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SIM hunting (One number reach) 2N ® NetStar.

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Presentation on theme: "SIM hunting (One number reach) 2N ® NetStar."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIM hunting (One number reach) 2N ® NetStar

2 Basics of SIM hunting: Never miss a call Publish only one number and have it ring on multiple devices although you are using a GSM gateway (FCT) Incoming calls to one particular number are routed to free SIM in the GSM gateway No need to publish plenty of SIM card numbers 2N ® NetStar

3 Benefits to providers: Provide typical service of fixed network in GSM/UMTS networks Obtain more customers and revenues from mobile networks Solution designed for providers and approved from them 2N ® NetStar

4 Benefits to customers: Cost saving Reachable behind one number only 2N ® NetStar

5 References: Telefónica O2 Czech Republic 2N ® NetStar

6 SIM hunting during call to 78 222 22 222 User’s SideNetwork Core 111112 PBX Analog, PRI, BRI, SIP 78 12345678 GSM Gateway Customer is calling at unique number 78 222 22 222 MSC 2N SIM hunting Platform 78 222 22 222 78 12345678 299 78 87654321 Busy!78 87654321

7 Outbound calls from 78 222 22 222 User’s SideNetwork Core 111299 PBX Analog, PRI, BRI, SIP 78 12345678 GSM Gateway Any extension is calling at 79 123456789 MSC 2N SIM hunting Platform 78 12345678 78 222 22 222 79 123456789 112

8 Parts of this solution: GSM Gateway on customer side Analog BRI/PRI VoIP 2N SIM hunting Platform Searching for a free SIM Database Redundancy for back-up 2N ® NetStar

9 2N TELEKOMUNIKACE Modřanská 621, 143 01 Praha 4 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 261 301 500 Fax: +420 261 301 599 E-mail: Start testing tomorrow!

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