACE H50) Percent of total employment

5 Global freight connectivity, Shipping Intercontinental container throughput of European seaports reachable within 72 h shipping transport time (Ths. TEU )

6 Global freight connectivity, Road Intercontinental container throughput of European seaports reachable within 36 h truck travel time (Ths. TEU )

7 Global freight potential, Road To Intercontinental container throughput of European seaports Index ESPON = 100

8 Global freight potential, Rail To Intercontinental container throughput of European seaports Index ESPON = 100

9 Global freight potential, Shipping To Intercontinental container throughput of European seaports Index ESPON = 100

10 Questions to be addressed by presenters and in discussion: 2.What opportunities and challenges exist for Europe and its regions (according to your project findings) for increasing competitiveness through sustainable growth of the blue economy? -Globalisation and change of trade relationships -Hinterland connections and intermodal terminals  Very different starting positions of regions in Europe Opportunities and challenges from TRACC 10

11 Access to global freight hubs New York Sea maritime generalised costs Euro / ton

12 Access to global freight hubs Shanghai Sea maritime generalised costs Euro / ton

13 European accessibillity potential Rail non-unitised Index: ESPON=100

14 European accessibillity potential Rail unitised Index: ESPON=100

15 Questions to be addressed by presenters and in discussion: 3.Which additional evidence is needed for policy makers to better cater for sustainable growth in the context of the blue economy?  Mhh … Additional evidence 15

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